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Poverty Alleviation & CSR (Facts & Figures)

Islamic Finance (Facts & Figures)
Human Development Index
Country/Region HDI Rank Human Development Index (HDI) Value (2021) Average Annual HDI Growth(%)
Life Expectancy at Birth (years) Expected Years of Schooling (years) Mean Years of Schooling (years) Gross National Income (GNI) per capita (2017 PPP $) Multidimensional Poverty Index Headcount (%)
SDG-3 SDG-4.3 SDG-4.4 SDG-8.5 SDG-1.2
World 0.732 0.64 71.4 12.8 8.6 16,752
South Asia 0.632 1.16 67.9 11.6 6.7 6,481 29.0
Sri Lanka 73 0.782 0.67 76.4 14.1 10.8 12,578 2.9
Iran 76 0.774 0.82 73.9 14.6 10.6 13,001
China 79 0.768 1.50 78.2 14.2 7.6 17,504 3.9
Maldives 90 0.747 79.9 12.6 7.3 15,448 0.8
Bhutan 127 0.666 71.8 13.2 5.2 9,438
Bangladesh 129 0.661 1.66 72.4 12.4 7.4 5,472 24.6
India 132 0.633 1.22 67.2 11.9 6.7 6,590 27.9
Nepal 143 0.602 1.34 68.4 12.9 5.1 3,877 17.5
Pakistan 161 0.544 1.00 66.1 8.7 4.5 4,624 38.3
Afghanistan 180 0.478 1.82 62.0 10.3 3.0 1,824 55.9

BISP Financial Achievements (Rs in billion)
Year Released Funds Transfer to Cash Grants Number of Beneficiaries
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT) Total (UCT+CCT)
2008-09 15.32 0.04 15.81 15.85 1.76
2009-10 39.94 2.89 31.94 34.83 2.58
2010-11 34.42 5.30 29.66 34.96 3.10
2011-12 49.53 4.28 41.60 45.88 3.68
2012-13 50.10 3.17 43.30 46.47 3.75
2013-14 69.62 1.20 65.11 66.31 3.64
2014-15 91.78 0.45 88.59 89.04 5.05
2015-16 102.00 1.88 96.65 98.53 5.21
2016-17 111.50 2.27 102.10 104.37 5.46
2017-18 107.00 3.20 99.00 102.20 5.63
2018-19 116.50 4.01 104.60 108.61 5.78
2019-20 243.71 3.70 228.67 232.37 9.10
2020-21 194.29 5.57 169.40 174.97 7.06
2021-22 235.63 25.35 193.74 219.09 7.74
2022-23* 312.39 23.48 241.94 265.42 9.00
Total 1,773.73 86.79 1,552.11 1,638.90

Interest Free Loan (IFL) Progress
Sr. # Particulars Progress for July–March FY 2023 Cumulative as of March 2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total
1 Number of loans disbursed to borrowers 138,692 226,716 365,408 1,108,750 1,194,296 2,303,046
2 Amount disbursed to borrowers (Rs billion) 5.76 9.17 14.93 42.96 42.19 85.16
3 Number of Loan Centers 736
Source: Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), Islamabad

Micro credit Beneficiaries, Outstanding Loans Portfolio and Loan Disbursement as of Dec. 2022
MFP Active Borrowers Outstanding Loans Portfolio (Rs) Number of Loans Disbursed Disbursements (Rs)
Total for Pakistan MF sector 9,092,247 491,262,241,504 6,999,375 167,654,305,624
Advans Pakistan 19,198 3,479,012,781 5,142 1,345,837,975
Apna Microfinance Bank 103,940 12,067,958,053 109,616 15,215,513,383
ASA 605,594 18,024,036,940 174,516 8,932,667,000
FINCA Microfinance Bank 130,940 17,216,393,708 26,388 4,792,450,995
HBL Microfinance Bank Limited 514,442 87,850,557,998 134,112 21,004,005,794
Khushhali Bank 737,541 88,596,115,703 120,733 17,355,104,877
Mobilink Microfinance Bank 2,566,393 50,810,232,624 4,571,530 22,498,365,700
NRSP Bank 258,937 32,435,535,001 56,778 7,905,876,501
Pak Oman Microfinance Bank 61,738 5,493,901,167 12,389 1,310,943,917
Sindh Microfinance Bank 66,133 1,321,059,597 17,019 621,625,000
Telenor Microfinance Bank Limited 488,471 11,593,611,248 892,087 5,364,207,359
U Microfinance Bank 373,855 50,584,779,904 151,304 21,671,442,084
Total for MFBS 5,927,182 379,473,194,726 6,271,614 128,018,040,586
Agahe Pakistan 60,550 1,705,438,349 14,631 776,200,000
Akhuwat Islamic Microfinance 692,635 30,722,971,538 125,925 6,390,149,250
CSC Empowerment & Inclusion Programme 46,054 1,943,664,470 11,691 747,838,749
Damen Support Programme 127,527 4,869,016,247 31,865 2,390,130,000
FFO Support Program 47,622 1,118,924,866 7,630 382,569,000
JWS Pakistan 159,375 4,843,297,591 39,221 2,191,405,000
Kashf Foundation 639,409 22,398,111,099 212,826 11,215,395,000
Mojaz Support Program 42,938 1,074,455,448 3,970 286,225,000
Organization for Poverty Reduction & Chartiable Trust 24,802 749,666,295 5,806 335,450,000
OPD Support Program 4,439 81,488,271 948 41,575,000
Rural Community Development Programs 204,184 7,748,309,160 42,747 2,899,185,000
Sayya Microfinance Company 9,437 230,258,155 2,304 100,420,000
Safco Support Foundation 117,309 3,741,190,515 16,172 1,197,685,200
Shah Sachal Sami Foundation 3,985 156,191,669 585 43,370,000
Farmer Development Programme 8,190 161,758,502 2,532 98,055,000
Union Bank 350 56,572,144 350 56,572,144
Villagers Development Organization 1,870 32,382,753 140 7,685,000
Total for MFIs 2,190,676 81,633,697,072 519,343 29,159,909,343
Ghazi Barotha Taraqiati Idara 24,186 451,841,913 4,465 177,695,000
National Rural Support Programe 723,640 21,994,829,622 163,686 8,131,121,502
Punjab Rural Support Programe 91,010 2,465,648,118 18,556 783,951,000
Sindh Rural Support Organization 7,559 202,268,300 2,024 98,445,000
Sarhad Rural Support Programme 81,420 3,531,105,491 10,240 790,368,193
Thardeep Microfinance Foundation 46,008 1,338,313,552 9,447 494,775,000
Total for RSPs 973,823 29,984,006,996 208,418 10,476,355,695
MCB Islamic Bank 566 171,342,710
Total for Others 566 171,342,710 0 0
Source: Pakistan Microfinance Network (PMN)
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