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Consumer Finance (Facts & Figures)

Islamic Finance (Facts & Figures)
Pakistan: Quantum Index Of Selected Large-Scale Manufacturing Items
(YOY Growth) (Base Year: FY2016) (P)
S. No. Descriptions of Items Weight Adjusted Weight July
2022 2023
A Manufacturing of Food 10.7 13.6 -14.8 10.0
B Manufacturing of Beverages 3.8 4.9 -2.5 -6.7
C Manufacturing of Tobacco 2.1 2.6 -75.5 54.0
D Manufacturing of Textile 18.2 23.2 -2.2 -22.0
E Manufacture of Wearing Apparel 6.1 7.8 48.5 30.8
F Manufacturing of Leather Products 1.2 1.6 16.5 -2.0
G Manufacturing of Wood Products 0.2 0.2 2.9 -4.5
H Manufacturing of Paper & Board 1.6 2.1 18.6 -15.4
I Manufacturing of Coke & Petroleum Products 6.7 8.5 -5.2 -2.3
J Manufacturing of Chemicals 6.5 8.3 -1.3 5.9
K Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals Products 5.2 6.6 -35.2 54.2
L Manufacturing of Rubber Products 0.2 0.3 -2.1 10.2
M Manufacturing of Non Metalic Mineral Products 5.0 6.4 -33.9 35.2
N Manufacturing of Iron & Steel Products 3.4 4.4 13.2 -2.7
1. Pig Iron 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2. Billets/Ingots 0.9 1.2 27.9 -7.1
3. H/C.R.Sheets/Strips/Coils/Plates Etc 2.5 3.2 5.8 0.0
O Manufacture of Fabricated Metal 0.4 0.5 -18.1 -4.6
P Manufacture of Computer, Electronics and Optical Products 0.0 0.0 -2.1 -32.1
Q Manufacture of Electrical Equipment 2.0 2.6 -5.0 -22.4
1. Refrigerators 0.2 0.3 -39.0 -9.5
2. Electric Transformers 0.3 0.4 76.3 -31.4
3. Deepfreezers 0.2 0.2 -16.5 -73.5
4. Switch Gears 0.0 0.0 18.3 7.1
5. Electric Fans 0.1 0.1 -10.0 -15.4
6. Electric Meters 0.2 0.2 15.0 -0.4
7. Air conditioners 0.1 0.1 -39.7 -17.8
8. Electric Bulbs 0.0 0.0 -58.2 -68.8
9. Electric Motors (Including Insulated Wire & Cable) 0.4 0.5 -23.1 -21.4
10. Electric Tubes 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
11. Storage Batteries 0.5 0.7 37.2 -13.9
12. Generating Sets 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
R Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment N.E.C 0.4 0.5 -43.2 3.9
1. Tractors 0.3 0.4 -42.5 -1.1
2. Heavy Machinery & Equipment 0.0 0.0 -45.3 -62.9
3. Sewing Machines 0.0 0.0 -77.3 -33.2
4. Power Looms 0.0 0.0 5.4 28.2
5. Bobbins & Shuttles 0.0 0.0 0.0 -25.0
6. Sugarcane Machines 0.0 0.0 -20.0 -50.0
7. Wheat Thrashers 0.0 0.0 -100.0 0.0
8. Chaff Cutters 0.0 0.0 -20.1 -13.8
S Manufacturing of Automobiles 3.1 4.0 -7.4 -66.1
T Manufacture of Other Transport Equipment 0.7 0.9 -43.7 -19.0
U Manufacture of Furniture 0.5 0.7 245.8 -57.8
V Other Manufacturing (Football) 0.3 0.4 40.3 13.2
Overall 78.4 100.0 -2.7 -1.1

Pakistan Solar Energy Market
Total Solar Energy Installed Capacity Renewable Energy Mix By Source, 2022
Year Capacity Details Capacity
2019 755 Wind 1.43 K
2020 854 Solar 1.24K
2021 1.08K Hydro Power 10.83 K
2022 1.24 K Source: IREA

Pakistan: Credit/Loans Classified By Borrowers* (Rs in Millions)
Description Aug-22 Jun-23 Aug-23P
Manufacture of electrical equipment 163,429 116,190 110,358
Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatus 25,731 14,019 15,120
Manufacture of batteries and accumulators 6,670 9,077 10,061
Manufacture of fibre optic cables 9,624 9,145 7,876
Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables 16,516 14,371 14,583
Manufacture of wiring devices
Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 841 509 516
Manufacture of domestic appliances 68,625 46,114 40,464
Manufacture of Fans 2,835 1,789 1,304
Manufacture of Refrigerators and Freezers 22,153 12,415 11,605
Manufacture of Washing and drying Machines 34 3 3
Manufacture of other domestic appliances 43,602 31,907 27,550
Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c 35,421 22,954 21,738
– Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 85,381 68,414 63,691
– Manufacture of other transport equipment 24,933 13,743 12,729
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 2,827 2,274 2,047
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 602,184 571,642 537,277
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 589,902 561,092 526,460
a) Hydal 35,697 30,649 21,388
b) Thermal 147,034 144,608 136,182
c) Coal Based 93,766 123,905 119,086
d) Wind 65,131 61,506 60,745
e) Solar 6,381 7,229 7,642
f) Other 241,893 193,194 181,418
– Telecommunications 264,283 319,068 323,464
Wired telecommunications activities 14,851 29,385 29,749
Wireless telecommunications activities 157,014 176,360 180,971
Other telecommunications activities n.e.c 92,417 113,323 112,744
– Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 11,242 10,151 10,448
Computer programming activities 2,887 2,982 2,779
Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities 1,444 1,276 1,784
Other information technology and computer service activities 6,911 5,894 5,884
-Trust Funds And Non Profit Organizations 15,092 13,621 14,149
-Personal 1,121,966 1,126,498 1,125,037
A. Bank Employees 227,703 266,074 278,839
B. Consumer Financing 893,412 859,731 845,529
1) For house building 205,978 212,315 209,492
2) For transport i.e. purchase of car etc 352,544 293,728 278,051
3) Credit cards 77,209 93,775 102,906
4) Consumers durable 6,923 7,280 6,861
5) Personal loans 250,758 252,633 248,219
C) Other 851 693 669
4. OTHER 2,740 2,221 1,861
*Outstanding position at the end of month, Based on ISIC 4 Classifications of Private Sector Business
Source: SBP
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