There is no way to sugar-coat the harsh reality of Pakistan’s socio-economic conditions as we approach the end of the financial year. The recovery of economy was encouraging and an outlier among developed nations after the enormous impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Mr. Naji, the country director for Pakistan in the World Bank openly accepted that Pakistan’s economy showed remarkable resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic, which shows the high potential of its peoples. However, the year 2022 brought challenges both old and new. The surging political and economic shocks have given rise to the perfect storm but its certainly not…
Author: Imtiaz Rafi Butt
The year 2021 was nothing short of revolutionary and historical in multiple facets. In various areas of life, events took place that have a lasting effect on the fate of humanity and the planet for decades. 2021 was a year that was reminiscent of the human condition; a convoluted amalgam of pessimism with optimism, hope with fear, death and life, darkness and light. The major narrative that comes out sends a message for future generations, that even when there is injustice, suffering and challenges in the world and in our home country, there are people who are bearers of light,…
The global economic structure has fallen headlong from the covid-19 pandemic into a challenging energy crisis. At the outset, the losses from the developing crisis are already higher than the super-recession that began in 2007. The oil prices per barrel is set to a hit an all-time high of 100 USD, which has multiple reasons behind it. The world is recovering from the lockdowns of the pandemic and industries are putting people back to work but the same will not be possible for every country and it is feared that the incoming energy crisis will hit the developing nations much…
On 14th August, 1947, Pakistan was born out of sheer struggle, determination and sacrifices of the Muslims of the sub-continent. Quaid-e-Azam, his team and his followers had done the unthinkable. They had carved out one of the largest Muslim countries of the World and snatched it from the jaws of a weakening British Empire and a hostile, extremist and superior in numbers Hindu polity. The idea of that Hindustan belonged only to the Hindus was defeated. Muslim presence in the region since the times of Muhammad Bin Qasim had been recognized by the modern world and rights of the Muslims…
In December, 2020, the 5th meeting of the Joint Working Group on Gwadar, which includes, representatives of multiple Ministries from Pakistan and their counterparts in the Chinese Government, reviewed the progress of up gradation of Gwadar and showed satisfaction over the pace of projects. Gwadar, even though challenges still remain, remains a point of mighty potential of Pakistan. The Imran Khan government is finally playing its cards right. Gwadar and China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are being processed unhindered by political and social ups and downs. The internal as well as external conditions are conducive for Gwadar. The focus should…
The year 2020 has been one of the darkest years of human history. The world is in chaos but there is hope on the horizon. Celebrating Quaid’s day this year, once again draws our focus towards unity, faith and discipline. Far from the bookish ideas that have lost meaning, this day gives us the opportunity to see the value of the guiding principles that the Quaid gave us. It is the disciplined nations that have managed to continue life despite the pandemic. It is the hardworking and unified nations that are thriving even now. Such values have saved millions in…
On 11th September, 1948, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah left us at the age of 71. He was an exceptional lawyer, a remarkable statesman and a one of a kind leader of his people. His life, vision and achievements continue to shine and enlighten our paths even today. The Quaid made possible the miracle that is Pakistan. Unfortunately, the future that he chalked out for Pakistan has not been realized but it is never too late. As of 2020, the guidance of the Quaid and his impressions are all we need to get back to the way of prosperity and progress.…
The year 2020 is unfolding a series of transformations for the whole world. The Covid pandemic is wreaking havoc across the continents while some countries are tackling the virus better than the others. China, Germany, New Zealand and Japan are few of the exceptions that have displayed remarkable versatility and acumen in the handling the outbreak. On the other hand, United States and European countries like UK, Italy and Spain have been devastated. The Covid pandemic poses a dilemma, on one hand the lives of human beings are at stake which can be saved through lockdowns, but on the other…
In the second week of February, 2020, President Tayyib Erdogan of Turkey made one of his most historic visits to Pakistan. In orthodox times, such official matters are attended by the President alongwith delegates from the Foreign Ministry, but instead, Erdogan was accompanied by his wife, close political allies and a group of most influential businessmen from Turkey. It is no surprise that he has come to Pakistan with a profound agenda. Pakistan and Turkey are facing a peculiar set of challenges and each is of the view that through a strategic partnership, the impact of these challenges can be…
History is a testament to the fact that dedication and endurance determine the life and downfall of nations. Some nations struggle to survive while others thrive on ambition and advancement. The celebration of 23rd March marks one such memory for all Pakistanis and its relevance in the 2020 us more than ever. In the year 1940, Lahore Minto Park, this nation decided to advance and to survive as a separate entity on the map of the world. The elders of the Muslims of the sub-continent were able to visualize and articulate the true picture of freedom and liberty and then there was the day,…
On 29th of January, 2020, the Government of China has officially reported that it is facing a chaotic epidemic of a viral infection named coronavirus which has already infected over 7000 people and the number is rising. 170 deaths have already been reported and number is sure to rise. The WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom has made multiple emergency meetings and held press conferences urging the world to come together to avoid a global catastrophe. The spread of the virus from Wuhan city of China to the rest of the globe and its potential for disaster marks an imminent threat to humanity as a whole…
“Think a hundred times before you take a decision, but once the decision is taken, stand by it as one man”, these were the words of the great man who carved out Pakistan from the map of the world. His commitment, integrity and discipline still form the foundation of our nation and its path towards glory. As our challenges grow tougher and tougher, the people of this country need only to look at the father of the nation for inspiration and the resolve to achieve our destiny. On his birthday, let us commemorate not just his birthday, but also his…
As the race for Brexit is back and with it the debate that the United Kingdom is better off without Europe. France and Germany have propagated unification and co-operation instead of separation, but the British do not share their enthusiasm, with the view that Germans will and have been dominating the Eurozone. Behind the argument of Brexit, is the notion that the United Kingdom was a colonial power and was thus called, “Great Britain”, and one of the slogans for Brexit has been, “lets put the Great, back in Great Britain”. The “Great” obviously referring to the Great British Empire…
Quaid-e-Azam, father of a nation, the icon of freedom and liberty for the Muslims of the sub-continent and the most remarkable statesman are titles that are bestowed upon Muhammad Ali Jinnah, but in all these accolades, his private life is shadowed. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, even with all his greatness and potential could not escape the pitfalls and perils of a challenging romantic relationship. Mr and Mrs Jinnah, a book by Sheela Reddy, sheds light on the romantic marriage between Jinnah and Ruttie Petit, how it happened and why it ended on a sad note. Varying shades of Jinnah, Ruttie and…
The Chinese government has announced the 70th Independence Day celebrations as the Golden Week, to be held from 1st October, 2019. It is a momentous time for a great nation that has achieved gigantic tasks in the shortest time. A nation is on the rise, as it commemorates its past and reassures its resolve for the future. The world is watching and many a people are drawing inspiration from the example set by the People’s Republic of China. The Independence Day celebration carries a lot of substance for the country with the largest population in the world, soon to become…
As of 2019, the United States remains the dominant superpower of the world. It controls the most formidable army and enjoys influence across all continents in matters of governance, economics and diplomacy. But according to leading political experts, the American influence is largely based on inertia from previous decades. The policies that were the corner stones of development and hegemony have been weakened and the mantle of progress and dominance have been taken over by the people of China. The GDP of China, when viewed through purchasing power parity has surpassed that of United States. As the economic gap shrinks,…
Stand united, work selflessly, perseveringly and in a disciplined manner and I assure you no power on Earth can prevent you from the attainment of a liberated Kashmir and the realization of your just and legitimate rights. Our sympathies are with you in your struggle and I wish your session all success. Quaid’s Message to All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference, New Dehli, 26 October, 1946 Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah rose to the pedestal of a leader of Muslim Ummah. He was a resolute leader, Statesman and visionary possibly one of the most remarkable men of the 20th Century. Sir…
On 5th August, 2019, the Government of India revoked Article 370 and 35A of its Constitution, thereby, annexing and removing the stately existence of Jammu and Kashmir. This agonizing development brings back memories not just from the 70 years of freedom struggle for Kashmiris but a historical legacy of pain and torture even before 1947. This development is the darkest hour for Pakistan and Kashmir since the takeover of the Muslim majority valley since independence. As the world watches, while the resolutions of the United Nations prove to be mere paper work and the economic interests of significant nations obstructing…
Pakistan is observing a wide range of transformations in various areas of governance. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is by far, the most imperative project when it comes to boosting the economy and developing the lagging infrastructure in collaboration with China. On 19th August, 2019, the Government of Imran Khan took yet another bold step in the right direction. A meeting was held in Islamabad where progress was discussed and critical decisions were taken in the presence of Minster for Development and Planning, Khusro Bakhtiar, Minister for Communication, Murad Saeed, Minister for Energy, Omar Ayub among others. Imran Khan headed…
In the last week of May, 2019, the Chinese Vice President, Wang Qishan made a historical visit to Pakistan. The visit was marked with momentous events such as the commemoration of 68 years of “Iron Brother” diplomacy between the two countries and the highest award, Nishan-e-Pakistan for a foreign leader presented by the President of Pakistan to Mr. Wang Qishan. The Vice President came to gauge the progress of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects while addressing the complexity of geostrategic dimensions of the Belt and Road Project. The creation of special economic zones and expansion of CPEC into agriculture sector…
In June, 2019, the Chinese President Xi Jinping made his historic visit to meet President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg, Russia. While on a cruise along the Neva River, next to St. Petersburg, both leaders gave a new outlook to personal ties along with diplomatic ones. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin were also seen celebrating the birthday of Xi, which is, in normal conditions, a state secret. As a gift, Putin presented Xi with Russian Ice Cream while Xi reciprocated with presenting him with Chinese Tea. They also spent time near the birthplace of Putin near Neva River and exchanged…
Mankind took thousands of years to realize the evils of authoritarian and monarchical rule. Ancient Greece formally began the struggle for a democratic republic, which never fully came to pass. Roman democracy was obliterated by Caesar and thereon began, a long list of absolute emperors. In the Muslim era, after a brief period of stability, the leadership once again became a family affair. Finally, Europe once again took the reins of reform in governance and it is from the ashes of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution that seeds of modern day democracy were sown. The Western world quickly reaped…
Pakistan is blessed with the most abundant of geological resources and its geostrategic position makes it one of the most influential countries in the region, yet, as there is always a flip side to the equation and autonomy in water resources is not one of them. By far, among the most critical threats to the nation is the problem of water shortage. According to experts, there will be an acute shortage of drinking as well as irrigation water in Pakistan by 2025 and, if the situation goes unchecked, there is the probability of a complete drought-like position by 2040, which would turn…
As a result of General Elections 2018, Imran Khan has become the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan. Following the polling verdicts, Khan appeared before the nation in his victory speech and then subsequently after his oath taking, addressed the nation as Prime Minister. It is writing on the wall that Pakistan is facing dire circumstances on many fronts but what these two speeches did, is altogether a unique factor and stratagem on its own. The road up ahead will not be overcome with mere words but words can set the path towards the right perspective. A perspective that yearns to…
Among the most popular TV News Anchors and Talk show hosts in India is a man who goes by the name of Arnab Goswami. On a Sunday morning, while scrolling through prominent TV channels, I came across an interesting debate on a renowned channel “India News Today”. What looked like a high profile talk show on an International Indian Channel, what I saw was Mr. Arnab Goswami having two Muslim leaders being bullied by hard-liner Hindu Nationalists on a live transmission. The core topic under discussion was; why Muslims object to Vande Mataram being read and bowed to by all…
On June 27th, 2018, the US Secretary of Defense Mr. James Mattis made international headlines accusing China of militarization, coercion and threatened an impending conflict. It is now clear that the US, after having sorted out a major issue with North Korea, seeks to step up pressure on China, even if it means an all-out war. Following the departure of James Mattis from China, two American warships ventured from the Taiwan Straits into South China Sea, which is the first time ever that Chinese waters have been penetrated by American Gunships. The big question now is whether the United States…
March 23rd 1940 marks the day of adoption of Pakistan Resolution by the Muslim League calling for a relentless struggle for creation of a separate homeland for Muslims of the subcontinent comprising provinces of Muslim majority in the North Western and North Eastern parts of British India. The three days session of the League laid the foundation of the first Islamic Republic of the World. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who had been a staunch supporter of Hindu Muslim Unity for 30 years finally transformed his views and irrevocably became the leader of struggle for Pakistan. The founding fathers of Pakistan…
Half a century ago, life was far simpler. Modern and affluent household barely had either a Murphy or Philips Gramophone for playing records from “His Masters Voice” (HMV) with a logo of a dog listening to a phonograph. People bought pins to play records- one pin played just one record. Steam engine run trains were the usual means of transport. Most villages lacked electricity. Kerosene lanterns were made ready before sunset. People ate supper early and retired to their beds soon after Isha prayer. BBC news on the radio at eight was usually the final activity. Telephones were very rare…
On 28th November, 2017, the mayor London, Sadiq Khan, unveiled a bronze statue of Quaid-e-Azam in the British Museum. The statue was unveiled to commemorate the 70th Independence year of Pakistan and the tremendous personality that was Muhammad Ali Jinnah on the occasion of 25th of December, his date of birth. The bronze statue will be on display till end of January and thereafter, it will be moved to Lincoln’s Inn in recognition of Quaid-e-Azam’s excellence. The man that became a father of a Nation but at the same time paid due dedication to the cause of democracy, freedom, human…
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n today’s world, the accumulation of vested power in the hands of the individual has paved the way for popular movements that can mature into active revolutions. History stands testimony to the fact that revolutions occur when frustration and repression of the masses crosses a certain boundary. The effects of a classic revolution, depending on the strength of its foundation, can last for decades if not centuries. The French revolution with its empowerment of the common citizen against the elite is an excellent example whose reverberations can be felt even today. Similarly, the Russian revolution and closely linked Chinese revolution…
[dropcap]”H[/dropcap]igher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans, stronger than steel, dearer than eyesight and sweeter than honey,” these are the words that hfave been spoken time and again commemorating the prestigious alliance between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Peoples Republic of China. As unusual as it sounds, today, it is a reality that is set to shape the future of Asia, if not the global order. Pakistan and China relations have now come of age. All the doubts and reluctance stand cleared. On 30th November, 2016, a consignment worth 500 tonnes of goods left Kunming in China…