Pakistan & Gulf Economist

Leasing & Modaraba – Challenges & Opportunities (Facts & Figures)

Comparison of market capitalization of Leasing companies and Modarbas with other sector
Sectors Market Cap
On 30/06/2021
(Rs million)
Market Cap
On 31/03/2022
(Rs million)
% Change
Automobile Assembler 361,448.43 314,465.25 -13.0
Automobile Parts & Accessories 80,036.05 56,611.33 -29.3
Cable & Electrical Goods 38,221.11 25,466.05 -33.4
Cement 702,506.46 535,882.96 -23.7
Chemical 404,117.21 406,477.57 0.6
Close – End Mutual Fund 3,281.22 2,556.07 -22.1
Commercial Banks 1,308,754.05 1,362,896.96 4.1
Engineering 171,409.78 124,043.87 -27.6
Fertilizer 509,383.64 552,742.34 8.5
Food & Personal Care Products 744,128.43 753,305.13 1.2
Glass & Ceramics 80,095.90 68,244.09 -14.8
Insurance 170,003.13 145,318.52 -14.5
Inv. Banks / Inv. Cos. / Securities Cos. 143,914.70 119,352.21 -17.1
Jute 129.97 214.38 64.9
Leasing Companies 5,403.17 478.90 -91.1
Leather & Tanneries 52,866.06 51,914.72 -1.8
Miscellaneous 82,228.73 110,707.30 34.6
Modarabas 14,489.79 23,912.47 65.0
Oil & Gas Exploration Companies 960,135.45 897,468.13 -6.5
Oil & Gas Marketing Companies 234,967.91 172,767.90 -26.5
Paper & Board 94,242.51 72,099.83 -23.5
Pharmaceuticals 314,189.81 271,728.36 -13.5
Power Generation & Distribution 316,235.56 262,830.67 -16.9
Refinery 146,563.70 66,048.85 -54.9
Sugar & Allied Industries 76,431.61 68,293.14 -10.6
Synthetic & Rayon 76,659.25 83,531.74 9.0
Technology & Communication 280,200.75 259,809.11 -7.3
Textile Composite 310,874.28 296,506.57 -4.6
Textile Spinning 71,964.98 68,025.90 -5.5
Textile Weaving 4,935.26 3,857.21 -21.8
Tobacco 432,246.12 311,316.81 -28.0
Transport 78,127.48 59,120.29 -24.3
Vanaspati & Allied Industries 2,122.21 1,433.31 -32.5
Woolen 476.07 323.21 -32.1
Real Estate Investment Trust 24,505.17 33,222.08 35.6
Exchange Traded Funds 9.27 7.08 -23.7
Total 8,297,305.22 7,582,980.29 -8.6

List of lending NBFCs
S.No Lending NBFC No. of companies Asset Base (Rs billion)
1 Leasing Companies 4 5.36
2 Investment Banks 16 78.22
3 Non-Bank Microfinance Companies 30 146.11
4 Housing Finance Companies 3 0.216

Monetary indicators (Rs billion )
Details FY21 (Stocks) 29/04/2022 30/04/2021
Net Foreign Assets (NFA) 724.7 -1327.7 980.6
Net Domestic Assets (NDA) 23,573.0 2784.8 652.1
Net Government Borrowing 16,265.1 1795.6 619.7
Borrowing for budgetary support 15,373.5 1586.8 642.6
From SBP 5,332.5 133.5 -1164.3
from Scheduled banks 10,041.0 1453.3 1807.0
Credit to Private Sector 7,629.1 1312.9 454.4
Credit to PSEs 1,436.7 14.6 -26.6
Broad Money 24,297.7 1457.2 1632.7
Reserve Money 8,663.5 1171.0 550.8
Growth in M2 (%) 16.2 6.0 7.8
Reserve Money Growth (%) 12.8 13.5 7.2
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