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Gourmet bakers – A role model for success of any business

Sincerity and integrity has been code of conduct of business at Gourmet

[dropcap]U[/dropcap]nlike many other countries, Pakistan does not have many chains of retail outlets. Although there are some retail outlets, it may be quite surprising particularly in view of successful operations of national chains. One of such success stories are that of Gourmet Bakers, which also converted into food outlets, catering service and furniture business.

In the area of Ich’chra, Lahore, Gourmet took start with a small shop. The concept of fresh, healthy and hygienic food in affordable prices achieved quick popularity among bakery customers. The bakery products for breakfast were provided in limited areas, but because of the over-whelming support of our customers, Gourmet expanded not only across the provincial metropolis of Lahore but across the province of Punjab.

Planting the idea, Chaudhary Muhammad Nawaz Chattha, the founder and chairman of Gourmet, started his journey with the unique concept of hygienic and healthy food. He made his own coat of arm for trademark and that is simply a love for fine food…! We see his journey starts in fact from the day he planted the idea of bakery products at Shezan Industry, where he had served his best mettle for almost 11 years in the same field and got his expertise.

Mr. Chattha believes Gourmet is not just a family business, it is a family legacy of public interest that we value, safeguard and promote wholeheartedly. “I wish and sincerely pray that we stay rooted to our priceless principles and continue to serve people with the same level of passion, precision and perfection that is a trademark of Gourmet.”

Gourmet Tutti Frutti, Ketchup, Banana Ice Cream, Juices, etc., are really liked by many.

The vision of Gourmet, throughout these years was to provide a quality food in affordable prices. That’s why where ever the market inflation went Gourmet never broke its rules.


The vision of Ch. Muhammad Nawaz was higher than any crisis. Since he belongs to religious family, sincerity and integrity has been his code of conduct. Although, now the caretakers of the Gourmet Industries are his sons, but his vision remains unchanged over the time.

Gourmet restaurants are catering to needs of food lovers in different localities of Lahore. In this age of rapidly changing life styles consumers are driven to change their eating habits constantly.

Gourmet Restaurants responds to their desires and extended its existing product line. “We aim to make your life more pleasurable through our scientific processes, nutritious methods and latest machinery in our factories and laboratories,” a spokesman of company said, adding: “The milk products are processed under the scientific methods and supplied fresh from our huge factory at Sundar.”

Gourmet is also providing catering for all occasion for your convenience to give grace to your celebrations. We are proud of providing taste with healthy, innovated and best quality food that tempts your appetite at all times.

Gourmet Bakers has a chain of its outlets in Lahore and across the province. Bakeries use profit margins to determine the overall health of business and to price items competitively in the marketplace. If the average profit margin for a bakery is too low, the bakery may not turn a profit for the fiscal year. High profit margins mean high product mark-ups, which could send customers looking for cheaper alternatives.

Accurate cost calculation is necessary to estimate your profit margin from sold bakery goods. Your bakery is essentially a manufacturing business that calculates total product cost by adding the cost of direct labor, materials and overhead. The direct labor cost for your bakery would be the hourly-rate of your baker, while the materials cost would be sugar, flour and anything else used to make the product.

Overhead is the electricity spent on baking machines, any rent for the building and administrative salaries. The cost per unit of a baked good is the total cost divided by the number of units produced.

Gourmet Bakers is extending quality products to people at affordable rates. With its current trend, business of Gourmet is set to witness increase in time ahead.

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