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Poverty Alleviation & CSR (Facts & Figures)

CSR and Poverty Alleviation (Facts & Figures)
Diversity Of Disbursed Loans (July-March FY 2022)
Details Value in %
Services 13.0
Manufacturing/Light Engineering/Workshop 8.0
Agriculture/Cropping 8.3
Embroidery/stitching/handicraft 16.3
Livestock/poultry/fish farming 20.3
Commodity/petty trading 34.1

GINI Co-Efficient Adjusted By HH Weigths
Years Pakistan Urban Rural
2005-06 0.330 0.376 0.265
2007-08 0.314 0.354 0.264
2010-11 0.296 0.334 0.253
2011-12 0.307 0.351 0.250
2013-14 0.299 0.323 0.259
2015-16 0.326 0.356 0.266
2018-19 0.303 0.328 0.248
Source: Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives

Pakistan: National Poverty Line And Headcount
Year Poverty Line National Urban Rural
2011-12 2600.15 36.3 22.8 43.1
2013-14 3030.32 29.5 18.2 35.6
2015-16 3250.28 24.3 12.5 30.7
2018-19 3757.85 21.9 11.0 28.2
Source: Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives

Microfinance Industry In Pakistan (Rs billions)
Indicators FY21 FY22* Annual Growth
Number of Branches 3,782 3,823 1.1%
No. of Borrowers 8,031,941 8,122,085 1.1%
Gross loan portfolio 355.7 392.6 10.4%
Average Loan Balance (in Rs) 44,286 48,335 9.1%
*up to December 2021
Source: PMN MicroWatch , various issues

Pakistan: SMEDA Over The Counter (OTC) Services
Sr. No. Initiatives July-March FY2022
1. SME Facilitation 4,314
2. Pre-feasibility Studies Development (New & Updated) 68
3. Investment Facilitation (RS million) 579.5
4. Business Plans 15
5. Training Programs 203
6. Theme Specific Helpdesks 74
7. Cluster / District Profiles (New and Updated), Diagnostic / Value Chain Studies 16
8. SMEDA Web Portal (Download Statistics) 366,995
9. SME Observer 1 Issue
10. SMEDA Newsletter 3 Issues
Source: SMEDA

Labour Force And Employment In Pakistan (million)
Details 2020-21
Labour Force 71.76
Employed Labour Force 67.25
Unemployed 4.51
Unemployment rate (%) 6.3
Source: – Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
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