Pakistan & Gulf Economist

Byco plants trees at Miyawaki Urban Forest in Clifton

As part of Byco’s sustainability strategy to help preserve the environment, the company recently initiated a tree plantation drive with Urban Forest. Byco sponsored the plantation and development of 1000 trees and invited all the employees to take part in the plantation, which took place at Old Clifton Urban Forest, Karachi.


The Urban Forest is a project initiated by Shahzad Qureshi, who has acquired a park in Clifton, Karachi, which he intends to develop into Pakistan’s first Urban Forest. The aim of this project is to plant 50,000 native trees in the park using the “Miyawaki Method” of afforestation.

Qureshi was present at the plantation event, where he explained the aforementioned method in detail. This method, developed by Dr. Akira Miyawaki, allows for rapidly growing dense and self-sustaining forests that capture more carbon and address the urgency to restore ecosystems that encourage biodiversity.

Following that Shehryar Ahmad spoke about Byco’s sustainability strategy, in which he said “I am proud to inform you that Byco is launching its sustainability strategy. Greenhouse Gases (CO2) are causing temperatures all over the globe to rise more rapidly than ever before. Byco being the visionary leader has decided to implement measures to address this through sustainable ecological policies. Policies currently being considered include recycling, reducing waste, limiting paper use, as well as tree plantation or reforestation”.



Byco realizes that if we do not address climate change globally and locally, there may be no world to bequeath to our children and grandchildren.

The aim of this event was to raise awareness regarding climate change and to encourage people to play a part in reducing its effects. It is crucial to realize the consequences especially in an overpopulated city like Karachi, where rising temperatures cause respiratory problems, headaches, heat stroke and even death; as in the 2015 heat wave.

Therefore, it is more important now than ever before for corrective measures to be taken in order to conserve the environment. The event concluded with the hope that people should become more conscious of the environment.

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