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Orix’s aspires in providing innovative value added products, services

Orix’s aspires in providing innovative value added products, services

ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited (OLP) was established in July 1986 as a joint venture between ORIX Corporation, Japan and local investors. ORIX Corporation is an integrated financial services group based in Tokyo, Japan, providing innovative value added products and services to both corporate and retail customers. It is listed on Tokyo and New York Stock Exchanges.

With operations in 26 countries and regions worldwide, ORIX’s activities include corporate financial services, such as leases and loans, as well as automobile operations, rental operations, real estate related finance, real estate development, life insurance and investment banking.

By pursuing new profit-earning opportunities through specialized leasing capabilities and broadening operational scope, ORIX has achieved sustained growth in earnings over the years. ORIX has supplemented its leasing expertise with specialized capabilities in various kinds of financial transactions as well as management of tangible assets. The Group’s fundamental strength lies in its ability to keep one step ahead of the competition by constantly seizing on new business opportunities.

Corporate Lease
Commercial Vehicle Leasing
Innovative Products Range
Consumer Auto Lease
Operating Lease
Islamic Finance



Shariah Approval Of Ijaran And Diminishing Musharakah Products

OLP Islamic Finance Division offers following Shariah Compliant Products:

  1. Ijarah
  2. Diminishing Musharkah

Corporate and Commercial customers can choose from Shariah Compliant financing solution to meet their business needs.

Ijarah: Medium to long term facility for vehicle (Corporate and Individual), plant and machinery leased out to the client on rental basis.

Diminishing Musharakah: Medium to long term facility for vehicles (Corporate and Individual), plant and machinery on joint ownership (Shirkat ul Milk) basis.

Initial Financing by OLP will be for acquiring share in the (tangible) asset not to provide a Loan.

Through periodic repayments Customer will acquire OLP’s share in asset and portion of the repayment consist of rentals for the use of asset by the Customer.

That arrangement for Diminishing Musharakah contract comprises of following:

  1. Joint ownership agreement between OLP and Customer.
  2. Ijarah Agreement between OLP and Customer.
  3. Unit Purchase Agreements between OLP and Client.
  4. Corporate Lease
Making your small business grow

ORIX provides reliable short to medium term financial products for the establishment and growth of micro businesses and enterprises. The microfinance programme is targeted to strengthen the economic base of urban and rural poor by increasing income earning members of a community.

Currently OLP offers following range of products under its microfinance programme:

Micro Leasing: Financing is provided to micro entrepreneurs on a profit-making basis all over the country. Under the micro leasing scheme for equipment and machinery, ORIX finance productive assets like generators, photocopiers, lathes etc.

Microcredit: ORIX Micro credit loans are based on group lending methodology through which peer groups of five women are self selected and incorporated into a credit council of 20 borrowers.

No physical collateral is required and access to products and services is quick and prompt.

The loan recovery is based on the premise that each council member takes on responsibility for her peers and in case of emergency or non-payment, the women who constitute the council assume responsibility for timely repayment.

The 20 members comprising a council consist of married, divorced or widowed female clients.

Divorced and widowed clients are encouraged in the group lending approach so that they can earn for themselves by starting a business or by increasing their existing businesses.

Poverty alleviation program

Innovative projects for providing soft term financing for income generation to fully recovered patients of Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre (MALC) and Pakistan Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PSRD) are implemented in financial assistance with Pakistan Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (SDC).

NGO linkage

To expand the scope of financial intervention for micro enterprises and also to contribute positively towards the millennium development goals, ORIX has started providing financing to women of the poor households.

Agri Finance
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