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Economic Indicator Of Pakistan

Economic Indicator

An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries.



Overview Last Reference Previous
Currency 116 Apr/18 116
Stock Market 46486 points Apr/18 46477
Government Bond 10Y 9 % Apr/18 9
GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.28 % Dec/16 4.51
GDP 284 USD Billion Dec/16 271
GDP Constant Prices 12416918 PKR Million Dec/17 11749685
Gross National Product 13081028 PKR Million Dec/17 12405972
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1647268 PKR Million Dec/16 1558295
GDP per capita 1182 USD Dec/16 1140
GDP per capita PPP 4866 USD Dec/16 4695
GDP From Agriculture 2284561 PKR Million Dec/17 2208087
GDP From Construction 320769 PKR Million Dec/17 294154
GDP From Manufacturing 1572948 PKR Million Dec/17 1494169
GDP From Mining 339747 PKR Million Dec/17 335241
GDP From Services 6970204 PKR Million Dec/17 6577139
GDP From Transport 1551714 PKR Million Dec/17 1492876
Unemployment Rate 5.9 % Dec/16 5.9
Employed Persons 57420 Thousand Dec/15 56520
Unemployed Persons 3620 Thousand Dec/15 3580
Population 208 Million Dec/16 190
Living Wage Family 28800 PKR/Month Dec/17 29000
Living Wage Individual 14400 PKR/Month Dec/17 14500
Wages High Skilled 49800 PKR/Month Dec/17 41100
Wages Low Skilled 20700 PKR/Month Dec/17 17000
Inflation Rate 3.25 % Mar/18 3.8
Consumer Price Index CPI 220 Index Points Mar/18 220
Core Inflation Rate 5.8 % Mar/18 5.2
GDP Deflator 257 Index Points Dec/16 251
Producer Prices 225 Index Points Mar/18 225
Export Prices 715 Index Points Dec/17 708
Import Prices 1209 Index Points Dec/17 1204
CPI Transportation 187 Index Points Mar/18 184
Food Inflation 0.99 % Mar/18 3.42
Inflation Rate Mom 0.31 % Mar/18 0.03
Producer Prices Change 3.65 % Mar/18 4.1
Interest Rate 6 % Mar/18 6
Interbank Rate 6.01 % Nov/17 6.01
Money Supply M0 4990509 PKR Million Feb/18 4908512
Money Supply M1 12211813 PKR Million Feb/18 12053477
Money Supply M2 14792522 PKR Million Feb/18 14606134
Money Supply M3 18345321 PKR Million Feb/18 18146883
Deposit Interest Rate 4.83 % Dec/16 6
Foreign Exchange Reserves 18774 USD Million Nov/17 19584
Balance of Trade -319779 PKR Million Feb/18 -401391
Exports 209996 PKR Million Feb/18 217588
Imports 529775 PKR Million Feb/18 618979
Current Account -3867 USD Million Dec/17 -3557
Current Account to GDP -4.1 % Jun/17 -1.7
External Debt 88891 USD Million Dec/17 85052
Terms of Trade 59.2 Index Points Dec/17 58.8
Remittances 4791 USD Million Sep/17 5246
Gold Reserves 64.6 Tonnes Mar/18 64.56
Capital Flows -3832 USD Million Dec/17 -967
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