Pakistan & Gulf Economist

Market Indicators

Market indicators are a series of technical indicators used by traders to predict the direction of the major financial indexes. Most market indicators are created by analyzing the number of companies that have reached new highs relative to the number that created new lows, also known as market breadth.

Pakistan Open Market Forex Rates (Aug 09 2019)
Currency Symbol Buying Selling
Australian Dollar AUD 106 108
Bahrain Dinar BHD 413.5 415.5
Canadian Dollar CAD 117 120
China Yuan CNY 22.6 22.75
Danish Krone DKK 23.75 24.05
Euro EUR 175 177.25
Hong Kong Dollar HKD 20.3 20.55
Indian Rupee INR 2.22 2.29
Japanese Yen JPY 1.49 1.52
Kuwaiti Dinar KWD 524.5 527
Malaysian Ringgit MYR 38.05 38.4
NewZealand $ NZD 103.45 104.15
Norwegians Krone NOK 17.75 18
Omani Riyal OMR 415 417
Qatari Riyal QAR 43.8 44.15
Saudi Riyal SAR 41.5 42.05
Singapore Dollar SGD 112.75 114.75
Swedish Korona SEK 15.15 15.4
Swiss Franc CHF 163.36 164.25
Thai Bhat THB 5.1 5.2
U.A.E Dirham AED 42.5 43.1
UK Pound Sterling GBP 190 193.5
US Dollar USD 158 158.9

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Gold & Silver Rates In Pakistan (Rs)
City Gold Silver
24K 10 Grams 24K Per Tola 22K 10 Grams 10 Grams
Karachi 72,016.00 84,000.00 66,015.00 780.45
Hyderabad 72,016.00 84,000.00 66,015.00 780.45
Lahore 72,016.00 84,000.00 66,015.00 780.45
Multan 72,016.00 84,000.00 66,015.00 780.45
Islamabad 72,016.00 84,000.00 66,015.00 780.45
Faisalabad 72,016.00 84,000.00 66,015.00 780.45
Rawalpindi 72,016.00 84,000.00 Rs. 66,015.00 780.45
Quetta 72,016.00 84,000.00 66,015.00 780.45
Last Updated: Wednesday 07,Aug,2019 (Source: Karachi Saraf Jewellers Association)

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Pakistan Stock Exchange
30 Share
100 Share
Market Capitalization
(Rs. in billion)
Volume Leader Leader Volume
(Million Shares)
Trading Volume
(Million shares)
Active Plus Minus Unchanged
5-Jul 16,124.70 34,190.02 6,910.24 Lotte Chemical 6.9 51 296 73 212 11
12-Jul 15,934.85 33,672.49 6,805.17 K-Electric 6.9 56 304 62 218 24
19-Jul 15,395.59 32,458.77 6,575.25 Maple Leaf Cement 14.4 122 316 155 129 32
26-Jul 15,283.39 32,103.27 6,464.56 Bank of Punjab 23.8 87 310 50 243 17
2-Aug 15,051.90 31,666.41 6,344.97 International Steels 5.05 46 311 145 149 17
9-Aug 13,793.17 29,429.07 -29,739 Maple Leaf Cement 7.8 76 321 170 134 17

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Land Use – Agricultural Land (%) 2019 Country Ranks
Rank Country Value Date of Info
1 South Sudan 100% NA
1 Sudan 100% 2011
2 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 92.40% 2011
3 Uruguay 87.20% 2011
4 Comoros 84.40% 2011
5 Saudi Arabia 80.70% 2011
6 South Africa 79.40% 2011
7 Nigeria 78% 2011
8 Kazakhstan 77.40% 2011
9 Lesotho 76.10% 2011
10 Syria 75.80% 2011
11 Eritrea 75.10% 2011
12 Moldova 74.90% 2011
13 El Salvador 74.70% 2011
13 Isle Of Man 74.70% 2011
14 Rwanda 74.50% 2011
15 Djibouti 73.40% 2011
16 Burundi 73.30% 2011
17 Mongolia 73% 2011
18 Turkmenistan 72% 2011
19 Ukraine 71.20% 2011
19 Uganda 71.20% 2011
20 Madagascar 71.10% 2011
21 United Kingdom 71% 2011
22 Somalia 70.30% 2011

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Labor force – by occupation – agriculture (%) 2019 Country Ranks
Rank Country Value Date of Info
1 Tonga 2006% 2006
2 Burundi 93.60% 2002
3 Burkina Faso 90% 2000
4 Lesotho 86% 2002
5 Papua New Guinea 85% NA
5 Angola 85% 2015
6 Guinea-Bissau 82% 2000
7 Mali 80% 2005
7 Chad 80% 2006
7 Sudan 80% 1998
7 Comoros 80% 1996
7 Eritrea 80% 2004
8 Niger 79.20% 2012
9 Senegal 77.50% 2007
10 Malawi 76.90% 2013
11 Guinea 76% 2006
12 Rwanda 75.30% 2012
13 Gambia, The 75% 1996
13 Solomon Islands 75% 2000
14 Mozambique 74.40% 2015
15 Anguilla 74.10% 2000
16 Wallis and Futuna 74% 2015
17 Laos 73.10% 2012
18 Ethiopia 72.70% 2013
19 Somalia 71% 1975

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World Stock Exchanges
5-Jul 26,966.00 8,170.23 2,995.82 7,583.95 12,591.67 5,601.63 21,746.38 28,774.83 39,513.39
12-Jul 27,088.08 8,196.04 2,999.91 7,519.27 12,332.05 5,574.52 21,685.90 28,471.62 38,736.23
19-Jul 27,222.97 8,207.24 2,995.11 7,493.88 12,216.14 5,541.43 21,466.99 28,765.40 38,337.01
26-Jul 27,140.98 8,238.54 3,003.67 7,538.80 12,383.54 5,606.45 21,658.15 28,397.74 37,882.79
2-Aug 26,583.42 8,111.12 2,953.56 7,452.02 11,940.96 5,406.50 21,087.16 26,918.58 37,118.22
9-Aug 26,378.19 8,039.16 2,938.09 7,268.49 11,787.33 5,361.36 20,684.82 25,999.89 37,786.19

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