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Oral and Dental Health refers to the condition of the teeth, gums, tongue, and other oral structures that allow individuals to eat, speak, and interact with others comfortably and effectively. Good oral health not only benefits individuals by reducing the cost of general healthcare and improving quality of life but also contributes to a healthier and more productive society, thus holding significant economic value for individuals, communities, and health delivery systems for several reasons.

Better performance & productivity

Good oral health enhances productivity at the workplace. Oral health issues, such as toothaches or gum disease, cause pain and discomfort, leading to decreased concentration and performance at work. Individuals with poor oral health may need to take time off for dental appointments or due to severe pain, which affects productivity and economic output. Oral health plays a significant role in overall well-being and quality of life. People with healthy teeth and gums can eat and enjoy a wider variety of foods comfortably, speak clearly, and smile confidently, leading to improved social interactions and mental health.

Better job opportunities

A healthy smile is often considered an asset in the job market. People with good oral health may be more confident in interviews and interactions with colleagues and clients, potentially improving their chances of securing employment or advancing in their careers. Good oral health promotes fresh breath, which is often a result of proper oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing regularly and addressing any underlying oral health issues like gum disease or tooth decay. Bad breath (Halitosis) on the other hand, is considered a social stigma. Investing, therefore, in preventive dental care and maintaining good oral hygiene not only leads to long-term savings by reducing the need for costly restorative treatments but also prevents humiliation in society due to Halitosis.

Minimised absenteeism from job

On the contrary, poor oral health is linked to various systemic health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. These infections enter the bloodstream via bad oral hygiene and contribute to these ailments which may be the cause of absenteeism from assigned duties. By maintaining good oral health, individuals may reduce their risk of developing these conditions as oral health is not just about having a bright smile; it is integral to overall well-being. It consequently, results in lower healthcare costs for both individuals and healthcare systems in the country.

Some suggestions to keep your mouth healthy

Refrain from eating or drinking within an hour of bedtime, except for plain water, which aids saliva in neutralising acidic conditions that can hinder oral bacteria from causing damage.

Before going to bed, ensure to brush your teeth and clean between them using dental floss or specialised interdental brushes. This practice will help maintain a bacteria-free environment in your mouth throughout the night.

Brush your teeth after breakfast in the morning, rather than before, to effectively remove any sticky food particles from your teeth, gums, and mouth, ensuring a fresh feeling until lunchtime. This routine helps protect your mouth, for the majority of the day, from any damaging effect of oral bacteria.

Opt for high-quality toothpaste that contains a recommended quantity of fluoride, as fluoride is currently the most effective substance known for preventing tooth decay and subsequent cavities.

Establish the routine of thoroughly and forcefully swishing water in your mouth following each meal and snack. This simple practice plays a crucial role in preserving oral health.

After each meal, chew sugar-free gum or gum containing xylitol for at least five minutes. This practice stimulates saliva production in your mouth, promoting oral health.

If you are at high risk of tooth decay, such as having a dry mouth due to regular medicines you take for Blood Pressure, Diabetes, or any other ailment, your dentist might administer a fluoride treatment, during your dental clinic visit or may suggest using fluoride mouth rinse at home for ongoing care. If you are at higher risk of gum disease due to a debilitating medical condition like arthritis, pulmonary disease, or diabetes, your dentist might recommend more frequent check-ups and visits.

Due to hormonal changes, expectant mothers might encounter swollen and easily bleeding gums. It’s mandatory during pregnancy to uphold excellent oral hygiene to ensure gum health.

Maintain a balanced diet, limit the frequency of intake of sweets and sugary beverages, refrain from smoking, and ensure regular visits to your dentist.