Fauji Fertilizer Company (FFC) is one of the leading public listed fertilizer manufacturing & marketing companies of the country, with more than 4 million tonnes sales volume and widespread dealers’ network across the country. FFC was incorporated in 1978 as a joint venture between Fauji Foundation, a charitable trust in Pakistan and Haldor Topsoe of Denmark to set up urea production facility. FFC manufactures & markets its own Sona Urea (Prilled) around 2.5 million tonnes/annum and associated company FFBL products Sona Urea (Granular) & Sona DAP. In order to promote balanced fertilizer use and contribute in national food security, FFC is also marketing imported fertilizer products i.e. FFC DAP, FFC SOP, FFC MOP, Sona Zinc and Sona Boron.
We create value for our customers and economy through producing and marketing quality fertilizers; our products are meant for better crop productivity and enhancing farm economics. To meet the expectations of our consumers we are committed producing quality fertilizers which corresponds to the international environment and safety standards. FFC makes sure that employees, customers, general public and the environment can rely on the safety of its products throughout the entire product lifecycle. Company holds int’l certification from IFA on Protect and Sustain aspect i.e. from production to last mile delivery quality assurance.
Our premium quality fertilizers alongwith free advisory services for farmers on new farming techniques help increasing crop output and increases the productive potential of land, which is imperative to ensure sustainable agri. productivity to meet the nutritional needs of the growing population & raw material for agri. industry. Implementation of 4R nutrient stewardship (Right product, Right quantity, Right time & Right method) helps providing balanced crop nutrition, reducing production cost, and ultimately optimum crop yields. In collaboration with HarvestPlus, we render efforts to reduce malnutrition and improve the lives of under-nourished population. We have laid out 19 demonstrations in different agro ecological zones in liaison with HarvestPlus to publicize the Zinc fortified wheat variety “Zincol” in the country.
FFC plays key role in supporting public services through tax payments/collection and foreign exchange savings. The company has contributed more than US$ 13.65 billion to the National Exchequer through import substitution of over 59 million tonnes of urea since inception. During the year 2018, cash contribution to national exchequer comprising of taxes, levies and accrued GIDC was Rs. 36.8 billion and foreign exchange savings was US$ 650 million through import substitution of 2.52 million tonnes urea production. FFC continues to its business diversification strategy for delivering healthy & sustainable returns to their shareholders & stakeholders. FFC Subsidiary Companies include FFC Energy Limited & Fauji Fresh n Freeze Limited, whereas Associated Companies include Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited, Fauji Cement & Askari Bank Limited, Thar Energy Limited and FFC Joint Venture Company Pakistan Maroc Phosphore S.A.
FFC has a well defined CSR policy in place to support communities through taxes, local procurement, donations and provision of facilities around the plantsite. FFC spent Rs. 89 million on CSR activities in the areas of education, healthcare, community support & uplift and sponsoring events for Agri. sector development.
FFC abide by all legal obligations and follow several voluntary initiatives in social, economic and environmental areas. We remained actively engaged with all stakeholders and sponsored holding of exhibitions/seminars are sponsored and contributes towards policy making arena.
We have got memberships for the followings renowned organizations;
- United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
- International Fertilizer Industry Association
- Fertilizer Manufacturers of Pakistan Advisory Council (FMPAC)
- Fertilizer Industry Public Relations Committee (FIPRC)
- Arab Fertilizer Association
- Marketing Association of Pakistan
- World wildlife Fund (WWF)
FFC has maintained a loyal customer base through consumer oriented strategy by marketing quality products backed by efficient advisory since 1981. Our farm advisory services are an integrated approach of agronomic, extension and soil testing activities. Agri. Services team provides guidance in line with area crops and socio-economic position of the farmers. Company maintain close liaison with research organizations to transfer the latest findings to the farming community through our farm advisory services. FFC Agri Services team have laid out 5221 crop demonstrations, conducted 716 seminars, 15,606 farmer capacity building programs, 394 training programs for officials of allied public / private organizations, 25,693 group discussion and have also visited 58,137 farms of progressive grower. FFC Soil & Water Testing Labs have analyzed more than 550,826 soil samples along with 14,500 samples for micro nutrients (Zinc, Boron & Iron).
To strengthen the advisory services and facilitate farmers, agri literature is published and distributed among farming community for their ready reference. Fertilizer Guidebook, Fertilizer Recommendation book, quarterly Zarai Report, twenty-two crop, vegetable, orchard, soil reclamation brochures, agro-grams, posters and pamphlets containing latest information are being published. Farmers are kept updated on operational requirements of crops and weather advisory around the year through SMS alerts, toll free helpline (from landline) 0800-00332, which helps farmers in having the emergent solutions of their issues remotely.
Keeping pace with innovations in ICT, Company has been extending the facility of e-agriculture for farmers. The Kashtkar Desk has been developed on corporate website (www.ffc.com.pk) to facilitate the farmers. The published Agri literature and crop documentaries are uploaded and regularly updated to assist the farmers in profitable farming. The contact list of Agri Services team spread over marketing area is also available on corporate website. The queries received are replied promptly by our experts.
FFC is operating Fertilizer Research Centre at Faisalabad and is carrying out R&D work to develop value added products (slow release fertilizers, biologically enhanced fertilizers, micronutrients impregnated fertilizers & N-inhibiting fertilizers), which would increase agricultural output, improve farm economics and safe environment. FFC collaborated with FAO, USDA in the development of Soil Fertility Atlas for four provinces of Pakistan through sharing of soil analysis data of FFC Labs. These atlasses are important tool for precise land management and enhancing small scale farmers’ output.
FFC will continue its commitment to play its role for sustainable Agri development, ensuring national food security and contribution towards national economy by promoting package of best farming practices in a socially responsible and environment friendly way.