Technology is a major part of our lives today; since we wake-up in the morning to the time we go to sleep at night we are surrounded by technology and use it several times throughout the day for multiple purposes.
Technology has slowly and gradually penetrated in our lives without many of us realizing its impact at some point it has made on our lives. It has made our easier and has opened new avenues and channels for development.
The world is moving digital, quite a lot of services and stores, business, industries that were available only offline are now present online as well, converting things to platform technology does save resources at the same time makes the penetration of these resources easier in our society.
To ensure the availability of resources offline there is a huge cost involved to build the infrastructure, to inculcate skills in the students and to provide them equal opportunities to learn is very difficult in a present Pakistani scenario where we are already caught in so many issues be it corruption, increasing inflation, protracted poverty, which are top on the list of things to be managed.
While using digital platforms where skills can be learnt through internet by just merely having a 3G and 4G on our phones, we can access these learning platforms that can be created by governmental collaboration or private sector; we have one at present created by Federal Government that is digital skills.
To make digital skills more penetrable and accessible these kind of platforms have been created in numerous other countries, platforms like Rumie, Enuma, Ekstep have been successful in providing skills to far flung areas and can be replicated in Pakistan with local understanding of the needs and pain points of the society.
Digital skills are the new way to create development, raise standard of living and with the skills provided it can also create more future opportunities as education is important but acquiring skills at the same time is the need of the day for Pakistan, where it is a developing economy and needs all hands on deck.
Education and technology can hand in hand create students as well as future professionals who are sounder in their knowledge with skills that shall also help Pakistan in over-coming poverty and raise standard of living of people.
These platforms are important as it also over rides any chance of biasness and nepotism as it provides equal opportunities to each and every individual, so it would not matter whether you are in a metropolis like Karachi or far flung area, the students can access digital skill providing platforms and benefit itself, it shall be a self-learning as well a development that will create better chances for his prospect for and help in materializing their aspirations.