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Dental treatment, economy and tourism

Dental treatment, economy and tourism

Good oral health is mandatory for maintaining decent general health. Oral diseases like gum ailments and tooth decay not only cause agonizing pain but adversely affect one’s ability to chew. They also pose difficulty in pronouncing various words and thus speech is compromised. Bad breath is another big challenge faced by sufferers. It has been well-documented that the bacteria in gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease, clogged arteries, or stroke. Gum infections have also been linked to premature births and low-birth-weight babies in ladies undergoing pregnancy. Diabetes Mullites is a bidirectional endocrine disorder that enhances the likelihood of gum diseases whereas patients having gum diseases may increase the glucose level in their blood. Patients having gums diseases are found more prone to contracting arthritis and respiratory diseases than those having healthy gums. 

Taking good care of your mouth, teeth and gums is, therefore, a worthwhile routine that certainly keeps your body healthy and smart. Your risk of getting cancers and early loss of tooth/teeth is minimized. Your confidence level during socializing visits is tremendously amplified if you have a disease-free mouth. Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and timely treatment is the key to good oral health. The cost of dental treatment, however, is a source of apprehension for an individual suffering from dental complaints. The dental treatment cost varies depending on various reasons;

  1. Type of treatment required by the individual
  2. Location of the dental practice
  3. Qualifications and clinical experience of attending dentist

The average cost of dental treatments, like implants, veneers, root canal treatment and wisdom tooth removal, is exuberantly high in developed countries. Though insurance helps cover some part of the cost of the treatment, it still remains difficult to be managed the patient. The high dental treatment cost is owing to the higher living standards that prevail in these countries.

Astute individuals move to foreign countries to kill two birds with one stone. They travel to seek dental care during their annual vacations. This is known as Dental Tourism provides them with lower-cost dental care along with sightseeing of worthy historical and interesting places of the world like Egyptian or Mayan pyramids, Machu Pichu, the Roman Coliseum, or giant Buddha statues. North American countries; Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala and South American countries; Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru have enhanced facilities for the treatment and entertainment destinations to attract dental tourists. Similarly, some European and African countries have raised the standards as per international requirements. In these countries, lower manual labour and clinic expenses due to a lower cost of living make dental treatment far less expensive than in the Western world.

Many Asian countries like Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and India have also upgraded and promoted their destinations for dental tourists. Pakistan is dejectedly missing from the list despite the fact that all specialist dental treatments through well-trained dentists, are cheaply and easily available here and its northern areas can be attractive destinations for dental treatment seekers to exceedingly enjoy sky-high mountains, lush green valleys, mighty rivers, beautiful lakes and amazing wildlife.

Over the years, dental tourism has gained increasing popularity among various American, European countries and Australia. Thousands of people travel across the globe in this connection but at present no national strategy exists to promote Pakistan as a tourist destination in the international market. Dental Tourism, if given due attention by the government and Dental Associations, will increase the national income of the economy, create thousands of jobs, develop the infrastructure and create a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and local citizens.

The Author is a Dean of Faculty of Dentistry at Baqai Medical University

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