Interview with Mr Hasan Sheikh Vohra — Chief Executive Officer, Hasan Enterprises International
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Since 2005 Mr. Hasan Sheikh Vohra has been serving the valued platforms and trade bodies like Karachi Customs Agents Association, Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Pakistan. He served as Joint Secretary of Karachi Customs Agents Association during 2015-2016 & 2017-2018 and as Liaison Officer, Coordinator, Advisor and Member Managing Committee on many previous occasions and also is serving as Member Managing Committee and Chairman Multimodal Port & Shipping Sub-Committee of Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry for the term 2018-2019.[/box]
Pakistan & Gulf Economist had an exclusive conversation with Mr Hasan Sheikh Vohra. His comments are as follows:
Shipping Company:
- Free days period may please be started after completion of vessel (discharging process) instead of vessel arrival date.
- Container Damage Charges should be recovered from the Insurance Company instead of importer/Customs Agents because at the time of issuance of delivery order/gate pass insurance charges are being charged by the shipping company.
- Delay in issuance of Delivery Order/Gate Pass & Loading Program, we would like to suggest that specific timeframe for issuance of DO and Gate Passes should be formed having uniformity concept in its implementation at all the shipping agents.
- Container Detention Charges:
- Free days should be allowed as per bill of lading mentioned therein.
- Tariff rates may kindly be defined as per daily basis after completion of free day’s period.
- Terminal Handling Charges (THC) relate to Terminal Operators, so that Shipping Lines may be directed for not to be charged by them.
- House bill of lading is being issued by the Freight Forwarders without having any legal entity, whereas shipping companies/PIFFA must take responsibilities for house bill of lading issued by the Freight Forwarders.
- Validity of Gate Pass i.e. 7 days may please be extended.
- Container Security Deposit of 20’ / 40’ should be equal at all shipping companies.
- Higher side of Container Security Deposit.
- Encashment of security deposit by the shipping companies.
- Delay in refund of security deposit cheques.
- Insurance charges not covered by damage/dirty charges.
- Delay in issuance of Delivery Order.
- Container Detention charges rates/slabs.
- All the Shipping Agents must charge as per Standard Tariff Rates of Delivery Order, THC, PPS, Detention Charges, and Container Security Charges etc. must be designed, circulated to all concerned Trade Bodies, and PSAA may get them enforced and implemented from the convenience and facilitation of Trade.
- Acceptance of Delay Detention Certificates issued by the Model Customs Collectorates.
Terminal Operators:
- Delay in Grounding of Containers at all Terminals.
- After Gate-In of exports containers, same day grounding not being done waiting for next day which causing delay in examination and shut out the cargo.
- The shortage of pertinent staff; handling equipment; skilled labor; space etc.
- Mis-handling of goods especially at the time of re-stuffing of goods.
- Appropriate security measures and CCTV Camera may be arranged to avoid theft & pilferage cases.
- Non acceptance of delay detention certificate by the terminal operators which is issued by the Customs authorities.
- Usually the unskilled laborers are employed who are unmindful and incapable of handling cargo properly resulting complaints/claims by the foreign buyers in addition to the defamation of the country and the exporter.