An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries.
Overview | Last | Reference | Previous |
Currency | 111 | Feb/18 | 110 |
Stock Market | 42640 points | Feb/18 | 42920 |
Government Bond 10Y | 8.8 % | Feb/18 | 8.8 |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | 5.28 % | Dec/16 | 4.58 |
GDP | 284 USD Billion | Dec/16 | 271 |
GDP Constant Prices | 11777600 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 11138200 |
Gross National Product | 12465443 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 11687052 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation | 1647268 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 1558295 |
GDP per capita | 1182 USD | Dec/16 | 1140 |
GDP per capita PPP | 4866 USD | Dec/16 | 4695 |
GDP From Agriculture | 2206357 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 2210647 |
GDP From Construction | 287569 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 254251 |
GDP From Manufacturing | 1513752 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 1441679 |
GDP From Mining | 331853 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 310715 |
GDP From Services | 6584437 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 6228669 |
GDP From Transport | 1479021 PKR Million | Dec/16 | 1421265 |
Unemployment Rate | 5.9 % | Dec/16 | 5.9 |
Employed Persons | 57420 Thousand | Dec/15 | 56520 |
Unemployed Persons | 3620 Thousand | Dec/15 | 3580 |
Population | 208 Million | Dec/16 | 190 |
Living Wage Family | 28800 PKR/Month | Dec/17 | 29000 |
Living Wage Individual | 14400 PKR/Month | Dec/17 | 14500 |
Wages High Skilled | 49800 PKR/Month | Dec/17 | 41100 |
Wages Low Skilled | 20700 PKR/Month | Dec/17 | 17000 |
Inflation Rate | 4.42 % | Jan/18 | 4.57 |
Consumer Price Index CPI | 220 Index Points | Jan/18 | 220 |
Core Inflation Rate | 5.2 % | Jan/18 | 5.5 |
GDP Deflator | 257 Index Points | Dec/16 | 251 |
Producer Prices | 225 Index Points | Jan/18 | 221 |
Export Prices | 703 Index Points | Jun/17 | 704 |
Import Prices | 1232 Index Points | Jun/17 | 1234 |
CPI Transportation | 183 Index Points | Jan/18 | 180 |
Food Inflation | 5.1 % | Jan/18 | 5.16 |