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Economic Indicator Of Pakistan

Economic Indicator

An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries.



Pakistan – Economic Indicators
Overview Last Reference Previous
Employed Persons 62230 Thousand Dec/17 58530
Unemployed Persons 3620 Thousand Dec/15 3580
Population 200 Million Dec/17 208
Living Wage Family 29700 PKR/Month Dec/18 29500
Living Wage Individual 13500 PKR/Month Dec/18 13400
Wages High Skilled 51400 PKR/Month Dec/18 49200
Wages Low Skilled 28700 PKR/Month Dec/18 21700
Interbank Rate 7.85 % Jul/18 6.83
Money Supply M0 5419477 PKR Million Sep/18 5561476
Money Supply M1 13071186 PKR Million Sep/18 13199292
Money Supply M2 15791356 PKR Million Sep/18 15792086
Money Supply M3 19494228 PKR Million Sep/18 19459457
Deposit Interest Rate 4.48 % Dec/17 4.83
Foreign Exchange Reserves 14016 USD Million Oct/18 14921
Loans To Private Sector 4801760 PKR Million Oct/18 4747588
Balance of Trade -383118 PKR Million Oct/18 -335341
Exports 248128 PKR Million Oct/18 214367
Imports 631246 PKR Million Oct/18 549708
Current Account -3665 USD Million Sep/18 -5798
Current Account to GDP -8.2 % Jun/18 -5.3
External Debt 95097 USD Million Jun/18 91761
Terms of Trade 57.1 Index Points Jun/18 58.4
Industrial Production 1.92 % Sep/18 -3.21
Manufacturing Production 1.83 % Sep/18 -3.33
Changes in Inventories 209611 PKR Million Dec/17 188442
Internet Speed 2327 KBps Mar/17 2436
IP Addresses 2921934 IP Mar/17 2917426
Cement Production 3144 Thousands of Tonnes Sep/18 2942
Competitiveness Index 51.08 Points Dec/18 49.77
Competitiveness Rank 107 Dec/18 106
Corruption Index 32 Points Dec/17 32
Corruption Rank 117 Dec/17 116
Ease of Doing Business 136 Dec/18 147
Electricity Production 14647 Gigawatt-hour Jun/18 14475
Precipitation 6.35 mm Dec/15 8.79
Temperature 10.83 celsius Dec/15 16.09
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