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Insurance Industry (Facts & Figures)

Islamic Finance (Facts & Figures)
Top 10 Costliest World Natural Disasters By Insured Losses, 2021 (US$ billions)
Rank Date Country/region Event Insured loss
1 Aug. 27-Sep. 2 U.S., Caribbean Hurricane Ida $36.00
2 Feb. 2-20 U.S., Mexico Winter weather (freeze) 15
3 Jul. 12-18 Western and Central Europe Flooding 13
4 Jan. 1-Dec. 31 U.S. Drought 4.3
5 Dec. 10-12 U.S. Severe weather (3) 4
6 Jun. 17-25 Western and Central Europe Severe weather (3) 3.5
7 Apr. 27-May 2 U.S. Severe weather (3) 2.6
8 Feb. 2-13 Japan Fukushima Earthquake 2.5
9 Jun. 1-Sep. 30 China Season floods 2.1
10 Dec. 30-31 U.S. Marshall Fire 2
All other events $45.00
Total 2021 $130.00

World Natural Disaster Events Ranked By Number Of Perils And Insured Losses, 2021
Rank Peril No. of events Rank Peril Insured loss (US$ billions)
1 Severe weather 135 1 Tropical cyclone $39
2 Flooding 133 2 Severe weather (2) 37
3 Tropical cyclone 37 3 Flooding 22
4 Winter weather 25 4 Winter weather 17
5 Earthquake 24 5 Drought 6
6 Wildfire 19 6 Wildfire 5
7 European windstorm 11 7 Earthquake 3
8 Drought 10 8 European windstorm 2
9 Other 7 9 Other 0
Total 401 Total $131

Market Capitalization Of Each Sector In Pakistan
Sectors Market Cap on 30/06/2020
(Rs million)
Market Cap on 31/03/2021
(Rs million)
Automobile Assembler 241,244.95 329,647.11 36.6
Automobile Parts & Accessories 48,008.15 69,245.79 44.2
Cable & Electrical Goods 25,279.94 30,810.24 21.8
Cement 408,176.15 668,273.56 63.7
Chemical 307,193.43 408,065.32 32.8
Close – End Mutual Fund 2,919.58 3,414.79 16.9
Commercial Banks 1,070,354.21 1,247,233.14 16.5
Engineering 72,695.88 154,576.63 112.6
Fertilizer 472,487.69 487,722.25 3.2
Food & Personal Care Products 595,057.92 658,100.96 10.6
Glass & Ceramics 37,380.82 65,367.36 74.9
INSURANCE 151,405.78 168,327.06 11.2
Inv. Banks / Inv. Cos. / Securities Cos. 104,765.65 117,844.29 12.5
Jute 123.30 123.30 0
Leasing Companies 4,531.81 4,891.75 7.9
Leather & Tanneries 25,914.73 41,888.72 61.6
Miscellaneous 67,834.21 71,939.64 6.1
Modarabas 11,701.45 14,185.41 21.2
Oil & Gas Exploration Companies 969,427.07 986,752.39 1.8
Oil & Gas Marketing Companies 188,213.91 228,926.97 21.6
Paper & Board 59,783.06 84,203.40 40.8
Pharmaceuticals 272,870.67 294,303.64 7.8
Power Generation & Distribution 245,707.11 310,115.49 26.2
Refinery 53,835.38 146,527.25 172.1
Sugar & Allied Industries 65,812.41 75,790.82 15.1
Synthetic & Rayon 46,310.88 66,108.70 42.7
Technology & Communication 99,462.12 233,874.54 135.1
Textile Composite 222,361.07 298,073.56 34.1
Textile Spinning 44,051.96 70,847.42 60.8
Textile Weaving 2,527.59 3,725.39 47.4
Tobacco 512,591.23 458,140.17 -10.6
Transport 66,826.02 68,621.90 2.7
Vanaspati & Allied Industries 7,193.02 1,738.81 -75.8
Woollen 1,441.40 456.20 -68.4
Real Estate Investment Trust 24,216.09 22,325,94 -7.8
Total 6,529,706.80 7,892,190.10 20.9
Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan FY2021
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