[tooltip text=”Karachi, November 27, 2017″ gravity=”nw”]Pak-Qatar Takaful Co-Hosts International Seminar On “Global Takaful Practices” At Iba-Ceif[/tooltip]
[dropcap]P[/dropcap]ak-Qatar Takaful group in partnership with Institute of Business Administration’s Center of Excellence in Islamic Finance (IBA-CEIF) co-hosted a seminar on “Global Takaful Practices”. The key speakers at the seminar at IBA-CEIF are renowned internationally acclaimed Islamic Finance Scholars that include Dr. Sheikh Suleiman bin Mohammed Al Jewisser from Saudi Arabia and Mufti Muhammad Hassaan Kaleem from Pakistan. Pak-Qatar Takaful is the pioneer and largest Takaful group in Pakistan (comprised of Pak-Qatar Family Takaful and Pak-Qatar General Takaful companies).
Pak-Qatar Takaful recently invited Dr. Sheikh Suleiman bin Mohammed Al Jewisser (a renowned Islamic Finance scholar) as their guest to visit Pakistan and share his latest International practices on Takaful. Dr. Sheikh Suleiman will meet various local Shari’a Scholars, Government Dignitaries, senior Islamic Bankers, State Bank of Pakistan officials, prominent Pakistani businessmen and Pak-Qatar Takaful Group management for understanding Takaful practices of Pakistan.
Dr. Sheikh Suleiman, currently serves as Chairman of Shariah Advisory Board (Al-Rajhi Bank) Head of Shari’ah and Secretary to Shar’iah Board of Al Rajhi Takaful. Dr. Suleiman holds a Master’s degree in Islamic Shariah politics of the Higher Judicial Institute at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, a specialist in Islamic Takaful adoption of the General Council of the Islamic banks and financial institutions.
Mufti Muhammad Hassaan Kaleem is an eminent Shari’a Scholar of Pakistan and is a member of Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Shari’ah Advisory Board. He holds the degrees of Alimiyyah and Takhassus (specialization) in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) from Jamia Darul Uloom, Karachi and Centre for Islamic Economics. He is also a faculty member /teacher at the same institutions.
Furthermore, he is a member of the curriculum committee of the National Institute of Banking and Finance (NIBAF). His areas of expertise are Islamic Finance and Takaful. He is Head of Shari’ah at both Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan and Center for Islamic Economics, Pakistan. He is a frequent guest-speaker and lecturer at many different conferences, seminars and forums.
The Chief Executive Officer of Pak-Qatar Family Takaful – Mr. Nasir Ali Syed stated that; “It is a great opportunity for the people of Pakistan to have the honour of interacting with Dr. Suleiman and get enlightened with his expertise of Islamic Finance and Takaful. Pak-Qatar Takaful has- always been committed to nurture highly competitive and learned managers for accelerating growth in this industry.”
The interactive session with Dr. Suleiman was a blend of industrial insights and academic learning. Through this session, people were able to gain a clearer understanding of various Islamic financial services, including Shariah-compliant Investments and Takaful (The Islamic mode of Insurance). Moreover, Dr. Suleiman’s expertise will help in building solid foundation and knowledge-base, by engaging the Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Academicians, Finance Managers, Students, Human Resources Managers, Consultants and other stake-holders of the industry.
High level guests from all Islamic Banks, Islamic Banking windows, Takaful companies & windows, Islamic University, businessmen and corporate clients from Pak-Qatar Takaful and various trade associations attended the event.