Pakistan & Gulf Economist

Almeezan Investment: overall funds performance by July 2018

In Pakistan, Al Meezan Investment’s philosophy is no doubt based on a long-term strategic view, seeking to deliver sound investment returns with acceptable levels of risk and consistent value creation for their investors in a Shariah-compliant manner. As the largest private sector Asset Management and Investment Advisory Firm operating in Pakistan the company has an impressive track record of over 23 years.

Al Meezan provides a diverse range of Shariah-compliant investment solutions ranging from equity, balanced, asset allocation, fixed income, money market, capital preservation, fund of fund, commodity and voluntary pension schemes.

Meezan Tahaffuz Pension Fund

The experts of the company mentioned in the report that as on July 31, 2018, the total size of net assets of Meezan Tahaffuz Pension Fund (MTPF) reached at Rs 9,364 million. For the month of July , NAV of equity sub fund rose by 1.24 percent of gold sub fund declined -5.21 percent, while the NAVs of debt and money market sub funds offered annualized returns of 2.50 percent and 3.32 percent respectively.


Meezan Gold Fund

Furthermore, the net assets of Meezan Gold Fund (MGF) as on July 31, 2018 reached at Rs 246 million. The fund’s NAV declined by -4.66 percent during the month.

KSE-Meezan Index Fund

The financial report of the company also shows that as on July 31, 2018, the net assets of KSE-Meezan Index Fund (KMIF) reached at Rs 1.72 billion. The funds’ NAV rose by 1.67 percent during the month of July.

Meezan Financial Planning Fund Of Fund

The Total size of net assets of Meezan Financial Planning Fund of Fund (MFPFOF) reached at Rs 2,374 million as on July 31, 2018, for the month of July. The NAV of aggressive plan rose by 0.81 percent while the NAVs of moderate plan, conservative plan, MAAP-I, and MAAP-IV offered returns of 0.78 percent, 0.53 percent, 1.00 percent and -1.53 percent respectively.

Meezan Cash Fund

The management also mentioned that the net assets of Meezan Cash Fund (MCF) also reached at Rs 9.80 billion as on July 31, 2018. MCF has offered an annualized return of 4.96 percent for the month of July as against to its benchmark which has offered an annualized return of 2.61 percent during the same period.



Meezan Sovereign Fund

The statistics also explicated that the net assets of Meezan Sovereign Fund (MSF) reached at Rs 1.90 billion as on July, 2018. For the month of June, the fund has provided an annualized return of -2.11 percent as against to its benchmark which has offered an annualized return of 6.49 percent during the same period.

Meezan Islamic Income Fund

During July 30, 2018, the net assets of Meezan Islamic Income Fund (MIIF) reached at Rs 9.90 billion. MIIF has provided as annualized return of 4.82 percent for the month of July as against to its benchmark which has offered an annualized return of 2.56 percent during the same period.

Al Meezan Mutual Fund

During July 30, 2018, the net assets of Al Meezan Mutual Fund (AMMF) reached at Rs 7.10 billion. The fund’s NAV rose by 1.07 percent during the month of July as against to 1.80 percent rise in bench mark (KMI-30) while KSE-100 index during the corresponding period increased by 1.90 percent as on July 31, the fund was recorded 92 percent invested in equities.

Meezan Islamic Fund

In the report of the company, it is also mentioned that the Net assets of Meezan Islamic Fund reached at Rs 39.50 billion as on July 31, 2018. The fund’s NAV rose by 1.01 percent during the month of July as against to 1.80 percent income in benchmark index (KMI-30) while KSE-100 index during the corresponding period increased by 1.91 percent as on July 31, the fund was 92 percent invested in equities.

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