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Pakistan: Advances Classified By Securities/ Borrowers
Details Outstanding Amount in Billion Rs.
Security/ Borrower December-2024P
Foreign Banks Private Sector Banks Public Sector Banks Specialized Banks All Banks
1. Foreign Constituents 8.2 0.2 8.4
2. Domestic Constituents 414.6 12,354.1 2,688.4 140.9 15,598.1
I. Government 362.1 1,077.1 255.2 1,694.4
II. Non-Financial Public Sector Enterprises (NFPSE) 1,041.7 540.4 1,582.2
III. Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) 1,615.1 215.0 0.1 1,830.3
IV. Private Sector (Business) 52.1 7,672.5 1,380.2 138.0 9,242.8
i. Gold Bullion, Gold, And Silver Ornaments, Precious Metals 2.6 91.0 93.6
ii. Securities, Shares And Other Financial Instruments 87.9 82.6 0.0 170.4
(A) Quoted On Stock Exchange 64.5 16.9 81.5
1. To Stock Brokers And Dealers 40.8 1.1 42.0
a) Government And Others Trustee Securities 5.9 0.0 6.0
b) Shares and Debentures 34.9 1.1 36.0
c) Participation Term Certificates (PTC)
d) Others 0.0 0.0
2. To Others 23.7 15.8 39.5
a) Government and Other Trustee Securities 12.5 15.0 27.5
b) Shares And Debentures 10.7 0.8 11.5
c) Participation Term Certificates (PTC) 0.0 0.0 0.0
d) Others 0.5 0.5
(B) Unquoted On The Stock Exchange 23.4 65.6 0.0 89.0
1. To Stock Brokers And Dealers 7.2 59.2 66.4
a) Government and Other Trustee Securities 34.2 34.2
b) Shares and Debentures 7.2 7.2
c) Participation Term Certificates (PTC)
d) Others 0.0 25.0 25.0
2. To Others 16.1 6.4 0.0 22.6
a) Government and Other Trustee Securities 12.4 2.4 0.0 14.8
b) Shares and Debentures 0.1 0.8 0.8
c) Participation Term Certificates (PTC)
d) Others 3.7 3.3 7.0
iii. Merchandise 1.0 2,708.9 394.4 0.0 3,104.4
(A) Food Items 604.8 90.8 0.0 695.6
(B) Raw Materials 0.7 658.2 158.3 817.2
(C) Finished / Manufactured Goods 0.3 1,445.9 145.4 1,591.6
iv. Fixed Assets 1.0 1,473.9 295.3 0.0 1,770.2
(A) Transport equipments 467.7 84.1 551.8
(B) Furniture & Fixtures 1.5 2.3 3.7
(C) Office equipments 174.9 2.4 177.3
(D) Other machinery & equipments 1.0 829.8 206.6 0.0 1,037.4
v. Real Estate 1.8 1,314.7 260.3 134.8 1,711.7
(A) Land 0.5 658.1 128.7 134.4 921.6
(B) Buildings 1.3 656.6 131.6 0.5 790.0
1. Residential 281.1 16.4 0.2 297.7
2. Non-Residential 1.3 375.6 115.2 0.3 492.4
a) Commercial 1.3 155.6 88.2 0.2 245.3
b) Industrial 138.1 10.6 0.0 148.8
c) Other 81.8 16.4 0.0 98.3
vi. Against Fixed Deposits And Insurance Policies 603.3 10.2 613.4
(A) Bank Deposits 602.9 10.2 613.0
(B) Insurance Policies 0.4 0.4
vii. Others 48.3 1,446.8 205.6 0.0 1,700.7
(A) Other Secured Advances 1.0 1,185.6 58.8 1,245.4
(B) Advances Secured By Guarantee(s) 47.3 261.2 146.8 0.0 455.3
1. Institutional Guarantee(s) 47.3 156.5 116.8 320.6
2. Individual Guarantee(s) 104.7 30.0 0.0 134.8
viii. Unsecured Advances 2.4 32.3 3.1 37.8
V. Trust Funds And Non Profit Organizations 11.2 1.2 0.5 12.8
VI. Personal 0.4 931.9 295.3 2.3 1,229.9
VII. Other 4.6 1.2 5.7
Grand total 414.6 12,362.3 2,688.6 140.9 15,606.5