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Pakistan Day (Facts & Figures)

CSR and Poverty Alleviation (Facts & Figures)
Pakistan: National Poverty Line And Headcount
Year Poverty Line National Urban Rural
2005-06 1277.74 50.4 36.6 57.4
2007-08 1543.51 44.1 32.7 49.7
2010-11 2333.35 36.8 26.2 42.1
2011-12 2600.15 36.3 22.8 43.1
2013-14 3030.32 29.5 18.2 35.6
2015-16 3250.28 24.3 12.5 30.7
2018-19 3757.85 21.9 11.0 28.2
Source: Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives

Labour Force And Employment In Pakistan (million)
Details 2017-18 2018-19 2020-21
Labour Force 65.5 68.75 71.76
Employed Labour Force 61.71 64.03 67.25
Unemployed 3.79 4.71 4.51
Unemployment rate (%) 5.8 6.9 6.3
Source: – Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Province/Region Wise Interest Free Loan (IFL) Progress (July 2021 to March 2022 )
Province / Region Name No. of Loans Amount Disbursed (Rs million)
Male Female Total Male Female Total
AJK 66 730 796 3.00 35.21 38.21
Balochistan 3,061 754 3,815 160.88 27.71 188.59
GB 537 901 1,438 28.39 47.48 75.87
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 13,674 11,227 24,901 541.57 336.29 877.86
Punjab 130,772 202,892 333,664 4,793.69 7,498.78 12,292.47
Sindh 5,326 19,298 24,624 216.44 724.60 941.04
Total 153,436 235,802 389,238 5,743.96 8,670.07 14,414.03

Gross Domestic Product Of Pakistan (at constant basic prices of 2005-06) (Rs. in Million)
Sector/Industry 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19F 2019-20R 2020-21P
Commodity Producing Sectors 4,682,467 4,884,508 4,858,172 4,841,943 4,995,212
Agricultural Sector 2,253,565 2,343,614 2,356,827 2,434,850 2,502,181
Industrial Sector 2,428,902 2,540,894 2,501,345 2,407,093 2,493,031
Services Sectors 7,014,467 7,459,758 7,742,479 7,699,891 8,041,169
GDP (Total of GVA at bp) 11,696,934 12,344,266 12,600,651 12,541,834 13,036,381
Taxes 795,386 862,628 795,748 740,311 812,900
Subsidies 83,545 73,891 113,056 123,053 71,924
GDP (GVA+T-S) 12,408,775 13,133,003 13,283,343 13,159,092 13,777,357
Net Factor Income from Abroad 669,191 673,876 874,614 1,089,918 1,484,683
Gross National Income 13,077,966 13,806,879 14,157,957 14,249,010 15,262,040
GDP(at Current Market Prices) 31,922,303 34,616,302 38,086,232 41,556,326 47,709,325

Pakistan: Net FDI ($ Million)
Country 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 (July-Jan)
China 1,311.90 130.8 846.6 751.6 531.6 200.2
UK 304.6 185 119.1 141 31.8 24
USA 161.7 88.1 99.2 166.4 249.6 9.2
Hong Kong 183.6 171 190.7 157.2 137.7 46.4
Switzerland 78.5 21.2 62.8 61.7 146.2 106.5
U.A.E. -4.4 103.7 -44 115.7 143.9 83.2
Italy 56.6 51.9 57.4 36.3 34.8 8.5
Netherlands 100.3 69 133.2 96.9 104.1 45
Austria 27.4 7.6 3.8 1 0 -0.1
Japan 59.8 117.3 52.5 -13 -12.3 133.9
Turkey 29.8 73.8 26.1 13.4 -0.3 11.1
Others 470.5 343 1,076.20 305.7 500.7 15.6
Total 2,780.30 1,362.40 2,597.50 1,820.50 1,867.80 683.5
Note: Pakistan’s Fiscal Year runs from 1st July till 30th June. The figures in brackets are in negative.
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