Selling pressure mounts at Pakistan stocks Bears continued to rule the stock market on Friday as selling pressure pulled the benchmark index down by 462 points, which ended its second successive session in the red. The last trading day of the week was marred by uncertainty and investors chose to remain on the sidelines before the central bank’s announcement of monetary policy. At close, the benchmark KSE 100-share Index recorded a decrease of 462.07 points or 1.09% to settle at 42,074.09. Shares of 313 companies were traded. At the end of the day, 78 stocks closed higher, 214 declined while…
Author: S. Kamal Hayder Kazmi
Capesize market’s downside momentum looks to be slowing down The Capesize index has broken support and is now in a corrective phase having made a fresh market low. Downside momentum is showing signs of slowing as we approach the technical support zone. Remains corrective below USD 20,801 unless the index produces a lower high. The June futures have now made a lower low and entered bearish territory. The stochastic is now oversold, a close above USD 16,040 would create a fresh market high indicating bull momentum is gaining, however price would remain below moving averages. The Q3 futures remain corrective…
World oil prices fall $2 per barrel Oil prices fell more than $2 per barrel on Friday as Saudi Arabia and Russia discussed easing production cuts that have helped push crude prices to their highest since 2014. Brent crude futures LCOc1 fell $2.35, or 3 percent, to settle at $76.44 a barrel. The global benchmark lost about 2.7 percent this week, its largest weekly drop since early April. The contract hit its highest since late 2014 at $80.50 last week. US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude CLc1 slumped $2.83, or 4 percent, to finish at $67.88 a barrel. For the…
Society of Performing Organization “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Society in all developed countries has become a society of organizations in which most, if not all, social tasks are being done in and by an organization. Organizations do not exist for their own sake. They are means: each society’s organ for the discharge of one social task. The organization’s goal is a specific contribution to individual and society. The test of its performance, unlike that of a biological organism, therefore, always lies outside itself. This means that we must know what “performance” means for this or that institution.…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN’S DEBT AND LIABILITIES (Rs in Billion: Provisional) Details Mar-17R Jun-17R Sep-17R Dec-17R Mar-18P I. Government Domestic Debt 14,746.0 14,849.2 15,375.5 15,437.4 16,074.1 II. Government External Debt 5,501.5 5,918.7 6,029.8 6,692.5 7,269.6 III. Debt from IMF 626.4 640.8 654.5 690.9 732.7 IV. External Liabilities1 368.1 373.8 380.2 403.3 432.0 V. Private Sector External Debt 1,039.5 1,171.2 1,253.7 1,334.7 1,416.2 VI. PSEs External Debt 286.4 285.2 314.0…
Market indicators are a series of technical indicators used by traders to predict the direction of the major financial indexes. Most market indicators are created by analyzing the number of companies that have reached new highs relative to the number that created new lows, also known as market breadth. PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATORS EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 13-Apr Friday 20-Apr Friday 27-Apr Friday 4-May Friday 11-May Friday 18-May DOLLAR Buying 116.65 117.5 118.2 118.25 117.5 117.3 Selling 117.45 117.8 118.5 118.55 117.8 117.85 POUND Buying 164.5 164 163.85 161 158.5 158.5 Selling 166.25 165.75 165.6 162.75 160.25 160.25 EURO Buying…
[divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [ads1] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″]
International report mentioned that yet, 263 million children and young people are out of school around the world. The very important question is, when we think of international educational systems, what types of words come to our mind? How our educational practitioners, policymakers, and leaders are thinking to enhance this system. Who is thinking about the major challenges of students in the world? Unluckily, Pakistan is one of those very few countries where the system of education has constantly deteriorated. The situation at present is so bad that our system of education is almost near collapse as the Government of…
United Nations always protect the world from various type risks or unrests like; economic unrest, social unrest as well as political unrest. United Nations development programs (UNDP) introduced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which is now known as after 2016 the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals. Experts mention that these 17 Goals build on the successes of MDGs, while counting new areas like climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities. Various experts also mention that the SDGs are also called as “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable…
Pakistan stocks post 6th successive negative close The KSE-100 Index dropped for the sixth successive trading session, reaching close to 41,500 points as selling pressure persisted amid concerns over Pakistan’s macroeconomic indicators and political uncertainty. At close, the benchmark KSE 100-share Index recorded a decrease of 246.13 points or 0.59 percent to settle at 41,623.52. Shares of 313 companies were traded. At the end of the day, 78 stocks closed higher, 218 declined while 17 remained unchanged. Overall, trading volumes rose to 82.8 million shares compared with Thursday’s tally of 56.9 million. The value of shares traded during the day…
Panamax index looking bearish The Panamax index is now on the lower range support and at major Fibonacci level. Technically bearish the index needs to see a close above US$10,261 for the trend to be considered as turning. However, and early signal would come from a close above US$10,089 as this would be a three-day high. The June futures remain technically bearish and are now testing the recent lows within a range, which is putting a neutral bias on the bearish trend. The stochastic is showing a bullish divergence indicating downside momentum could be slowing. However, this needs to be…
World oil prices stay lower Oil prices fell on Friday, but Brent crude was on track for a sixth straight week of gains, boosted by plummeting Venezuelan production, strong global demand and looming U.S. sanctions on Iran. Brent futures LCOc1 for July delivery fell 26 cents, 0.3 percent, to $79.04 a barrel, by 1:08 p.m. EDT (1708 GMT). The global benchmark on Thursday broke through $80 for the first time since November 2014, and investors anticipate more gains due to supply concerns, at least in the short-term. Brent has gained about 20 percent since the start of the year. US…
The Function of Management Is to Produce Results Above all management is responsible for producing results. Management has to give direction to the institution it manages. It has to think through the institution’s mission, has to set its objectives, and has to organize resources for the results the institution has to contribute. Management is, indeed, J.B. Say’s “entrepreneur” and responsible for directing vision and resources toward greatest results and contributions. In performing these essential functions, management everywhere faces the same problems. It has to organize work for productivity; it has to lead the worker toward productivity and achievement. It is…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous GDP From Services 6970204 PKR Million Dec/17 6577139 GDP From Transport 1551714 PKR Million Dec/17 1492876 Unemployment Rate 5.9 % Dec/16 5.9 Employed Persons 57420 Thousand Dec/15 56520 Unemployed Persons 3620 Thousand Dec/15 3580 Population 200 Million Dec/17 208 Living Wage Family 28800 PKR/Month Dec/17 29000 Living Wage Individual 14400 PKR/Month Dec/17 14500 Wages High Skilled 49800 PKR/Month…
Market indicators are a series of technical indicators used by traders to predict the direction of the major financial indexes. Most market indicators are created by analyzing the number of companies that have reached new highs relative to the number that created new lows, also known as market breadth. PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 6-Apr Friday 13-Apr Friday 20-Apr Friday 27-Apr Friday 4-May Friday 11-May DOLLAR Buying 116.35 116.65 117.5 118.2 118.25 117.5 Selling 117.15 117.45 117.8 118.5 118.55 117.8 POUND Buying 161.5 164.5 164 163.85 161 158.5 Selling 163.25 166.25 165.75 165.6 162.75 160.25 EURO Buying…
Pakistan: Salient features of the Budget 2018-19 The total outlay of budget 2018-19 is Rs 5,932.5 billion. This size is 16.2% higher than the size of budget estimates 2017-18. The resource availability during 2018-19 has been estimated at Rs 4,917.2 billion against Rs 4,713.7 billion in the budget estimates of 2017-18. The net revenue receipts for 2018-19 have been estimated at Rs 3,070.4 billion indicating an increase of 4.9% over the budget estimates of 2017-18. The provincial share in federal taxes is estimated at Rs 2,590.1 billion during 2018-19, which is 8.6% higher than the budget estimates for 2017-18. The…
Business community predicts that Global Asset Markets would not be as productive or as calm in the year 2018 as they have been in 2017. Furthermore, statistics explicit that every main stock market recorded strong gains for the year amid record low volatility. The corporate profit growth was strong almost everywhere, by the standards of the post-crisis era. Despite all this, the Government of Pakistan merged all three stock exchanges into one Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), which is currently offering a single platform to financiers mainly to the international investors. The government statistics show that the period from July-March FY…
The educators proclaimed that education sector is one of the main sectors in the world which empowers and creates ability among the individuals and the societies to utilize their human capabilities and also builds a strong correlation with socio-economic development. In this regard the development of a widely accessible quality and equitable education system is a critical requirement. Yet, 263 million children and young people are out of school around the globe. Research studies mentioned that in most states basic education is presently thought not only as a right, but also as a prime responsibility – governments are typically predicted…
Pakistan stocks bearish again After a positive finish on Thursday, the KSE-100 turned bearish once again, falling 261 points as political and economic uncertainty took toll on investor sentiment. The KSE-100 opened on a positive note, with the index crossing the 44,000 mark, as investors resumed buying. However, the momentum could not be sustained and the index fell to hit a low of 43,550.68. At close, the benchmark KSE 100-share Index recorded a decrease of 260.99 points or 0.60 percent to settle at 43,594.79. However, on account of political noise and foreign selling, the KSE-100 Index plummeted to close 261…
Shipping industry braces for new sanctions on Iran The US decision to reinstate sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, may result in more trade, to and from the Persian Gulf country, on ships controlled by European companies, but credit finance related hassles cannot be ruled out, market participants quoted as saying on Wednesday. The development is significant as it can have serious implications on trade flows with billions of dollars worth of commodities being moved regularly in and out of Iran by trading and shipping companies such as Vitol, Glencore, Torm and Maersk Tankers. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] Major…
Oil near multi-year highs Oil prices steadied near 3-1/2 year highs on Friday as the prospect of new US sanctions on Iran tightened the outlook for Middle East supply at a time when global crude production is only just keeping pace with rising demand. The United States plans to reintroduce sanctions against Iran, which pumps about 4 percent of the world’s oil, after abandoning a deal reached in late 2015 that limited Tehran’s nuclear ambitions in exchange for the removal of US and European sanctions. The global oil market is finely balanced, with top exporter Saudi Arabia and No.1 producer…
Organizational Inertia All organizations need a discipline that makes them face up to reality. All organizations need to know that virtually no program or activity will perform effectively for a long time without modification and redesign. Eventually every activity becomes obsolete. Among organizations that ignore this fact, the worst offender if government. Indeed, the inability to stop doing anything is the central disease of government and a major reason why government today is sick. Hospitals and universities are only a little better than government in getting rid of yesterday. Businessmen are just as sentimental about yesterday as bureaucrats. They are…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous GDP per capita 1182 USD Dec/16 1140 Unemployment Rate 5.9 % Dec/16 5.9 Employed Persons 57420 Thousand Dec/15 56520 Unemployed Persons 3620 Thousand Dec/15 3580 Population 208 Million Dec/16 190 Living Wage Family 28800 PKR/Month Dec/17 29000 Consumer Price Index CPI 224 Index Points Apr/18 220 Core Inflation Rate 7 % Apr/18 5.8 GDP Deflator 257 Index Points…
Market indicators are a series of technical indicators used by traders to predict the direction of the major financial indexes. Most market indicators are created by analyzing the number of companies that have reached new highs relative to the number that created new lows, also known as market breadth. PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 30-Mar Friday 6-Apr Friday 13-Apr Friday 20-Apr Friday 27-Apr Friday 4-May DOLLAR Buying 115.9 116.35 116.65 117.5 118.2 118.25 Selling 116.2 117.15 117.45 117.8 118.5 118.55 POUND Buying 161 161.5 164.5 164 163.85 161 Selling 162.75 163.25 166.25 165.75 165.6 162.75 EURO Buying…
Pakistan: Major Exports Markets (Rs billion & Percentage share) Details FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 July-January FY2017 FY2018 Rs % Share Rs % Share Rs % Share Rs % Share Rs % Share USA 374.4 16 364.8 17 361.1 17 205.3 17 222.5 16 CHINA 219.9 9 174.0 8 153.8 7 96.7 8 96.3 7 AFGHANISTAN 198.8 8 149.9 7 133.1 6 79.0 6 95.4 7 UNITED KINGDOM 160.2 7 164.7 8 163.1 8 93.4 8 102.7 7 GERMANY 119.0 5 118.0 5 125.1 6 71.7 6 82.2 6 U.A.E 102.9 4 85.5 4 83.0 4 43.2 4 50.3 4 [divider style=”normal”…
Various experts suggest that the Government of Pakistan needs review to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with our great friend China mainly for quality and product safety, make essential amendments and bring stringent principles for complying with the standard requirements of the Chinese commodities landing on our ports. It is also assumed that the entire Chinese market shall be obtainable to Pakistan; instead, we have lost various industries due to the influx of Chinese products. Experts also calculated that the trade volume because of agreement between these states was recorded $13 billion during 2013, and stood to $20 billion by…
Learning Chinese language is not tough if one can focus on it with dedication believe many youngsters in Pakistan. Some Language instructors state that Chinese language is a language of sharp-minded people and the Chinese professionals are getting handsome salary in Pakistan. In the future, it is also expected that thousands of Chinese language professionals and interpreters will be required to meet the rising needs of CPEC project (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). No doubt, both the governments are working on people connectivity through organizing study centers. Different research studies revealed that Pakistan-China educational exchanges and cooperation have developed a lot too…
US markets rise on Apple, other technology stocks Apple and other technology stocks led a rally on Wall Street on Friday after weaker-than-expected US wage growth data eased concerns about faster interest-rate hikes. Shares of Apple Inc jumped to a record high of $184.00 during the session after Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc disclosed that it had raised its stake in the iPhone maker. Apple shares were last up 3.9 percent. The company’s stock is on track for its greatest weekly percentage gain since October 2011. The S&P 500 technology sector was up 1.9 percent, the biggest gainer on the…
Baltic index falls on broad retreat The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index, tracking rates for ships carrying dry bulk commodities, fell for the fourth consecutive session on Tuesday, hurt by weaker rates across all vessel segments. The overall index, which factors in rates for capesize, panamax and supramax shipping vessels, was down 14 points, or 1 percent, at 1,327 points. The capesize index lost 37 points, or 1.7 percent, to end at 2,136 points. Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 170,000-180,000 tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, were down $286 to $16,890. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″…
World oil hits highest since November 2014 Oil prices rose about 2 percent on Friday, with US crude hitting its highest in more than three years, as global supplies remained tight and the market awaited news from Washington on possible new US sanctions against Iran. US light crude settled up $1.29 at $69.72 a barrel. It touched a session peak of $69.97 for the first time since November 2014. It was on track to gain just over 2.3 percent on the week. Brent crude oil settled up $1.25 at $74.87 a barrel. The global benchmark was set to end the…
Limits of Social Responsibility “It is not enough for business to do well; it must also do good.” But in order to “do good,” a business must first “do well.” Whenever a business has disregarded the limitation of economic performance and has assumed social responsibilities that it could not support economically, it has soon gotten into trouble. Union carbide was not socially responsible when it put its into Vienna, West Virginia, to alleviate unemployment there. It was, in fact, irresponsible. The plant was marginal to begin with. The process was obsolescent. At best the plant could barely keep its head…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous Inflation Rate 3.68 % Apr/18 3.25 Consumer Price Index CPI 224 Index Points Apr/18 220 Core Inflation Rate 5.8 % Mar/18 5.2 GDP Deflator 257 Index Points Dec/16 251 Producer Prices 228 Index Points Apr/18 225 Export Prices 715 Index Points Dec/17 708 Import Prices 1209 Index Points Dec/17 1204 CPI Transportation 187 Index Points Apr/18 187 Food…
Market indicators are a series of technical indicators used by traders to predict the direction of the major financial indexes. Most market indicators are created by analyzing the number of companies that have reached new highs relative to the number that created new lows, also known as market breadth. PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 23-Mar Friday 30-Mar Friday 6-Apr Friday 13-Apr Friday 20-Apr Friday 27-Apr DOLLAR Buying 115.5 115.9 116.35 116.65 117.5 118.2 Selling 117.2 116.2 117.15 117.45 117.8 118.5 POUND Buying 160 161 161.5 164.5 164 163.85 Selling 161.75 162.75 163.25 166.25 165.75 165.6 EURO Buying…
Pakistan: Salient features of the budget 2017-18 The total outlay of budget 2017-18 is Rs 5,103.8 billion. This size is 4.3% higher than the size of budget estimates 2016-17. The resource availability during 2017-18 has been estimated at Rs 4,713.7 billion against Rs 4,442 billion in the budget estimates of 2016-17. The net revenue receipts for 2017-18 have been estimated at Rs 2,926 billion indicating an increase of 5.3% over the budget estimates of 2016-17. The provincial share in federal taxes is estimated at Rs 2,384.2 billion during 2017-18, which is 11.6% higher than the budget estimates for 2016-17. The…
Economists believed that one major cause for a trade deficit could be that the country is growing faster than its trading partners in the world. They also believed that faster growth attracts investment, which, along with rising incomes, permits the country with the deficit to buy more imports. Moreover, when growth is slower, demand for imports slides and capital flows to greener pastures. In Pakistan, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) current report based on the provisional statistics of imports and exports shows the balance of trade in March-2018 was (-) 341,676 million in terms of Rupees and (-) 3,049 million…
The World Bank officials revealed in a statement that the prices for energy commodities like oil, natural gas and coal are estimated to jump by a whopping 20 percent in 2018. The rise in energy prices is predicted to have an adverse impact on India, because it heavily depends on these commodities. The officials also predicted that the oil prices are forecast to average USD 65 a barrel over 2018, up from an average of USD 53 a barrel in 2017, on strong demand from consumers and restraint by oil producers, while metals prices are predicted to increase 9 percent…
Pakistan shares manage gains ahead of budget The stock market snapped the three-day losing streak on Friday with the KSE-100 Index recovering 81.91 points (0.18 per cent) to close at 45,542.78. Investors put politics on the back burner as the excitement over budget anticipation seized their attention. Intermarket Securities said that the volatility surged ahead of the budget on mixed opinions and news flow relating to the proposals. Earnings season also influenced market behavior. It is observed that the stocks’ recovery was led by oil, banking and auto scrips in the earnings season rally at PSX as investors speculated on…
First-ever independent audited benchmark for container shipping For the first time ever the global container shipping industry will have an independent, audited benchmark thanks to an innovative tie-up between the Baltic Exchange, the most trusted name in freight benchmarking, and Freightos, the digital container freight platform. The two organizations on (25 April) announced at Singapore Maritime Week that the Freightos International Freight Index, which reflects weekly spot rates for 40-foot containers based on 12 to 18 million price points collected every week on 12 main shipping trade lanes, will be audited by the Baltic Exchange and republished as the Freightos…
Global steel output soars 4pc in March Global crude steel production rose four percent in March as mills in top producer China ramped up output after winter restrictions were lifted and as US producers took advantage of import tariffs to churn out more metal. The steel industry, worth about $900 billion a year, is seen as a gauge of the world’s economic health. Global crude steel production rose to 148 million tonnes in March, figures from the World Steel Association (worldsteel) showed on Wednesday. Crude steel output from China, which produces about half the world’s steel, rose to 74.0 million…
Common Core of Unity There has to be a “common culture” or at least a “cultural affinity.” Successful diversification by acquisition, like all successful diversification, requires a common core of unity. The two businesses must have in common either markets or technology; through occasionally a comparable production process has also provided sufficient unity of experience and expertise, as well as a common language, to bring companies together. With-out such a core of unity, diversification, especially by acquisition, never works; financial ties alone are insufficient. One example is a big French company that has been built by acquiring producers of all…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous Currency 116 Apr/18 116 Stock Market 45743 points Apr/18 45718 Government Bond 10Y 9 % Apr/18 9 GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.28 % Dec/16 4.51 GDP 284 USD Billion Dec/16 271 GDP Constant Prices 12416918 PKR Million Dec/17 11749685 Gross National Product 13081028 PKR Million Dec/17 12405972 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1647268 PKR Million Dec/16 1558295 GDP per…
Market indicators are a series of technical indicators used by traders to predict the direction of the major financial indexes. Most market indicators are created by analyzing the number of companies that have reached new highs relative to the number that created new lows, also known as market breadth. PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 16-Mar Friday 23-Mar Friday 30-Mar Friday 6-Apr Friday 13-Apr Friday 20-Apr DOLLAR Buying 111.5 115.5 115.9 116.35 116.65 117.5 Selling 111.8 117.2 116.2 117.15 117.45 117.8 POUND Buying 154.5 160 161 161.5 164.5 164 Selling 156.25 161.75 162.75 163.25 166.25 165.75 EURO Buying…
[divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [ads1] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″]
Economists believed that the fertilizer is the most significant and expensive agricultural input in any economy. In Pakistan the Ministry of Finance mentioned in the report that fertilizer contribution to increase in crop yield is from 30 to 50 percent. Almost all of our soils are deficient in nitrogen, 90 percent soils have deficiency of phosphorus while 40 percent are deficient in potash. The local production of fertilizers during 2016-17 (July-March) declined slightly by 0.3 percent over the corresponding period of last fiscal year. The imported fertilizer also declined by 5.8 percent. Various researchers’ statistics show that our country has…
Economists revealed that food inflation disturbs everyone especially the poor because they spend higher proportion of their income on food commodities comparatively rich people, mainly in Pakistan. Global food inflation caused food inflation in our country. However, food inflation diffusion has been lower as compared to non food inflation in Pakistan. Food inflation volatility in the country was found to be half of that observed globally. Presently, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) recorded in a current statement that the consumer price index (CPI) inflation General grew by 3.2 percent on year-on-year (YoY) basis during March 2018 as against to a…
Pakistan stock end in the red The stock market endured a volatile session on Friday as the index oscillated between red and black zones to end trading below 45,300 points. The KSE-100 Index opened on a positive note, but it failed to sustain the momentum as selling pressure mounted. Overall, trading volumes fell to 144 million shares compared with Thursday’s tally of 183 million. Shares of 369 companies were traded. At the end of the day, 142 stocks closed higher, 206 declined while 21 remained unchanged. The value of shares traded during the day was Rs6.5 billion. Lotte Chemical XD…
Dry bulk FFA: panamax in bearish territory Price action in the Panamax index has now entered bearish territory on the daily chart. However, the longer-term picture would suggest we have been in a technical range for the last 7 months with range support at USD 9,856. The May futures remain neutral to bearish below the USD 12,755. Upside moves that close above this level would have short term bullish implications. However, the EMA’s would remain in bearish territory. The Q3 futures look overbought from a technical perspective. The big question are we still on leg 4, or have we already…
Trump rails against high oil prices, OPEC pushes back US President Donald Trump accused OPEC on Friday of “artificially” boosting oil prices, drawing rebukes from some of the world’s top energy exporters. “Looks like OPEC is at it again. With record amounts of Oil all over the place, including the fully loaded ships at sea. Oil prices are artificially Very High! No good and will not be accepted!” Trump wrote on Twitter. It was unclear what triggered the tweet, Trump’s first mention of OPEC on social media during his term. US oil prices are near a three-year high, at close…
Business Not Financial Strategy “There ain’t no bargains,” and “You get at most what you pay for,” Successful acquisitions are based upon business plans, not financial analyses. Acquisition targets must fit the business strategies of the acquiring company; other wise, the acquisition is likely to fail. The worst acquisition record of the last decades of the twentieth century was that of Peter Grace, the longtime CEP of W. R. Grace. He was a brilliant man. He set out in the 1950s to build a world-class multinational through financially-based acquisitions. He assembled the ablest group of financial analysts and had them…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous Currency 116 Apr/18 116 Stock Market 45479 points Apr/18 45802 Government Bond 10Y 9 % Apr/18 9 GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.28 % Dec/16 4.51 GDP 284 USD Billion Dec/16 271 GDP Constant Prices 12416918 PKR Million Dec/17 11749685 Gross National Product 13081028 PKR Million Dec/17 12405972 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1647268 PKR Million Dec/16 1558295 GDP per…
Market indicators are a series of technical indicators used by traders to predict the direction of the major financial indexes. Most market indicators are created by analyzing the number of companies that have reached new highs relative to the number that created new lows, also known as market breadth. PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 9-Mar Friday 16-Mar Friday 23-Mar Friday 30-Mar Friday 6-Apr Friday 13-Apr DOLLAR Buying 111.85 111.5 115.5 115.9 116.35 116.65 Selling 112.15 111.8 117.2 116.2 117.15 117.45 POUND Buying 153.25 154.5 160 161 161.5 164.5 Selling 155 156.25 161.75 162.75 163.25 166.25 EURO…
PAKISTAN EXPORTS OF CEMENT AND CLINKER Financial Years Cement Clinker Total Exports %age Incr/(Decr) Export Breakup Afghanistan Via Land India Via Sea & Land Other Countries Via Sea Other Countries Via Sea North Zone South Zone Quantity in Metric Tons Quantity in Metric Tons 2005-2006 1,413,994 – 91,165 – 1,505,159 -3.83% 1,409,492 95,667 2006-2007 1,725,476 – 1,111,405 390,973 3,227,854 114.45% 1,929,938 1,297,983 2007-2008 2,777,826 786,672 3,045,995 1,106,127 7,716,620 139.06% 5,111,607 2,605,013 2008-2009 3,148,306 634,455 6,061,035 908,690 10,752,486 39.34% 6,989,136 3,763,351 2009-2010 4,017,361 722,968 5,625,391 283,436 10,649,156 -0.96% 6,952,774 3,696,381 2010-2011 4,726,996 590,104 3,910,675 200,169 9,427,943 -11.47% 6,688,655 2,739,284 2011-2012 4,715,109…
Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited (Mughal Steel), principal activity is manufacturing and trading of mild steel products. The management announced its financial results for the half year closed December 31, 2017, where the financial experts of the company recorded that the sales revenue of the company grew from Rs. 8,683.993 million to Rs. 11,184.902 million as against to the same period previous year. Rise in sales revenue was chiefly because of significant rise in sale of Mughal Supreme along with rise in sale of steel bars (Grade-60) also. Increase in sale was also complimented by increase in sale prices.…
D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (DGKC) always offers the high quality of cement dispatched in Pakistan and also focuses on its financial performance in the competitive market. The management of the company mentioned that the DGKC’s plants and operations are complying with global and nationwide environmental standards. DGKC is completely cognizant of its responsibility towards society and welfare programs. To enhance economic performance of Pakistan, the company is spending on education, health, medical and fire-fighting facilities, water supply to nearby localities, aiding in emergency and disaster situations in nearby areas, awareness campaigns etc. In the FY2018 half yearly performance…
US markets down as bank stocks, Syria conflict weigh Financial stocks led a drop on Wall Street on Friday as results from big banks failed to enthuse and fear of broader conflict in Syria further unnerved investors. The S&P banks index fell 2.6 percent and the broader S&P financial index lost 1.6 percent, the most among the 11 major S&P sectors. Shares of JPMorgan Chase & Co, the biggest US bank by assets, dropped 2.7 percent after the bank’s quarterly profit fell slightly short of expectations. JPMorgan shares were the biggest weight on the S&P 500. Wells Fargo sank 3.4…
Shipping fuel costs to spike 25pc in 2020 on Sulphur Cap Global shipping fuel costs are likely to rise by a quarter, or $24 billion, in 2020 when new rules limiting sulphur kick in, consultants Wood Mackenzie quoted as saying last Wednesday. The ballooning costs will come as the change in regulations forces a portion of the world’s fleet to switch to lower sulphur, but higher cost, fuels such as marine gasoil (MGO) and ultra low sulphur fuel oil. The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) rules targeting air pollution will cut the maximum amount of sulphur emissions that ships worldwide can…
Oil rises, makes largest weekly gain since July Oil prices rose on Friday, making the largest weekly gain since July, supported by concerns about the possibility of Western military action in Syria and reports of dwindling global oil inventories. The prospect of military action in Syria that could lead to confrontation with Russia hung over the Middle East but there was no sign a US-led attack was imminent. Traders sought to lock in long crude oil positions ahead of the weekend, said John Kilduff, Partner at hedge fund Again Capital Management. “The geopolitical jitters just keep getting priced in here…
Resource-allocation decisions The allocation of capital and people determine whether the organization will do well or poorly. The allocation of capital and performing people converts into action all that management knows about its business – they determine whether the organization will do well or well or poorly. An organization should allocate human resources as purposefully and as thoughtfully as it allocates capital. To understand a capital investment, a company has to look at four measures: return on investment, payback period, cash flow, and discounted present value. Each of these four measures tells the executive something different about a prospective capital…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous Currency 116 Apr/18 116 Stock Market 46486 points Apr/18 46477 Government Bond 10Y 9 % Apr/18 9 GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.28 % Dec/16 4.51 GDP 284 USD Billion Dec/16 271 GDP Constant Prices 12416918 PKR Million Dec/17 11749685 Gross National Product 13081028 PKR Million Dec/17 12405972 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1647268 PKR Million Dec/16 1558295 GDP per…
PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 2-Mar Friday 9-Mar Friday 16-Mar Friday 23-Mar Friday 30-Mar Friday 6-Apr Dollar Buying 111.95 111.85 111.5 115.5 115.9 116.35 Selling 112.25 112.15 111.8 117.2 116.2 117.15 Pound Buying 154 153.25 154.5 160 161 161.5 Selling 155.75 155 156.25 161.75 162.75 163.25 Euro Buying 137 136.75 136.5 140 141 141.25 Selling 138.2 137.95 137.7 141.2 142.2 142.45 Canadian $ Buying 87 86.5 86 87.75 88.8 90.5 Selling 87.85 87.35 86.85 88.6 89.65 91.35 Jap Yen Buying 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.08 1.01 1.06 Selling 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.11 1.04 1.09 HK $ Buying 14…
DEPOSIT DISTRIBUTED BY CATEGORY OF DEPOSIT HOLDERS* (Million Rupees) Description Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 1. Non Resident Deposits 126,941 127,022 128,012 135,521 131,905 133,871 2. Resident (I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII) 11,507,713 11,571,062 11,563,544 11,811,369 11,719,507 11,746,643 I. Government (Including Federal, Provincial & Local) 1,618,127 1,647,056 1,639,556 1,669,449 1,764,888 1,746,592 II. Non-Financial Public Sector Enterprises (NFPSE) 736,229 733,949 731,671 701,247 702,136 682,951 III. Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) 414,535 367,452 345,446 435,647 364,663 306,294 IV. Private Sector (Business) 2,789,461 2,817,129 2,778,907 2,909,870 2,755,865 2,802,131 Agriculture, hunting and forestry 243,972 252,173 237,123 231,410 239,914 237,751 Growing of crops 221,934 227,392 214,015 207,597 216,874 212,657…
National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) always brings superior technology, products and services to their customers in the whole country, counting the northern, rural and suburb sectors. In 2017, NBP installed the world’s highest ATM at Khunjerab Pass, near Pakistan-China border at an altitude of 15,397 feet above the sea level. This initiative shows that the bank supports their customer at every step of the way and cover vast distances to be there and offer convenience to them. Furthermore, the management always focuses on the balance sheet items and also makes its performance best in the banking sector of Pakistan. In…
Experts urge cut in deposit and lending rates and to sever investment in gilt-edged securities Various banking experts urge that Pakistan’s banking system is not far behind the developed states in promoting innovative techniques and upgrading skill level within the banking system. They however urged that there are two areas which need to be attended immediately by the banking authorities to boost the development prospects in Pakistan. Firstly, spreads between the deposit and lending rates need to be declined and profits on deposits may be chiefly increased so as to encourage the depositors to save more rather than consume. Secondly,…
KSE-100 reacts positively to amnesty scheme An exceptionally remarkable session ended on a dull note on Friday as the KSE-100 Index settled just 76.80 points higher on last trading day of the week, which was its eighth successive session in the black. Following announcement of an amnesty scheme by the Prime Minister on Thursday, investors were ecstatic and resorted to heavy buying, which propelled the index to a gain of over 580 points in intra-day trading. Although the rally lasted only for the first hour, the index managed to power past 47,100 points. Overall, trading volumes increased to 248 million…
Slow and steady recovery for container shipping The outlook for the container shipping market in 2018 and 2019 is a combination of healthy demand growth that will outpace the fleet; resulting in a better supply-demand balance and slightly higher freight rates and profits for carriers, according to the latest edition of the Container Forecaster published by global shipping consultancy Drewry. The bad news for carriers is that they are unlikely to see the very strong demand growth rates of early 2017 for the foreseeable future. The good news is that while port handling growth may have peaked, they can still…
Bahrain takes giant discovery of 80bn barrels of oil Bahrain announced on Wednesday the size of the oil reserves in the giant discovery that it had made, and figures dwarf the proved reserves that the island kingdom in the Persian Gulf had prior to the latest oil find. The huge discovery in west Bahrain, named Khalij Al-Bahrain Basin, is estimated to hold more than 80 billion barrels of oil, Oil Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa quoted as saying. The volume of natural gas at the field is estimated to be between 10 trillion and 20 trillion cubic feet. [divider…
EVA AS A PRODUCTIVITY MEASURE Until a business returns a profit that is greater than its cost of capital, it does not create wealth, it destroys it. Measuring total-factor productivity is one of the major challenges confronting the executive in the age of knowledge work. For manual work, measuring quantity is usually sufficient. In knowledge work, we have to manage both quantity and quality, and we do not know yet how to do that. We must try to assess total-factor productivity using the common denominator of revenues and expenses. By measuring the value added over all costs, including the cost…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous Currency 115 Apr/18 115 Stock Market 46104 points Apr/18 46013 Government Bond 10Y 9 % Apr/18 9 GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.28 % Dec/16 4.58 GDP 284 USD Billion Dec/16 271 GDP Constant Prices 12416918 PKR Million Dec/17 11749685 Gross National Product 13081028 PKR Million Dec/17 12405972 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1647268 PKR Million Dec/16 1558295 GDP per…
PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 23-Feb Friday 2-Mar Friday 9-Mar Friday 16-Mar Friday 23-Mar Friday 30-Mar DOLLAR Buying 111.65 111.95 111.85 111.5 115.5 115.9 Selling 111.95 112.25 112.15 111.8 117.2 116.2 POUND Buying 154.6 154 153.25 154.5 160 161 Selling 156.35 155.75 155 156.25 161.75 162.75 EURO Buying 136.6 137 136.75 136.5 140 141 Selling 137.8 138.2 137.95 137.7 141.2 142.2 CANADIAN $ Buying 88.35 87 86.5 86 87.75 88.8 Selling 89.2 87.85 87.35 86.85 88.6 89.65 JAP YEN Buying 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.08 1.01 Selling 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.11 1.04 HK $ Buying 14.05…
Fatalities in terrorist violence in Pakistan Year Civilians Security Force Personnel Terrorists/Insurgents Total 2000 45 0 0 45 2001 29 9 0 38 2002 88 7 44 139 2003 140 24 25 189 2004 435 184 244 863 2005 430 81 137 648 2006 608 325 538 1471 2007 1522 597 1479 3598 2008 2155 654 3906 6715 2009 2324 991 8389 11704 2010 1796 469 5170 7435 2011 2738 765 2800 6303 2012 3007 732 2472 6211 2013 3001 676 1702 5379 2014 1781 533 3182 5496 2015 940 339 2403 3682 2016 612 293 898 1803 2017 540…
Statistics show that water crisis is not just an issue in Pakistan but it is also becoming a worldwide issue. According to the statistics published in the United Nations World Water Development Report 2018, the worldwide demand for water has been growing at a rate of about 1.0 percent per year as a function of population growth, economic development and changing consumption patterns, among other factors, and it would continue to rise considerably over the next two decades. The report also showed that the industrial and local demand for water would rise much faster than agricultural demand, although agriculture will…
Various economists identified in their research reports that the existence of great and persistent current account deficit is always looked with large concerns, as it usually leads an economy to a state of insolvency because of building up excessive net foreign debt. They also identified that the current account is also a variable that is both a broad reflection of the stance of macroeconomic strategies and a source of information about the behavior of economic agents in any state. It impacts not only alters in a country’s trade flows, but also the difference between a country’s saving and investment gap.…
Saudi index moves sideways after winning FTSE emerging market status Saudi Arabia’s stock market moved sideways in early Thursday trade after index compiler FTSE Russell said it would upgrade Riyadh to emerging market status, a move expected to draw billions of dollars of fresh foreign money in the next two years. FTSE’s decision is extremely positive for the market in the long term, and is expected to be followed by a similar decision by rival index compiler MSCI in June. But it will only take effect in stages between March and December 2019. Only then will passive funds linked to…
Greek shipping fleet hits all-time high mark Ongoing tax issues and economic woes at home have failed to slow the growth of the Greek-controlled merchant fleet which hit an all-time high last year in terms carry capacity. The Greek fleet of ships over 1,000gt stood at 4,148 ships of 342m dwt and 199.3m gt mid-March, an increase of 64 vessels, 13m dwt and 6.88m gt, on 12 months ago. The carrying capacity and gross tonnage have bounded along to all-time highs, with the Greek armada now just short of the 4,173 strong fleet in 2008, pre-crisis Latest figures include 200…
World oil prices rise Oil prices rose on Thursday as the equities markets rallied and as market participants weighed a rise in US crude inventories and production against continued OPEC supply curbs. Prices for the more actively traded June Brent crude futures LCOc2 were up 58 cents to settle at $69.34, while the May contract LCOc1 expiring on Thursday was up 74 cents at $70.27. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 gained 56 cents to settle at $64.94. WTI’s discount to Brent WTCLc1-LCOc1 has grown to more than $5 a barrel, the biggest since January, making Brent-linked crudes less…
INFORMATION ON COST AND VALUE We cannot achieve results until we have information on cost and value. Basic structural information is focused upon the value that is created for customers and the resources used to do so. The concepts and tools of accounting are now in the throes of its most fundamental change. The new accounting tools are not just different views of recording transactions but represent different concepts of what business is and what results are. So even the executive far removed from any work in accounting, such as a research manager in a development laboratory, needs to understand…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous Currency 115 Mar/18 115 Stock Market 45173 points Mar/18 45004 Government Bond 10Y 9 % Mar/18 8.8 GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.28 % Dec/16 4.58 GDP 284 USD Billion Dec/16 271 GDP Constant Prices 11777600 PKR Million Dec/16 11138200 Gross National Product 12465443 PKR Million Dec/16 11687052 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1647268 PKR Million Dec/16 1558295 GDP per…
PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 16-Feb Friday 23-Feb Friday 2-Mar Friday 9-Mar Friday 16-Mar Friday 23-Mar DOLLAR Buying 111.6 111.65 111.95 111.85 111.5 115.5 Selling 111.9 111.95 112.25 112.15 111.8 117.2 POUND Buying 156.25 154.6 154 153.25 154.5 160 Selling 158 156.35 155.75 155 156.25 161.75 EURO Buying 138.5 136.6 137 136.75 136.5 140 Selling 139.7 137.8 138.2 137.95 137.7 141.2 CANADIAN $ Buying 88.5 88.35 87 86.5 86 87.75 Selling 89.35 89.2 87.85 87.35 86.85 88.6 JAP YEN Buying 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.08 Selling 1.05 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.11 HK $ Buying 14.05…
PROVINCIAL FISCAL OPERATIONS DURING JUL-SEPT (billion rupees) Punjab Sindh KP Balochistan Total Growth FY2018 A. Total Revenue 254.3 153.1 72.1 65.1 544.6 9.0 Provincial share in federal revenue 200.7 106.2 66.3 55.5 428.7 2.9 Provincial Revenue (I+II) 58.0 41.8 6.5 7.9 114.2 43.7 I. Taxes 45.0 36.0 4.0 1.8 86.9 34.9 II. Non-tax revenue 13.0 5.8 2.5 6.1 27.4 81.8 Fed loans and transfers -4.4 5.0 -0.7 1.7 1.7 -53.8 B. Total expenditure 248.6 139.2 66.6 38.7 493.0 17.6 Current 182.9 119.9 56.8 38.0 397.6 25.8 Development 65.7 19.3 9.8 0.7 95.4 -7.4 Gap (A-B) 5.7 13.9 5.6 26.5 51.6…
Economic managers identified that tax revenues are the most efficient and effective way to increase country’s local resource mobilization and under the attempts the state increases its income to meet compulsory public expenditures. They also mention that it supports the government in growing its capacity to direct the resources for development, reducing poverty and delivering public services. However, to attain these objectives, it is significant to build an efficient, equitable and growth-oriented tax system. Over the years, the Government of Pakistan has faced various political, economic and administrative issues along with inherent structural challenges, like a narrow tax base, huge…
A research report revealed that from 2017 to 2026, global population is predicted to increase almost 8 percent and also sugar consumption about 16 percent during the same period. It is written in the United States department of agriculture (USDA), world sugar production of 2017-18 is predicted at 179.636 million tons as compared to consumption of 171.559 million tons. This explains that during 2017-18, sugar price may remain at the lowest ebb because of increased supply and declining demand. It is also calculated that the higher production is predicted for Thailand, India, China and European Union as well. In the…
US stocks tumble on trade war fears Wall Street tumbled on Friday with more than 1,000 points knocked off the Dow in two days as investors, increasingly nervous about a potential US trade war with China, shied away from risk ahead of the weekend and sought shelter from further losses. In a volatile session, the S&P 500 came within a hair of its 200-day moving average, a key technical level. The benchmark index also nudged closer to its February low, which marked a correction, ending 9.9 percent lower than its Jan. 26 record. President Donald Trump’s plans for tariffs on…
Asian ports face $49 billion climate adaptation costs Protecting Asia-Pacific ports against climate change could cost up to US$49 billion, according to new research commissioned by HSBC from sustainability analysts Asia Research and Engagement (ARE). The report – Climate Costs for Asia Pacific Ports – evaluates the climate risk of 53 of the Asia Pacific region’s largest ports and estimates costs for adaptation. It also outlines recommendations to investors, port authorities and governments for how to manage risk in the future. Covering ports across Japan, China and Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, India, South Korea and Malaysia, the sets of…
World oil prices surge after us picks new security advisor World oil prices surged Friday as the appointment of ultra-hawkish John Bolton as US national security advisor sparked fears over crude exports from key OPEC producer Iran. The market also jumped on the back of the faltering greenback, which makes dollar-denominated oil cheaper for buyers using stronger currencies. In late afternoon deals, European benchmark Brent North Sea crude for May delivery traded near two-month highs, soaring $1.24 to $70.15 a barrel compared with Thursday’s close. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for the same month meanwhile rebounded $1.21 to $65.51 per…
TURBULENT TIMES AHEAD It turbulent times, the first task of management is to make sure of the institution’s capacity to survive a blow. In turbulent times, the first task of management is to make sure of the institution’s capacity for survival, to make sure of its structural strengths, of its capacity for survival, to make sure of its structural strengths, of its capacity to survive a blow, to adapt to sudden change, and to avail itself of new opportunities. Turbulence, by definition, is irregular, nonlinear, erratic. But its underlying causes can be analyzed, predicted, managed. But its underlying should –…
An economic indicator is a statistic about an economic activity. Economic indicators allow analysis of economic performance and predictions of future performance. Economic indicators include various indices, earnings reports, and economic summaries. [ads1] PAKISTAN – ECONOMIC INDICATORS Overview Last Reference Previous Currency 114 Mar/18 114 Stock Market 44553 points Mar/18 44310 Government Bond 10Y 8.8 % Mar/18 8.8 GDP Annual Growth Rate 5.28 % Dec/16 4.58 GDP 284 USD Billion Dec/16 271 GDP Constant Prices 11777600 PKR Million Dec/16 11138200 Gross National Product 12465443 PKR Million Dec/16 11687052 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1647268 PKR Million Dec/16 1558295 GDP per…
PAKISTAN MARKET INDICATOR EXCHANGE RATES Currency activity Friday 9-Feb Friday 16-Feb Friday 23-Feb Friday 2-Mar Friday 9-Mar Friday 16-Mar DOLLAR Buying 111.5 111.6 111.65 111.95 111.85 111.5 Selling 111.8 111.9 111.95 112.25 112.15 111.8 POUND Buying 154 156.25 154.6 154 153.25 154.5 Selling 155.75 158 156.35 155.75 155 156.25 EURO Buying 135.25 138.5 136.6 137 136.75 136.5 Selling 136.45 139.7 137.8 138.2 137.95 137.7 CANADIAN $ Buying 88 88.5 88.35 87 86.5 86 Selling 88.85 89.35 89.2 87.85 87.35 86.85 JAP YEN Buying 0.98 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 Selling 1.01 1.05 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 HK $ Buying 14.05…
STATISTICS FOR THE NINE MONTH PERIOD ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2017 (Non-Life Members) (Rs in ‘000) S.No Company Premium written Net Premium Revenue Net Claims Net Commission (Income)/ Expense Management Expenses Gen.Admin, financial and other exp Investment Income/ (Loss) A B-2016 C D E-1 E-2 F G 1 Adamjee Insurance 9,162,824 4,917,751 2,585,085 399,106 1,019,702 410,894 1,744,361 2 Alfalah Ins. Co 1,625,183 787,859 363,915 79,717 277,489 8,759 81,806 3 Allianz EFU Health 1,535,305 890,608 697,618 -39,472 158,828 53,120 46,669 4 Alpha Insurance 92,293 64,634 73,322 10,771 47,153 19,365 44,144 5 Asia Insurance 532,933 387,617 107,401 70,394 119,618 73,336 -16,149 6 Askari…
Global insurance industry experts revealed that the international insurance industry is probable to see slightly increased growth by 2018. Better economic prospects in the USA and in many emerging markets will offset pessimistic factors like falling growth in the Chinese market. The experts also mentioned that in the longer term, the emerging markets of Asia will have the greatest growth potential, and their share of primary insurance premium is predicted to be on a par with that of Western Europe in the next few years. They have also calculated that overall the global primary insurance industry will boost by 4.5…
No doubt, some economic managers of Pakistan urged that the general insurance sector’s performance is strongly correlated to economic growth. Economic activities remained more or less the same during the year, they said. Although, with relatively stable law and order situation in Pakistan, GDP increased by 5.3 percent during FY2016-17. The economic experts also mentioned that Standard & Poor’s have maintained our Pakistan’s credit rating (B) with stable outlook. They have also mentioned that Pakistan’s overall macroeconomic landscape continued to strengthen during the last fiscal year as GDP growth rate reached to 10-year high. Furthermore, the services sector continued its…