Pakistan & Gulf Economist

Review of Pakistan’s overseas employment

Experts identified that Pakistan is one of the largest labour exporting country in the region. Overseas migrant workers are the most valuable asset of Pakistan and they are playing major role in the socio-economic development of Pakistan by their remittances. Statistics showed that greater than 11.43 million Pakistanis have proceeded abroad for employment to over 50 countries by official procedures. The migration of Pakistani workers is mostly concentrated to Gulf Cooperation Council countries (96 percent) with Saudi Arabia and UAE hosting the majority.

During 2020, Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment has registered 224,705 for overseas employment as compared to emigrants 625,203 in 2019 explaining a decline of 400,498 people as compared to the previous year.

Statistics also showed that Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the main destination country for Pakistani emigrants where greater than 60 percent of emigrants proceeded followed by UAE (24 percent) and Oman (4.6percent). Because of Covid-19 pandemic, overall a falling trend was observed in terms of emigrants registered in 2020 including GCC countries.

During 2020, the highest number of workers went abroad were 118,818 from Punjab, followed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 68,299. The Pandemic unluckily hampered the manpower export not only from Pakistan but also from other regional countries. Statistics also showed that a total of 224,705 emigrants were recorded for overseas employment from Pakistan in year 2020 as against to 625,203 registered in 2019 which explains the decrease of 400,498 emigrants. Similarly, India and Bangladesh faced a fall of 273,093 and 482,490 respectively in terms of emigrants registered during 2020 as compared to 2019. In Pakistan, the Ministry of Overseas Pakistani & Human Resource Development (OP&HRD) has taken various steps to increase the manpower export and to ensure regular emigration: –

Pakistani Workers Registered For Overseas Employment
Year Federal Punjab Sindh Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Balochistan Azad Kashmir N/Areas Tribal Area Total
2016 8,472 446,566 85,326 206,929 6,378 43,093 2,961 39,628 839,353
2017 4,635 261,849 53,590 107,366 4,528 33,318 3,417 27,583 496,286
2018 2,471 185,902 41,551 88,361 2,930 33,028 2,760 25,436 382,439
2019 4,295 312,439 57,171 186,176 5,103 30,151 2,554 27,314 625,203
2020 1,814 118,818 16,950 68,299 1,869 7,685 244 9,026 224,705
Source: Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment
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