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Food & Agriculture (Facts & Figures)

Islamic Finance (Facts & Figures)
Agriculture Growth In Pakistan (Base=2015-16) (%)
Sector 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 P
Agriculture 2.22 3.88 0.94 3.91 3.48 4.40
1. Crops (i+ii+iii) 1.37 4.61 -4.38 6.32 5.96 6.58
i) Important Crops 2.68 4.27 -8.59 5.24 5.83 7.24
ii) Other Crops -1.24 4.65 3.62 9.21 8.27 5.44
iii) Cotton Ginning 5.24 8.27 -11.23 -4.06 -13.08 9.19
2. Livestock 2.89 3.59 3.65 2.80 2.38 3.26
3. Forestry -2.92 2.24 7.22 3.36 -0.45 6.13
4. Fishing 1.22 1.57 0.78 0.63 0.73 0.35

Area And Production Of Other Kharif And Rabi Crops In Pakistan
Crops 2021-22(P)
Area (000 Hectares) Production  (000 Tonnes) % Change in production over Last year
Bajra 227 226 -15.0
Jowar 77 64 -33.3
Gram 867 319 36.3
Barley 39 42
Rapeseed & Mustard 277 375 26.7
Tobacco 55 168
Area and Production of Other Crops
Masoor 5.8 4.1
Moong 301.8 263.8 29.0
Mash 8.0 6.1 -11.6
Potato 313.8 7,937.1 35.1
Onion 141.0 2,108.8 -8.5
Chillies 58.1 144.0 36.6

Area And Production Of Major Oilseed Crops (000 Tonnes)
Crops 2021-22 (July-March) (P)
Area (000 Acres) Production
Seed Oil
Cottonseed 4,740 2,126 255
Rapeseed & Mustard 692 377 121
Sunflower 253 141 54
Canola 124 79 30
Total 5,809 2,723 460

World Cereal Market
Details Production Supply Utilization Trade Ending stocks World stock-to-use ratio Major exporters’ stock-to-disappearance ratio
million tonnes percent
2016/17 2,665.2 3,455.7 2,630.9 406.6 825.7 31.1 17.8
2017/18 2,693.2 3,518.9 2,657.5 423.0 857.6 31.9 18.1
2018/19 2,645.8 3,503.4 2,686.3 411.7 835.3 30.8 18.8
2019/20 2,715.0 3,550.3 2,712.4 439.5 831.1 30.1 18.6
2020/21 2,776.6 3,607.7 2,760.5 480.6 838.4 29.9 18.4
2021/22 2,813.0 3,651.4 2,800.8 482.4 856.4 30.8 19.2
2022/23 2,784.6 3,641.0 2,780.1 471.7 855.0 29.8 20.4
World Wheat Market
2016/17 763.5 1,005.9 737.9 177.2 266.0 36.0 19.9
2017/18 761.5 1,027.5 738.1 177.9 288.9 38.6 21.0
2018/19 731.4 1,020.4 749.3 169.1 274.4 36.7 18.1
2019/20 759.3 1,033.7 747.1 183.7 284.9 37.4 15.6
2020/21 775.3 1,060.2 762.1 189.4 293.2 37.9 15.2
2021/22 777.5 1,070.7 773.8 195.7 294.5 37.7 16.0
2022/23 800.4 1,094.8 781.5 200.1 309.7 39.1 18.9
World Coarse Grain Market
2016/17 1,404.7 1,779.2 1,397.8 181.0 385.6 27.1 14.6
2017/18 1,431.8 1,817.4 1,421.4 196.6 391.5 27.3 15.3
2018/19 1,406.3 1,797.7 1,435.9 198.3 374.1 25.5 15.6
2019/20 1,452.1 1,826.2 1,464.2 210.0 358.5 24.1 14.0
2020/21 1,483.4 1,841.9 1,488.6 239.2 350.4 23.3 11.5
2021/22 1,509.5 1,859.9 1,504.5 230.7 365.0 24.7 13.1
2022/23 1,467.5 1,832.5 1,478.0 218.0 350.9 22.7 12.7
World Rice Market
2016/17 497.1 670.6 495.1 48.4 174.2 35.0 18.8
2017/18 499.9 674.0 497.9 48.5 177.2 35.4 18.1
2018/19 508.1 685.3 501.1 44.3 186.8 37.3 22.6
2019/20 503.6 690.4 501.1 45.8 187.7 36.8 26.1
2020/21 518.0 705.6 509.7 52.1 194.8 37.3 28.5
2021/22 526.0 720.8 522.5 56.0 197.0 37.8 28.7
2022/23 516.7 713.7 520.6 53.6 194.4 37.0 29.5
Source: Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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