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Smartphones Rule Gaming


[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]by Martin Armstrong[/box]

When it comes to video games, most people think of the PC or game consoles like the PlayStation or Xbox. However, the smartphone has long since overtaken these platforms and is now the device most frequently used for video games. According to the Statista Global Consumer Survey, 54 percent of the more than 7,000 U.S. adults surveyed use their smartphone to play games regularly. Consoles only come in a distant second place for Americans – around a third regularly play on one of these devices. PC/laptop takes third place with 32 percent of the survey participants.

The shift from stationary PCs and game consoles to mobile smartphones is hardly surprising, since people usually carry them with them all the time. What’s more, there is no need for any extra equipment to play games on a cell phone. The smartphone has become a lucrative platform for the gaming industry in recent years, too, and more and more game developers are producing games with an increased focus on mobile games. The app stores of Google and Apple combined to generate around $90 billion in gross revenue from games in 2021 alone. In Apple’s case, that’s 70 percent of total app store revenue generated by games.

You will find more infographics at Statista

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