Author: Khalil Ahmed

The Institute executes LMS, Hybrid Model plans to continue academic activities Govt taking best necessary steps to contain virus spread, but vaccination process needs to be expedited Interview with Mr. Talib Karim – President, Institute of Business Management (IoBM) PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and IoBM, please: Talib Karim: Since 2017, I have been serving as the President of IoBM. From the time of IoBM’s inception in 1995 until 2017, I served as the Executive Director and then the Rector. IoBM was the dream-come-true reality of our late Founder President, Shahjehan S. Karim. He envisioned establishing a business school to impart…

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Interview with Professor Dr. Jan Alam PAGE: Tell me something about yourself, please: Dr. Jan Alam: I am MD. Ph.D (Pharmacy & Technology of medicine). I am Vice President (Russian Federation Academy of Medical & Technical Sciences), Consultant (Cancer/Chronic Diseases), Moscow, Russia. I have been declared World’s Best Medical Scientist 2018 & 19 MD International University of Fundamental Studies, Moscow Russia (affiliated with Oxford and California Universities) and the certificates are also published in the report. I have done Ph.D in (Pharmacy & Technology of Medicine) International Higher Academic Council. I am Academician/Active Member of Russian Federation Academy of Medical and…

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Interview with Dr. S. Khusro Iqbal — a seasoned professional PAGE: Tell our readers about yourself, please: Dr. S. Khusro Iqbal: Instead of responding verbally to your response I will refer to the my most recent photograph in which I am receiving the ‘Professional Pride of Performance Award’ from the Hon’ble President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi, after a rigorous and diligent scrutiny of the panel constituted by the industry & business professionals for this purpose. Concluding, among the industry & community, I am referred as a dynamic human resources, labor and corporate law specialist with years…

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Interview with Syeda Saima Zaidi – an analyst PAGE: Tell me something about yourself, please: Syeda Saima Zaidi: I am a certified Business Engineer by Profession. I am a teacher of CSS and Business Administration. Economics is my core subject. I write articles and conduct weekly workshops with TV channels and newspapers. I am running an institute i.e. Gradsy Institute of Business and Technology in Business Administration. It is affiliated with Federal University Government of Pakistan and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. My institute is recognized by UK, Canadian and USA institutes. We have around 150 students. We charge modest…

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Interview with Muhammad Farooq Afzal — President/CEO, ITN Group of Companies [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Muhammad Farooq Afzal is a dynamic and a profound professional in the realm of Textiles, Information Technology, Business Consultancy, Tourism, and Event Management. He is pursuing his entrepreneurial ambitions for last 21 years, locally and internationally. He has been playing an instrumental role in promoting trade and business ties between Pakistan and other countries since 2004. Farooq has been continuously putting in his multifaceted efforts towards the cause of promotion of bilateral and multilateral trade. He has also been participating in TV talk shows…

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The debt-laden economy of Pakistan needs foreign inflows in order to address its economic woes. The global economic landscape seems better today vis-à-vis a year ago when the entire world was afflicted by the conundrums of the pandemic. Pakistan’s economic indicators at this juncture augur well down the road. There is no denying that Pakistan has been encountering the ordeal of balance of payment now and again. To address this glitch, Pakistan needs ample dollars. Some prudent decisions have been taken in Pakistan recently in the era when almost entire world went through an unprecedented economic downturn which came out…

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Interview with Mr. Shaham Ahmad — Honorary Secretary, ICMA Pakistan Year 2021 will be a year of ‘economic recovery’ for Pakistan Govt must chalk out pragmatic strategy to deal with challenges with success PAGE: Tell me something about yourself, please? Shaham Ahmad: I am a Fellow member of ICMA Pakistan and as a result of the recent elections I have been elected as a member of the current National Council of the Institute for the three-year term 2021 to 2023. The Council has nominated me as the ‘Honorary Secretary’ of the Institute in which capacity I am responsible to look after…

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Interview with Mr Khalid Tawab – Chairman, Tawab Group [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr Khalid Tawab is an economics, finance and international trade expert. He is a prominent businessman and former Minister of Commerce & Industry Government of Sindh and former Senior Vice President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI). He has also served as Vice President and Chairman of various Advisory Committees & Senior Vice President of Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI). The Government of Pakistan conferred the award of Sitara-i-Imtiaz on him in 2008 for his services. He has visited…

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Cricket League, Football League etc. are quite widespread in almost every part of the globe these days. Resurgence of sports activities is an emblem of wholesome activities which must be encouraged at every nook and corner. Football, without any contention, is the most viewed sport across the world, however, cricket is fast catching up as a sport in the global arena. The nations once in different to cricket are either playing or are in the trend of creating their national cricket teams to compete at the international level. Cricket has undergone a metamorphosis from just Test matches of five days…

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Pakistan Super League (PSL) is an annual attraction not only for the people residing in Pakistan but also for over 11 million Pakistani diaspora living abroad from Asia to Europe, from America to Australia etc. The 2021 edition of the tournament popularly known as PSL 6 is going to get underway from February 21, 2021 and would culminate on March 22, 2021 with ample fanfare. Pakistani diaspora is in fact more exuberant vis-à-vis the Pakistanis living in Pakistan when it comes to PSL. They, no matter what country they are in, gear up for almost all 34 matches and relish…

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Lahore Qalandars, a star-studded squad, has been in the limelight for a plenty of reasons since the commencement of the PSL T20 extravaganza. Lahore Qalandars were unfortunate enough and could not progress beyond the preliminary stage in the first four editions, however, there was a paradigm shift in the fifth edition, which proved rather lucky for the team since it made to the final during the preceding year. It was anticipated that it was likely that Lahore Qalandars would rout Karachi Kings but all in vain. Lahore Qalandars gave scintillating performance in almost every match played during the preceding edition…

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Interview with Muhammad Talha, an analyst PAGE: Kindly tell us something about yourself and your organization? Muhammad Talha: I am working with Arif Habib Group for last 12 years. Before joining the Arif Habib Group, I served in Al-Abbas Group, Ghulam Farooq Group and EY Ford Rhodes and gained experience in diversified sectors serving clients spanning the Financial, Manufacturing, Trading and Service industries. I have a working experience of more than 20 years in various diversified capacities including property operations. PAGE: What are your views on the current PSL? Muhammad Talha: First of all, it is a piece of overwhelming news that…

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Since key policy rate is at 7 percent for the next two months with the hope that the discount rate would remain in single digits for at least a year or two to spur the economic growth, auto financing seems to capitalize on it. Banks are working at full throttle to lure customers for auto financing which is reminiscent of halcyon days of auto sector. In fact this is an opportunity for the auto sector to recoup the losses incurred in the first half of the preceding calendar year by virtue of lockdown and outbreak, which stifled the auto sector…

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Mudasar, a young Pakistani adept at graphic designing, left for the UAE a couple of years ago and resided in Sharjah with his family having gotten assurances from his boss in the UAE that his job is stable and there is no need for any sort of perturbation. His confidence inflated in the wake of adulation received for his work acumen. To undergo a tantalizing foreign experience, he concurred to work in the UAE for a relatively trivial amount vis-à-vis the enormous salary he used to get in Pakistan. He was unable to save substantial amount since his salary was…

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It is rather customary in numerous countries to avail personal loans to go on a vacation, visit some foreign countries etc which could be termed as a cultural phenomenon and also economic model of a particular country. On the contrary, Pakistan where millions of impoverished individuals go hungry every day, by and large, cannot adapt to that phenomenon as such. There are tempting offers by numerous banks in Pakistan to lure clients for personal loans. Following are some of the prime instances of marketing gimmicks: Now you can live your dreams with easy repayment options. We offer personal loans for…

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Interview with Mr Ashfaq Yousuf Tola – President, Tola Associates [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Professional Accomplishments Memberships: Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan Life Member of Karachi Press Club Life Member of SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member of Karachi Tax Bar Association Key Achievements: Presentation to IMF on Single Stage Sales Tax in December 2015. Visited Turkey as an official of Government of Pakistan to study Turkish Tax System & authored a report on Turkish Taxation System. Knowledge of more than 40…

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Not today but five years ago, in the wake of advanced research, financial incentives and public awareness campaigns, Norway had a breakthrough with around 70,000 EVs on the road in Norway. There is a paradigm shift today, to say the least. Sales of electric cars topped 2.1 million globally in 2019. There is a whopping 40% year-on-year increase in EVs globally which speaks volumes of what the world would be by the end of this decade. The transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy is fast catching up in almost every part of the world, let alone the large economies…

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Based on the mileage it is mandatory for the sake of safety to change the tyres of 800cc car every three years, let alone a sedan or SUV. Four new tyres for a sedan would cost over Rs 65000/- (sixty five thousand rupees) every three years. Cost of tyres for SUV is gigantic. One could have a notion of the enormity of the tyre-business in Pakistan. It is surely a billions of rupees of business in Pakistan, which seems to have maintained quite low profile since it is not in the limelight by and large. One could anticipate that there…

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There is no denying the fact that Pakistan is an agrarian economy. Since more than 20 percent share in the national GDP comes from the agrarian sector, the precedence must have been given to this sector long ago. However, it is never too late. Agrarian sector plays a crucial role in exports of myriads of products which earn foreign exchange for the rickety economy of Pakistan. There are ample instances in the world where agrarian sector was given preference even in the most developed economies of the world, which brought about more prosperity and food security. Pakistan imports sugar, wheat,…

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Efficient logistics infrastructure can help keep manufacturing and import sustainable Transparent system of vehicle examination rules still need to be developed and implemented Sales tax cut by single digit can help boost automobile sector and country’s earnings Interview with Mr Anwar Iqbal — Executive Director, Regal Automobile Ltd PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your auto business, please: Anwar Iqbal: I am associated with automobile industry of Pakistan for last thirty five years. I am playing a key role as pioneer of introducing low cost automobile for the Pakistani market. In the beginning of my career in automobile industry, I…

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Low-cost housing is the dire need since the housing backlog is around 10 million units in Pakistan at the moment. Let alone the impoverished and the poor or the working class to be precise, even the lower-middle class cannot think of buying a house in the wake of high inflation coupled with rising unemployment. Those earning up to Rs80,000/- (eighty thousand rupees) per month find it hard to keep body and soul together. The construction cost has spiked particularly by virtue of skyrocketing prices of steel and cement at this juncture. Irrespective of downscale or upscale areas, house prices have…

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Interview with Muhammad Talha — an analyst PAGE: Tell me something about yourself, please: Muhammad Talha: I have been working in Arif Habib Group for last 12 years. Before joining the Arif Habib Group Company, I served in Al-Abbas Group, Ghulam Farooq Group and EY Ford Rhodes and gained experience in diversified sectors serving clients spanning the financial, manufacturing and real estate sectors. I have a working experience of more than 20 years in various diversified capacities. My current engagements include the overall set up and management of a state-of-the-art Gymkhana, Health, Education, Sports facilities and Islamic Center at Naya Nazimabad,…

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Spurge of real estate activities started and buyers will get new products and options soon REIT model for managing the real estate business is gaining traction albeit very slowly Interview with Muhammad Ejaz — Chief Executive, Arif Habib Dolmen REIT Management Limited PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and Arif Habib Dolmen REIT Management Limited, please: Muhammad Ejaz: I feel privileged to introduce myself as the founding Chief Executive of Arif Habib Dolmen REIT Management Limited, which launched South Asia’s first listed REIT fund in 2015. Prior to joining Arif Habib Group in August 2008, I worked with several financial institutions…

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Year 2021 is bright and prosperous for Pakistan economy Interview with Mr Khalid Tawab — Chairman, Tawab Group of Companies PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your career, please: Khalid Tawab: I am Chairman of Tawab Group of Companies which is renowned named in the manufacturing of paper, board and steel. I have served as Senior Vice President and Vice President of FPCCI and Karachi Chamber respectively. I am honorary Consul General of Mozambique since 1989. President of Pakistan awarded me Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 2009 in recognition of my outstanding public services. My company got two time FPCCI Exports Awards and…

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Lower interest rate, resolution of circular debt, enhancing exports, and spotlighting on digitalization the positive steps for progress Need for improvement in agriculture research to compete advanced marketplace Government and private sector must stay on same page to achieve demand of ‘ease of doing business’ Future policymaking and implementation should have mutual understandings Interview with Mr Majyd Aziz — a renowned businessman [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr Majyd Aziz is an industrialist and business leader and President of his family business group. He is former President of Employers Federation of Pakistan, Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well…

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Shariah compliant income funds post consistent performance during 2020 Advance hi-tech way of business likely to boost economy in the coming year Interview with Miss Tara Uzra Dawood — CEO and Founder of 786 Investments Ltd [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Miss Tara Uzra Dawood is CEO and Founder of 786 Investments Limited, one of Pakistan’s pioneer asset management companies. It is publicly listed on the Pakistani Stock Exchange. She also currently sits on the boards of Pakistan State Oil — where she chairs the Audit, HR and IT/Innovation committees — Pakistan Refinery Ltd, Dawood Family Takaful Ltd, and Mutual…

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Interview with Mr Barkatullah Lone – Chairman, GB International Economic Forum [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr. Barkatullah Lone is Chairman of GB International Economic Forum and a renowned Economist of Pakistan. He is a Chartered Management Accountant and Chartered Certified Accountant from UK, Chartered Global Management Accountant from the USA, Gold Medalist Management Accountant and Public Finance Accountant from Pakistan plus he holds master’s degree in Economics and Law from Karachi University. He has been associated with the corporate sector in Finance and Audit profession at various positions (CFO/GM Finance/Chief Internal Auditor/Finance & Accounts Manager) for the last many…

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Country’s 60pc broad-based LSM units post positive growth Overseas workers’ remittances rise to 2.228bn in Nov 2020 FBR has surpassed tax collection target during July-Nov 2020 Current Account Balance stands at surplus of $447 million in Nov 2020 SBP Reserves increased to $13.1 billion, which is highest in 3 years Interview with Mr Ashfaq Yousuf Tola – President, TOLA ASSOCIATES [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Professional Accomplishments Memberships: Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan Life Member of Karachi Press Club Life Member of SAARC Chamber…

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Online learning, training are now assuming much significance in the context of Covid-19 Work from home policy should be seen as part of a broader HR policy response to virus Digital technology can help building abilities of organizations, improve employee experience Interview with Mr Aamir Ijaz Khan — Executive Director, ICMA Pakistan PAGE: Kindly tell me something about yourself and your career, please? Aamir Ijaz Khan: By profession, I am a Fellow Cost and Management Accountant and have to my credit around 20 years of diversified experience in the areas of Client Servicing, Project Implementation, Business Repositioning, Financial Management, and Compliance.…

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Interview with Mr Ahmad Suleman Zahid – CEO, Corporate General Solutions (Pvt) Limited [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr Ahmad Suleman Zahid followed the footsteps of his father, Mr. Suleman Zahid Jamil, who is a Chartered Accountant by profession and fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Pakistan (ICAP) and Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants (PIPFA). Mr. Suleman Zahid Jamil started practice, in the name of Zahid Jamil & Co, Chartered Accountants, in 1971 as first CA Firm in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Now the firm has six branches in Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Peshawar, Karachi and Multan and working as…

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Interview with Mr Wali Zahid – CEO, Skill City [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr Wali Zahid is CEO of Skill City. He travels frequently in the South Asia and GCC regions to train and coach senior executives willing to make a difference in their and other people’s lives. With the insight of original thought leaders, Wali has trained thousands of business leaders in over 28 years from Fortune-500 companies. Wali’s signature workshops include Leadership for CEOs, Women in Leadership, Leadership Readiness, Leader Derailment and Train The Trainer (TTT). TTT is in 20th year, with over 1,500 trainers trained in…

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Working from home will enable the workforce to rely on self-motivation, self-discipline, focus and concentration Interview with Dr. S. Khusro Iqbal — a seasoned professional PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your career. Dr. S. Khusro Iqbal: I guide and manage the corporate sector over provisions of Human Resources Services, Corporate Policies, Risk Management and Audit Programs. I got an opportunity to work in three continents namely Asia, Africa and Australia so naturally possess distinctive ability to lead and balance strategic business initiatives with advocacy. My research articles on culture, politics, security and various aspects of public policy and governance,…

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There is no concept of budget or low-cost airlines in Pakistan. On the contrary, there are ample budget airlines in plenty of countries across the globe for the domestic and international passengers, which eventually bring numerous opportunities to the economy in question in terms of growth in tourism, industrial revival, employment opportunities and beefing up the image of the country in question. The world’s best budget airlines are AirAsia, EasyJet, Norwegian, Southwest Airlines, AirAsia X, Jetstar Airways, WestJet, IndiGo, Ryanair, Eurowings, Scoot, Jetstar Asia, PAL Express, Peach, Vueling Airlines, Air Canada rouge, LEVEL,, Flynas, Citilink etc. Numerous countries across…

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Coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the global economy and Pakistan is no exception. However, the glitches in the economic system of Pakistan may be somewhat distinct vis-à-vis the rest of the world. Every inhabitant of almost every part of the country has grievances about the spike in the prices of essential commodities, which has taken its toll on the diminishing income of all and sundry. Dwindling income alongside the abysmal economic growth in the country has further been aggravated by the so-called anti-market practices, which eventually leave adverse impact on the economics of every household across the country. There seems…

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Interview with Mohammad Shoaib (CFA) – CEO, Al Meezan Investment Management Limited PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization: Mohammad Shoaib: I am the founding CEO of Al Meezan Investment Management Limited, the first and the only full-fledged Shariah Compliant Asset Management Company in Pakistan. Currently with Al Meezan Investment I am managing investments of about over Rs. 170 billion (as on October 30, 2020) under 18 mutual/pension funds and discretionary clients’ portfolios, and leading a team of 600 employees of the organization. I hold an MBA degree from IBA in addition to being a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)…

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Interview with Sardar Shoukat Popalzai – President, Balochistan Economic Forum [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Sardar Shoukat Popalzai, President Balochistan Economic Forum, gained his degree in International Relations with major on diplomacy, economics and anti terrorism before spending nearly 24 years on professional career in the field of information service on International Diplomacy – Corporate Information and Media Monitoring. Over the years he has made presentations at numerous important conferences and corporate briefings. He is also recipient of awards from USA, Great Britain, France, the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany.[/box] PAKISTAN & GULF ECONOMIST had an…

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ICMA been successful in teaching online under the pandemic alarm Interview with Mr. Zia ul Mustafa – President, ICMA Pakistan PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your career please? Zia ul Mustafa: I am currently the President of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMA Pakistan) for a three-year term i.e. 2018-2020. This is my second term as the President as earlier during the period 2012-2014, I also assumed the responsibility of President of ICMA Pakistan. I am also currently holding the position of the President of the South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) which is a regional…

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Pakistan has posts significant growth in LSM, but highly dependent on direct and indirect imports is a setback for many sectors Interview with Mr Nasim Beg – CEO, Arif Habib Consultancy PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your career please: Nasim Beg: I have around fifty years of experience of working across financial services, as well as the real economy. Over this time, I have also worked in the UAE and the UK. I started out my career path by qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 1970. PAGE: What is the current state of the economy of Pakistan? Nasim Beg: In…

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Exclusive interview with Professor Nadeem Qamar — Executive Director, NICVD [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Professor Nadeem Qamar has had a 25-year long and enduring journey with National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), Karachi. After his MBBS degree from Liaquat Medical College, Jamshoro in 1984, Professor Nadeem Qamar went abroad to complete his residency in Internal Medicine from Franklin Square Hospital, USA and received his fellowships in Cardiology and Angioplasty from McGill University Canada and Ottawa Heart Institute Canada respectively. He has trained countless cardiology fellows specializing in Interventional Cardiology and Catheterization Laboratory Techniques, has authored many research papers and…

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Interview with Muhammad Azam Khan — Economist/Capital Market Expert [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Muhammad Azam Khan has gotten more than 21 years of professional experience including 19 years in Pakistan’s financial sector comprising capital market with primary and secondary market activities, mutual funds, equity brokerage both local and international, block deals & corporate finance. Since 2008, he has been working as CEO/Nominee Director of a leading equity brokerage house providing expert advisory services to equity desk of major institutions (local and international both, portfolio management and portfolio advisory of high net worth individuals (local and international), administrative, operational, research, accounts/finance,…

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Food processing industry has immense potential to drive economy and move up job generation Mehran is fully means to highest quality with hygiene standard products Interview with Mr Gul Mohammad Lot – Chairman, Mehran Group of Industries PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your business please: Gul Mohammad Lot: The journey of Mehran Spice & Food Industries had started in 1975 and within a few years of its inception, the company progressed to become one of the leading spice and food company globally. Being the Chairman, I explored new markets and established a strong distribution network across six continents. Mehran…

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Interview with Dr Asiya Saif Alvi — an analyst [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Dr Asiya Saif Alvi is a dynamic young political analyst from Lahore. After finishing her school and college education, she went to Islamabad for Masters from Quaid-e-Azam University. After doing her Masters, she joined a local college in Lahore for teaching. Simultaneously, she got admission in Government College Lahore for her MPhil in the political science department. Meanwhile, she quit her job of the college and started working at the Virtual University of Pakistan. After doing her MPhil, she got enrolled in the PhD program in…

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Conversation with Dr Ayub Mehar — a renowned economist PAKISTAN & GULF ECONOMIST had an exclusive conversation with Dr Ayub Mehar regarding the current state of the economy of Pakistan. Following are the excerpts of the conversation: According to the leading international economic institutions and think tanks (IMF, World Bank and Economic Intelligent Unit) it is a good surprise that Pakistan, China and Saudi Arabia are the only countries where positive growth in GDP is expected in the current fiscal year (It is 3 percent for China, 0.5 percent for Pakistan and 0.3 percent for Saudi Arabia). The other countries have…

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Interview with Mr Rafiq Rangoonwala — a leading businessman PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Rafiq Rangoonwala: I am associated with food business for last 40 years. I started my career with KFC in Houston, worked in Caribbean looking after English speaking islands, later on was transferred to Middle East as Market Director of KFC, MENA Region. Moved to Pakistan at the end of 1999 as CEO of KFC and remain associated till 2014. Also managed brands, like Pizza Hut, Hardees, Burger King, Harry Ramsden, Pizza Express, TGI Fridays, etc. PAGE: What is the current state of…

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Interview with Mr Nadeem Shah — a progressive farmer PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your contribution for the betterment of the agriculture sector, please: Nadeem Shah: I got involved in agriculture at the age of 17, way back in 1975 simultaneously continuing my education. I did my B. Sc (honors), DBS and MBA. My social activities comprise being Joint Chief CPLC Hyderabad, Member PCCC, Member Provincial Seed Council, Member Sindh Seed Corporation, Member Academic Council Agriculture University Tando Jam, Vice President National Reformers’Forum and Vice President Sindh Abadgar Board. I educate farmers every week without any hiatus and ensure monthly…

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Interview with Mr. Abdul Rahim Janoo — a leading businessman [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Occupation: Export and import Nature Of Export: Rice, grain, agrobased products, business spices/sugar/wheat & by products. Import: milk powder/tea/rubber/spices. Land lords: property owners and giving properties on rent. Petrol pumps: owner and operator of petrol pumps. President: Memon Leadership Forum (MLF) Convener: Memon Leadership Conference (MLC) Chairman: –South Zone Group (REAP) Haji Razak Janoo Memorial Trust, Karachi. Pakistan Economic Forum. Masjid Al-Razak, S.I.T.E / Masjid Al-Hamida, Super Highway/Jama Masid Haider-E-Karrar (Clifton) / Jama Masjid Mustafa (Nooriabad)/Jama Masjid Umer (Manzoor colony) Ex-Chairman: –Rice Exporters Association Of Pakistan (REAP) From 2001-2003 and 2008-2009.…

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Successful launch of ETF is very important product available for PSX investors Advent of Roshan Digital Account is a hugely positive step for the growth of economy Pakistani capital market has performed very well and has presented attractive valuations for investors New offerings and services also planned for the near future at PSX Interview with Mr. Farrukh H. Khan – CEO, Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and Pakistan Stock Exchange, please: Farrukh H. Khan: About myself, I can start with my educational background. I did my BA (Hons.) in Economics & Finance from the University of Manchester…

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Whole power sector should be realigned to improve consumer tariffs and quality of service Karachiites must be allowed to use rooftop solar and wind installations Renewable energy is the future of Pakistan and we need to do the best Interview with M. Shariq Vohra – President, Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: CEO Shazil Group of Companies Representation in Public Sector Bodies/Government Corporations Member: Sectoral Advisory Committee, Environment Climate Change & Coastal Development Department, Government of Sindh. Provincial Steering Committee, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department, Government of Sindh. Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC). Sindh Solid…

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Interview with Mr Ahmed Chinoy (H.I.S.I) — a renowned businessman-Alternative Energy in Pakistan [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr Ahmed Chinoy is a businessman by profession and social activist by nature. Being in his profession for over 25 years with a vast experience and knowledge, he is associated with the textile industry since the beginning of his career. He is also the current/past Chairman of Pakistan Cloth Merchants Association, an organization looking after the trade regulations with regards to textiles in the country. His business has diversified into more categories that are Construction Development, Project Management and Controlled Poultry Farms.…

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Interview with Mr. Waheed Ahmed — Patron-in-Chief, Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association (PVFA) [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: After completing his early education in Karachi, Mr. Waheed Ahmed graduated in business administration with specialization in marketing from American Intercontinental University, London. Thereafter he joined family-owned business, the Iftekhar Ahmed & Co (IAC), Karachi. The company has been engaged in fruits and vegetable handling business as grower, packer, processor, wholesaler, exporter of fresh fruit, vegetable, fruit pulp and clarified juice concentrate. Mr. Waheed Ahmed was given the responsibility to strengthen the marketing & sales department with a…

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Interview with Syed Ali Raza Bukhari — Head of SMAs, National Investment Trust Limited PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your career please? Syed Ali Raza Bukhari: Prior to joining National Investment Trust Limited as the Head of SMAs, I have had the opportunity to set up and successfully manage a Pakistan Stock Exchange Member Brokerage Firm, bringing it up as boutique institutional trading platform. I have also been associated with the asset management industry for quite some time now, spreading my plus 15 years of specialized financial services experience into a diversified landscape of multiple professional domains like marketing/sales,…

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Interview with Muhammad Ejaz — Chief Executive, Arif Habib Dolmen REIT Management Limited Induction of mortgage finance facilities will be true game changer for the sector [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Muhammad Ejaz is the founding Chief Executive of Arif Habib Dolmen REIT Management Limited, which has successfully launched South Asia’s first listed REIT fund. He has been associated with Arif Habib Group since August 2008 and sits on the board of several group companies. He has spearheaded several group projects when these were at a critical stage during their execution. Prior to joining Arif Habib Group, Muhammad Ejaz served…

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Interview with Mr Naim Farooqui – CEO, Sindh Modaraba SME, construction sectors set to grow under current Government’s plans PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization please: Naim Farooqui: I did my schooling from Karachi and proceeded to the United States in December 1973 for graduate studies. I obtained BSC in Industrial Engineering from University of Houston in 1978 and Masters in Business Administration from Texas Southern University in 1984. Upon my return to Pakistan I joined NDFC which was recruiting candidates with Engineering and Marketing background as the Institution was involved in financing industrial/manufacturing projects requiring technical expertise.…

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Interview with Mr Hamad Rasool Bhullar — an analyst Investment in gold is fear driven buying trend PAGE: Tell me something about yourself, please: Hamad Rasool Bhullar: I am a freelance consultant/trainer and financial advisor with special reference to ethical and Islamic Financial system, for almost 20 years, both in public and private sectors in addition to being a passionate trainer on management and motivation to change the lives of the youth. I have a strong belief that we can shape our Pakistani community into a very efficient and productive community just through the right mix of training and motivation, while…

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A famous adage goes as ‘The deeper the well, the cooler the water.’ The more the investment, the better the infrastructure as well as the more the convenience for the populace. Probably, this is beyond the comprehension of those who need to do it. Economic growth globally is contingent upon the state-of-the-art infrastructure and transportation. The public transportation is a long-held issue of the largest city of Pakistan. Most of the residents of Karachi reminisce about the 60s, 70s and even 80s when Karachi did not have the acute dearth of public buses. The so-called luxurious mini coaches are in…

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Interview with Mr Ashfaq Yousuf Tola – President, TOLA ASSOCIATES [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Professional Accomplishments Memberships: Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan Life Member of Karachi Press Club Life Member of SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member of Karachi Tax Bar Association Key Achievements: Presentation to IMF on Single Stage Sales Tax in December 2015. Visited Turkey as an official of Government of Pakistan to study Turkish Tax System & authored a report on Turkish Taxation System. Knowledge of more than 40…

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The country has competitive advantage in manufacturing or assembly of auto parts Govt should form separate bailout plan, cut taxes, utility bills and import duty for automobile industry growth Under the Covid-19 pandemic automotive industry will face a dip of 12 to 15pc in 2020 Interview with Mr Sohail Shamim Firpo, Director Firpo Group of Companies PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your business, please: Sohail Shamim Firpo: I am Director of Firpo Group of Companies. I am also holding Chairmanship of Pakistan-Romania Business Council (PRBC) since its formulation. I also hold position of Senior Vice Chairman of Customs and…

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Interview with Mr. Waheed Ahmed — Patron-in-Chief, Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association (PVFA) [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Current Responsibilities: Director Marketing — Iftekhar Ahmed & Co. (2004 to date) Head of National Horticulture Committee, Government of Pakistan Appointed as Head of National Horticulture Committee, Government of Pakistan – FPCCI 2019 Convener– FPCCI Standing Committee on Fruit & Vegetable Exports Member — Fruit & Vegetable Committee at Trade Development Authority Pakistan Patron-in-Chief — All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable, Exporters, Importers & Merchant Association (PFVA) Previous Responsibilities: Former Vice President — Elected as Vice President of the…

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To make big impression, Pakistan must focus on durable and innovative industrial infrastructure Labor law must be useful for social and economic well-being of the people Interview with Dr. Khusro Iqbal — an analyst PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your career please: Dr. Khusro Iqbal: I get a loud resonance from my industry and peers that I am a resourceful individual with over many years of experience in providing executive functions and organizing senior managerial activities. I best utilize my competencies and skills for improved procedures for my employer’s business activities. I have the ability to transform any organization…

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Accountants must take COVID-19 change as an opportunity rather as challenge Govt needs to come forward in a big way to rescue manufacturing and business sectors There is much room for bringing improvement in Pakistan audit quality Interview with Mr. Zia ul Mustafa — President, ICMA Pakistan PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and ICMA Pakistan, please? Zia ul Mustafa: Currently, I am serving as the President of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMA Pakistan) for a three-year term i.e. 2018-2020. This is my second term as the President as earlier during the period 2012-2014, I also…

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Every related firm needs Guerrilla Marketing techniques to be competitive Interview with Mr Rafiq Rangoonwala — a leading businessman PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Rafiq Rangoonwala: I am associated with food business for last 40 years. I started my career with KFC in Houston, worked in Caribbean looking after English speaking islands, later on was transferred to Middle East as Market Director of KFC, MENA Region. Moved to Pakistan at the end of 1999 as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KFC till 2014. Also managed brands, like Pizza Hut, Hardees, Burger King, Harry Ramsden, Pizza Express,…

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Interview with Mr Riaz Javed Suleri — Resident Director, Faran Sugar Mills Ltd PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and Faran Sugar Mills, please: Riaz Javed Suleri: I am associated with the sugar industry of Pakistan since1983 in public as well as with the private sector. At present, I am working at Faran Sugar Mills in the capacity of Resident Director, which is 18 years old journey. Faran Sugar Mills is a progressive organization engaged in extensive research and development activities, in collaboration with government as well as private research organizations. Our main emphasis is on growers’ economics, by way of increasing…

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Interview with Agha Shahab Ahmed Khan – President, Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Director Convenience Food Industries (Pvt) Ltd Member: Sectoral Advisory Committee, Environment Climate Change & Coastal Development Department, Government of Sindh Provincial Steering Committee, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department, Government of Sindh Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) Sindh Solid Waste Management Board, Government of Sindh Industrial Liaison Committee, Industries & Commerce Department, Government of Sindh Coordination Committee, Labor & Human Resources Department, Government of Sindh National Centre for Dispute Resolution (NCDR) NICVD National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Federal Tax Ombudsman Secretariat Member…

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Interview with Mr Shamim A. Firpo – Chairman, Firpo Group of Companies PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: SHAMIM A. FIRPO: I started life’s struggle at a very young age. When I was six-year-old my father died and after his death my mother played a vital role in building my personality and future. My mother motivated and encouraged me in every walk of life. I am determined and optimist kind of a person and always believe in Allah Subhanahu Ta’alah that He always has good for everyone. As a person, I am very simple and result-oriented. I am…

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Interview with Mr Khalid Tawab – Chairman, Tawab Group of Companies [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr Khalid Tawab is Chairman of Tawab Group of Companies which is renowned named in the manufacturing of paper, board and steel. He has served as Senior Vice President and Vice President of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) and Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI). He is honorary Consul General of Mozambique since 1989. President of Pakistan awarded him Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 2009 in recognition of his outstanding public services. His company got FPCCI Exports Awards twice and once the…

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Interview with Mr Ahmed Chinoy (H.I.S.I) – Chairman, Pakistan Cloth Merchants Association [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr Ahmed Chinoy is a businessman by profession and social activist by nature. Being in his profession for over 25 years with a vast experience and knowledge, he is associated with the textile industry since the beginning of his career. He is also heading Pakistan Cloth Merchants Association, an organization looking after the trade regulations with regards to textiles in the country. His business has diversified into more categories that are Construction Development, Project Management and Controlled Poultry Farms. He has served as…

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Interview with Dr. Syed Arif Hussain — Insurance sector expert [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Dr. Syed Arif Hussain is serving Alpha Insurance Company Limited as General Manager Marketing and Compliance. His expertise comprise management, resource development, marketing and execution of business strategies. His professional experience is spread over 24 years at progressive senior level positions and has the experience of underwriting, reinsurance, claims management and marketing with the State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan, Dawood Family Takaful Limited and as a Chief Executive Officer, he also headed Takaful Pakistan Limited a Non-Life Takaful Company and Excel Insurance Company Limited. He…

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Customer support, more awareness and digital offerings must for future growth of insurance sector Interview with Muhammad Nasir Ali Syed – CEO, Pak-Qatar General Takaful Limited PAGE: Tell me something about yourself: Muhammad Nasir Ali Syed: I am vision-oriented person and have a clear purpose in life and I also try to maintain balance in life. We are answerable to almighty Allah and have to spent life according to the guidance and directions given by our creator. My parents have been a great source of motivation and I try my level best to follow their professional approach and positive traits. My…

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Interview with Mr Abbas Bilgrami — energy sector expert PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Abbas Bilgrami: I am a Pakistani Canadian. Born in Karachi I grew up all over Pakistan as my father was posted by his employer from city to city and in different countries for his work. I am a very fortunate individual being born into a family where education was valued. While I wanted to be a poet and a healer my father urged me to study something that would ensure I didn’t die of impoverishment and hunger. I did my first undergraduate…

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Conversation with Mr Zafar Iqbal Ahmed — founding Managing Director, SAI Company (Private) Limited [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Founding Managing Director SAI Company (Private) Limited (founded in 1962) providing technical services and equipment to oil & gas industry. President: SAI Institute of Studies President: Society for the Promotion of Arabic (SPA) (established in year 1973) — About 45000 students have received certificates who had passed in basic and advance Arabic language courses. Founder President: Defence Residents Society (DRS) (established in 1990), which has been making concerted efforts in bringing tangible improvement in the environment and living conditions of DHA…

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Interview with Mr Amanullah Khan Paracha — Chairman of Pakistan Muslim Alliance [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr. Amanullah Khan Paracha graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1974 from NED University, Karachi-Pakistan and completed his masters from France with specialization in Hydraulics. He started his own Mechanical & Electrical Company in Abu Dhabi, UAE in 1977 and since then has completed many projects including powerhouses, central air conditioning & oil refinery works. He is also running steel re-rolling and steel melting industry in Pakistan and has also serves as the CEO of a Financial Consulting firm that provides projects funding from…

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Interview with Dr Asiya Saif Alvi — a dynamic political analyst [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Dr Asiya Saif Alvi is a dynamic young political analyst from Lahore. After finishing her school and college education, she went to Islamabad for Masters from Quaid-e-Azam University. After doing her Masters, she joined a local college in Lahore for teaching. Simultaneously, she got admission in Government College Lahore for her MPhil in the political science department. Meanwhile, she quit her job of the college and started working at the Virtual University of Pakistan. After doing her MPhil, she got enrolled in the PhD…

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Interview with Mr Majyd Aziz, former President Employers’ Federation of Pakistan PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Majyd Aziz: I am head of my Family Business Group that is involved in textiles, commodities, shipping, and cargo handling, etc. I am immediate Past President of Employers’ Federation of Pakistan and South Asian Forum of Employers (first elected President). I was Member of Board of Directors of the government-owned Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the government-owned SME Bank Limited. I am former President of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, former Chairman…

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Interview with Ms. Durcheen Mari Baloch [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Ms. Durcheen Mari Baloch is from Kohlu-Balochistan. She got 1stposition in DAE 2012 session throughout Balochistan. She got 2ndposition in BS in 2013-2016 session. When she joined politics, she faced too many difficulties because she was the first female politician in Mari tribe in Balochistan. She went through trials and tribulations for certain period of time, however, her contribution for her province in particular and for her country in general is widely appreciated. She joined politics in 2017 from the platform of APML. She was women wing President of…

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Interview with Muhammad Azam Khan — Economist/Capital Market Expert PAGE: Tell me something about yourself, please: Muhammad Azam Khan: I have more than 20 years of experience in financial sector including Investment Banking, Capital markets with Primary and Secondary market activities, Mutual Funds, Equity brokerage (local and international), Block deals & Corporate Finance within and outside Pakistan. Over the last 12 years, I have performed as CEO/Nominee Director of leading brokerage house, have provided expert Advisory services to equity desk of major Institutions (local and international), Portfolio Management, Portfolio Advisory of high networth individuals (local and international), Administrative, Operational, Research, Accounts/finance,…

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There are plenty of organizations across the world, which have made tremendous efforts to pay back to the society by doing splendid activities for the benefits of the downtrodden and for the environment in the long run. We all need to sense the change which must take place for the betterment of the entire global community. Some of the initiatives taken by organizations globally have proven tremendously well in terms of honing the technical skills of millions of those who otherwise would never ever have been able to contribute and turn around their own social status in the society. Health…

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Good training to work force helpful for employment and removing poverty Mehran Group is taking best practices to safe and comfort its workers and customers under COVID challenge Interview with Mr Gul Mohammad Lot – Chairman, Mehran Group of Industries PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Gul Mohammad Lot: I was born in Pakistan, in the Diplo area of Thar District in Sindh. I joined my father, Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Lot, in his business at a very young age. As far as education is concerned, I completed my bachelors from the London School of Business in…

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Internship is the best scheme to lift Pakistan’s skill development Corporate sector must take right steps for the growth of CSR activities Interview with Mr Rafiq Rangoonwala — a leading philanthropist PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Rafiq Rangoonwala: I am associated with food business for last 40 years. I started my career with KFC in Houston, worked in Caribbean looking after English speaking islands, later on was transferred to Middle East as Market Director of KFC, MENA Region. Later I moved to Pakistan at the end of 1999 as CEO of KFC till 2014. Also managed brands,…

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Interview with Mr. Barkatullah Lone – Chairman, GB International Economic Forum [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Mr. Barkatullah Lone is Chairman of GB International Economic Forum and a renowned young Economist of Pakistan. He is a Chartered Management Accountant and Chartered Certified Accountant from UK, Chartered Global Management Accountant from the USA, Gold Medalist Management Accountant and Public Finance Accountant from Pakistan plus he holds Master’s Degree in Economics and Law from Karachi University. He has been associated with the corporate sector in Finance and Audit profession at various positions (CFO/GM Finance/Chief Internal Auditor/Finance & Accounts Manager) for the last…

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Interview with Dr. Khusro Iqbal — an HR expert [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] Profile: Dr. Khusro Iqbal is currently working as the Human Resources Head for General Tyre & Rubber Company. He guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources services, policies, and programs for the entire company. In his job he focuses to provide an employee-oriented high-performance culture that emphasizes empowerment, quality, productivity, standards, goal attainment, recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce. The General Tyre and Rubber Company came into existence in 1963, at Karachi, Pakistan and commenced its production in July 1964. It is…

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Interview with Mr Ather Iqbal — Director & CEO, SAI Company (Private) Limited PAGE: Kindly tell me about yourself and your organization: Ather Iqbal: I am an MBA by profession and Director/CEO of SAI Company (Private) Limited. We are into oil and gas equipment and services business, serving the industry since 1962. PAGE: How would you describe the impact of COVID-19 on the employees working in various sectors? Ather Iqbal: COVID-19 is an unfamiliar viral pandemic which has changed lifestyle and working style since March this year. No one is sure when the vaccine will be available and until then there will…

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Interview with Mr Khalid Tawab – Chairman, Tawab Group of Companies PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Khalid Tawab: I am Chairman of Tawab Group of Companies which is renowned named in the manufacturing of paper, board and steel. I have served as Senior Vice President and Vice President of FPCCI and Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry. I am honorary Consul General of Mozambique since 1989. President of Pakistan awarded me Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 2009 in recognition of my outstanding public services. My company got two time FPCCI Exports Awards and one time International Asia Award…

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Matters to export mangoes and vegetables to Iran and other destinations with attractive freight rates resolved Interview with Mr. Waheed Ahmed — Patron-in-Chief, Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association (PVFA) [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Current Responsibilities: Director Marketing — Iftekhar Ahmed & Co. (2004 to date) Appointed as Head of National Horticulture Committee, Government of Pakistan – FPCCI 2019 Convener: FPCCI standing committee on fruit & vegetable exports Member: Fruit & Vegetable Committee at Trade Development Authority Pakistan Patron-in-Chief: All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable, Exporters, Importers & Merchant Association (PFVA) Previous Responsibilities: Former Vice President: Elected…

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Interview with Agha Shahab Ahmed Khan – President, Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Profile: Director Convenience Food Industries (Pvt) Ltd Member: Sectoral Advisory Committee, Environment Climate Change & Coastal Development Department, Government of Sindh Provincial Steering Committee, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department, Government of Sindh Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) Sindh Solid Waste Management Board, Government of Sindh Industrial Liaison Committee, Industries & Commerce Department, Government of Sindh Coordination Committee, Labor & Human Resources Department, Government of Sindh National Centre for Dispute Resolution (NCDR) NICVD National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Federal Tax Ombudsman Secretariat Member…

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Interview with Mr Ahmed Chinoy — Chairman of Pakistan Cloth Merchants Association [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Mr Ahmed Chinoy is a businessman by profession and social activist by nature. Being in his profession for over 25 years with a vast experience and knowledge, he is associated with the textile industry since the beginning of his career. He is also heading Pakistan Cloth Merchants Association, an organization looking after the trade regulations with regards to textiles in the country. His business has diversified into more categories that are Construction Development, Project Management and Controlled Poultry Farms. He has served as the…

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Mr Ahmed Chinoy Chairman of Pakistan Cloth Merchants Association (PCMA) recently requested the government to remove major hindrances which are identified by the textile industry in the upcoming budget 2020-21. He said the textile industries have potential to uplift the economy if the Government of Pakistan provide them level-playing field and support the textile industry. He said Pakistan gained improvement in the country’s ranking on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business by 28 places to 108 in 2019. Restore Zero Rating on GST – “No Payment No Refund Regime” through revival of SRO 1125. He demanded the duty drawback…

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Referring to Pak-Iran border (Taftan) through which Pakistan exports mango to Iran, it was highlighted by the Patron-in-Chief, Waheed Ahmed that opening of the border on alternate days for a limited time period and reduced number of trucks plying from Iran to Pakistan is posing serious problems to ensure smooth export of Pakistani mango to Iran and thus the Ministry of Interior has been approached with a request to have a word with the Iranian government for keeping the Taftan border open for seven days a week with extended timings for movements of trade goods and the quantum of trucks…

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Interview with Mr Hamad Rasool Bhullar — an analyst PAGE: Tell me something about yourself, please: Hamad Rasool Bhullar: I am a freelance consultant/trainer and financial advisor with special reference to ethical and Islamic financial system, for almost 20 years, both in public and private sectors in addition to being a passionate trainer on management and motivation to change the lives of the youth. I have a strong belief that we can shape our Pakistani community into a very efficient and productive community just through the right mix of training and motivation, while preserving the natural ethics and morality in our…

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Meezan Bank has been selected for Overseas Pakistani Saving Scheme under the pandemic stress time Interview with Mr. Irfan Siddiqui — President and CEO, Meezan Bank Limited PAGE: Tell me something about Meezan Bank, please: Irfan Siddiqui: Meezan Bank was established in 2002 and has always worked with the vision of establishing ‘Islamic banking as banking of first choice’. We believe that Islamic banking offers a distinct customer-centric value proposition and underlying these operations are the attributes of complete transparency. Our aim and wish is that the Islamic finance market in the country should grow. I believe that the Islamic banking…

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Due to lockdown govt must pull Islamic Finance sector into essential services to resume its business activities PQGTL has advance technology to ensure its availability and continuity of services Interview with Muhammad Nasir Ali Syed – CEO, Pak-Qatar General Takaful Limited PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your organization, please: Muhammad Nasir Ali Syed: I am vision-oriented person and have a clear purpose of life and I try to maintain balance in life. We are answerable to almighty Allah and have to spend life according to the guidance and directions given by our creator. My parents have been a great…

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