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Poverty Alleviation & Microfinancing (Facts & Figures)

Banking Technology (Facts & Figures)
Pakistan: micro credit beneficiaries, outstanding loans portfolio and loan disbursement as of Dec. 2020
MFP Active Borrowers Outstanding Loans Portfolio (Rs) Number of Loans Disbursed Disbursements (Rs)
Total for Pakistan MF sector 7,005,885 324,155,425,831 10,732,090 371,030,958,187
Apna Microfinance Bank 84,397 10,504,573,724 461,631 52,454,200,171
Advans Pakistan 8,517 1,074,437,207 4,436 845,345,342
FINCA Microfinance Bank 225,288 21,550,509,640 128,790 15,557,445,695
First Microfinance Bank Limited 571,125 42,583,434,872 351,102 31,216,585,579
Khushhali Bank 879,637 60,647,662,090 923,304 66,474,876,985
Mobilink Microfinance Bank 808,239 25,243,147,182 3,504,294 20,216,293,362
NRSP Bank 339,130 28,992,356,981 213,611 20,939,345,144
Pak Oman Microfinance Bank 56,061 2,519,259,822 36,015 2,862,826,100
Sindh Microfinance Bank 36,410 560,257,733 21,390 628,695,000
Telenor Microfinance Bank Limited 305,619 12,738,344,368 1,503,149 13,801,846,003
U Microfinance Bank 346,258 31,319,361,775 176,079 18,251,854,017
Total for MFBS 3,660,681 237,733,345,394 7,323,801 243,249,313,397
AKHUWAT 814,722 19,376,447,080 655,023 26,279,253,120
ASA – Pakistan 420,776 10,339,617,871 1,335,549 34,915,083,000
Community Support Concern 44,529 1,379,068,985 28,790 1,722,403,435
DAMEN 114,593 3,323,013,355 74,731 4,296,610,000
Farmer Friend Organization 41,229 1,037,636,781 23,367 1,197,015,000
MOJAZ Foundation 32,065 702,195,401 13,412 657,932,500
Micro Options 170 7,779,000
Orangi Charitable Trust 18,679 348,147,616 7,177 277,337,500
SAFCO Support Fund 102,235 2,595,253,531 60,714 2,983,689,576
Soon Valley Development Programme 13,040 362,894,968 10,265 473,697,700
Total for MFIs 2,102,815 54,053,430,566 2,511,369 87,790,876,831
National Rural Support Programme 681,943 17,741,796,738 545,559 23,898,968,800
Ghazi BarotaTariqiatiIdara 26,229 369,903,956 14,791 408,294,000
Punjab Rural Support Programme 42,298 793,223,860 23,393 726,044,000
Sindh Rural Support Organization 73,532 1,523,523,037 51,866 1,297,425,376
Sarhad Rural Support Programme 4,538 56,676,006 3,128 60,421,000
Thardeep Rural Support Programme 109,582 3,195,338,071 65,960 3,146,042,000
Total for RSPs 938,122 23,680,461,668 704,697 29,537,195,176
AGAHE 34,779 744,498,504 27,990 1,061,315,000
JWS Pakistan 77,930 2,306,462,245 64,113 3,280,405,000
Orix Leasing 13,871 186,582,063 2,141 108,454,000
Organization for Participatory Development 4,247 73,063,872 2,528 100,575,000
Rural Community Development Programme 161,096 4,924,725,653 85,218 5,402,852,700
Shah Sachal Sami Foundation 4,420 161,257,063 1,559 90,763,000
Total for Others 296,343 8,396,589,400 183,549 10,044,364,700
Source: Pakistan Microfinance Network (PMN)

Active Borrowers, Active Savers And Active Policyholders
Details Micro-Credit Micro-Savings Micro-Insurance
Active Borrowers Value (Rs million) Active Savers Value (Rs million) Policy Holders Sum Insured (Rs million)
2020 7,005,885 324,155 64,112,657 374,362 7,324,379 244,650
2019 7,249,943 305,753 47,642,271 267,591 8,479,576 266,748
Increase/Decrease (Net) -244,058 18,402 16,470,386 106,770 -1,155,197 -22,097
Increase/Decrease (%) -3% 6% 35% 40% -14% -8%

Pakistan: No Poverty By 2030
Indicator Description Baseline Value/Year Latest Achievements1 Target 2030
1.1.1 Proportion of population below the international poverty line, by sex, age, employment status and geographical location (urban/ rural) 3.90%
1.2.1 Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age Overall=29.5% Urban=18.2%, Rural=35.6%
Overall=24.3% Urban=12.5%, Rural=30.7%
1.2.2 Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions Overall=38.8% Urban=9.4%, Rural=54.6%

Human Development Index And Its Components
HDI Rank Human Development Index (HDI) Value
Average Annual HDI Growth (%)
Life Expectancy at Birth Expected Years of Schooling Mean Years of Schooling Gross National Income (GNI) per capita
(2017 PPP $)
Multidimensional Poverty Index
Country/Region SDG-3 SDG-4.3 SDG-4.4 SDG-8.5 Headcount (%)
World 0.737 0.71 72.8 12.7 8.5 16,734
South Asia 0.641 1.33 69.9 11.7 6.5 6,532 29.2
Iran 71 0.783 1.13 76.7 14.8 10.3 12,447
Sri Lanka 72 0.782 0.75 77.0 14.1 10.6 12,707 2.9
China 85 0.761 1.47 76.9 14.0 8.1 16,057 3.9
India 131 0.645 1.42 69.7 12.2 6.5 6,681 27.9
Bangladesh 133 0.632 1.64 72.6 11.6 6.2 4,976 24.6
Afghanistan 169 0.580 1.83 64.8 10.2 3.9 2,229 55.9
Pakistan 154 0.557 1.13 67.3 8.3 5.2 5,005 38.3
Source: UNDP Human Development Report-2020

PPAF disbursement by operating units/special initiatives (Rs million)
Sr#. Programme Components Amount Disbursed
1 Institutional Development/Social Mobilization (ID/SM) 391.06
2 Livelihood Enhancement and Protection (LEP) 1,673.92
3 Water and Infrastructure (W&I) 540.06
4 Education, Health and Nutrition (EHN) 35.05
Total 2640.09
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