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How to follow our meeting of the Global Future Councils 2017

How to follow our meeting of the Global Future Councils 2017

The meeting will be held in Dubai on 11 and 12 November Image: Keit Trysh

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]This article is part of the Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils

World Economic Forum[/box]

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]even hundred experts are meeting in Dubai in early November to discuss how breakthrough technologies can bring about change in critical areas such as health, energy and infrastructure. It’s called the Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils; here’s our guide on how to follow it on our digital channels.

Join the conversation

The official meeting hashtag is #gfc17. Follow tweets on this hashtag to keep up with everything going on at the meeting.

The World Economic Forum’s official Twitter account @wef has over 3 million followers.

You can also follow our communities: Global ShapersTechnology PioneersSchwab Foundation and Young Global Leaders.


You can also join our 4.5 million followers on We will post highlights from the meeting and stream selected sessions live.


Follow us on Instagram, here


Follow the meeting on our LinkedIn page at


Follow the meeting on Google+ at


Live streamed session videos will be available on YouTube.



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For almost 50 years, the Forum has been the catalyst for global initiatives, historic shifts, industry breakthroughs, economic ideas, and tens of thousands of projects and collaborations. Find out about our impact here:

Forum Agenda

We have already started publishing articles relevant to the meeting, which you can find here:

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You can also read expert insight and commentary in Chinese and Spanish.


A selection of the best pictures will be made available free of charge under the creative commons licence (cc-by-sa) on Flickr at

[box type=”note” align=”” class=”” width=””]Written by

World Economic Forum,

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.[/box]

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