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Rational thinking – key to economic analyses

Rational thinking – key to economic analyses

We daily come across people making over-generalizations as to various economic factors. You daily encounter people saying that Pakistan’s economy is in doldrums and is about to sink or Pakistan’s economy is blooming like anything. Someone, sometimes, might have considered the actual economic figures before making such comments, while majority views are just to praise or disapprove the government policies based on their political affiliations. Being a citizen of Pakistan, everybody has the right to applause or criticize the government policies including economic policies, nonetheless such analyses should essentially be based on some solid economic indicators/figures and logical analyses of those factors.

As the interest of our youth has deepened into the politics and social media have provided them a platform to praise and criticize the policies of the government, they should do it in a more rational way based on some data. In this article, I have tried to point out various economic indicators; those should be considered while making comments as to the health of the state economy.

The best quantitative way is to compare some measurable variables of the economy over a certain period. Relating various economic factors to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the easiest and the most reliable measure to do so. Various economic factors can be considered in this regard and be compared to GDP to reflect on the economic health of the country. I recommend at least considering following five economic indicators to make your assessment more authentic and quantifiable:



Though considering the above economic indicators is an effective guide to make your analyses valid and reliable, but just considering the above factors is not enough. Even apparently, a week economic indicator can have a long-term positive justification. For example, a cursory view of our current trade deficit may indicate an alarming gap in imports and exports, however, detailed analyses may suggest that this gap has increased due to heavy imports of machinery etc caused by triggering of the economy by CPEC and related infrastructure projects. So one have to weigh all the related economic factors while analyzing the economy.

Being able to identify and analyze the economic data as mentioned above is a must and be taken as the minimum intellectual effort one should expect from all the people evaluating and commenting upon the economic policies. Developing the habit of searching for the data and then comparing it on some rational logical ground make some comments would provide an academic arena to develop intellectual muscles especially to the youth. This exercise would help the youth to be more pragmatic and would not only sharpen their analytical skills but also help them to take the challenges of their practical life and career more realistically and upfront.

Perceptions are though stronger than realities but youth, being foundation stone of our future, owe a responsibility to ensure that perceptions are not carried away by sheer propaganda and realities do have their part in shaping perceptions. Moreover, we should be able to sieve out realities from the propaganda. We can ensure this by developing and imparting a habit of rational thinking. Exercising the points mentioned above would definitely sharpen rational thinking helping to make valid analyses.

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