[dropcap]T[/dropcap]echnical, vocational education and skills development increases productivity of individuals, profitability of employers and expansion of national development. It is a fact that countries, such as Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia and many more have achieved place in the global workplace as well as social and economic gains after they have invested heavily in human resource development during the initial stages of development.
Technical, vocational education is the need of Pakistan. For providing young people respectable employment it is necessary that purposeful technical and vocational education be provided. In this context the people use their capabilities in worthwhile activities and making their families useful citizens of the society. The training was like related to how to do manual tasks and how to operate any sort of machinery.
The government is fully prepared to provide technical and vocational education along with the conventional education which would benefit the economy in the long run. More than 50,000 unemployed youth will be trained all over Pakistan in different technical trades. The courses are free of charge and stipends will be paid to the trainees. It has been noticed and observed that in the past in Pakistan, technical and vocational education was only given to low level workers.
Under new challenges, the Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) is providing training in embroidery and are working to update the courses i.e. curriculum and training methodologies to meet demands of the national and international markets. It recently recommended the government to set up a technical training institute in every administrative division. It had recently signed agreements with internationally-recognized vocational education institutes like City and Guilds and Skill International to share expertise and resources in terms of competency standards and curricula.
The Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development Program as a part of this process according to which the selected young people from across the country are being imparted technical and vocational training in phases. They are also being provided with stipends and essential tool kits according to their specialization so that they face no difficulty when they enter their practical life after completing their training.
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has opened new openings of development for which Pakistan need technically and vocational skilled youth in different fields. The establishment of Skill Counseling Desk and Job Placement Centre by National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) for guidance regarding employment opportunities and selection of training fields are a welcome step. NAVTTC’s initiative of holding skill competitions across the country not only created awareness among the youth but also helped them realize the importance of technical and vocational education.
NAVTTC is an apex body at national level to regulate, facilitate and provide policy direction in vocational and technical training. The commission is establishing and promoting linkages among various stakeholders at national and international level.
In Pakistan, now, sector of information and technology, fashion, tourism, retail and management have also even started to give large importance to technical and vocational education programs. Every sector in Pakistan now does not hire a single employee until and unless he/she have not attained certain amount of skills.
With global development there is more need of technical and vocational education in Pakistan. There is the belief that the incorporation of educational programs will be reducing the poverty level in Pakistan.
A larger percentage of individuals in Pakistan are unemployed. The real reason behind this lacking is that people of Pakistan are not that much skilled enough and they always fail to come on the requirements of any job line. If one wants to get the job instantly, he/she have to attain some technical and vocational education. This education will allow each and every candidate of Pakistan to be to get successfully the job.
There is the need in Pakistan to have a well trained workforce. There will be opening up many employment opportunities for the students. In this context there will be reduction in drug addiction activities, activities of warlords, trafficking and gang involvement activities. The absence in skill, experience level and education is making our youth of Pakistan to go not sophisticated. If they will be given sufficient amount of technical and vocational training then there is not a way that will make them to go backward.
In the past colleges and universities in Pakistan only used to place emphasis on theoretical matters. All the institutes are now putting emphasis on skills and training acquisition. Rapidly institutes are now coming up in Pakistan with sufficient supply of training materials, efficient and effective training instructors and trained learners.
Last year there was the approval of introduction of 59 short-term skills development projects with emphasis on under-developed areas of the country. The technical and vocational sector in Pakistan was ignored for long. The government is now focusing to improve it to cater to not only the national but international market. Now there is much focus on marketable skills that has in demand at home and abroad. Europe and USA also controlled the influx of graduates with introduction of technical education.