Home appliances, also referred to as domestic appliances, electrical appliances, or household appliances, are machines that assist in household functions such as cooking, cleaning, and food preservation. There are two categories of home appliances: major appliances and minor appliances. Major appliances comprise high-value electrical equipment such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, washing machines, and microwave ovens, commonly known as white appliances. Minor appliances include coffee/tea makers, food processors, toasters, vacuum cleaners, water dispensers, etc. Small appliances contribute the most to the volume of sales. They come with a short lifespan, and consumers are often easily swayed, willing, and happy to…
Author: Sabiha Abid
Pakistan Day, observed on March 23rd, commemorates the Lahore Resolution of 1940, a pivotal moment in the quest for independence from British rule in the Indian subcontinent. The Lahore Resolution, also known as the Pakistan Resolution, was adopted during the All-India Muslim League’s annual session in Lahore. It called for the creation of independent states for Muslims in regions where they were in a majority, marking a significant step towards the eventual formation of Pakistan. After years of political struggle and negotiations, Pakistan gained independence from British rule on August 14, 1947. Pakistan Day also celebrates the adoption of the…
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said and I quote: “Education is a matter of life and death for Pakistan. The world is progressing so rapidly that without requisite advance in education, not only shall we lag behind others but maybe wiped out altogether.” The education section of the executive summary of the Economic Survey of Pakistan 2021-22 notes: “Pakistan is committed to transform its education system into a high-quality global-market demand-driven system in accordance with Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” However, the reality is vastly different. The literacy rate in Pakistan in 2021 was only 62.8%. Any gains…
Branding is a process which involves creating of a specific name, logo and an image of a particular product, service or company. Branding is done to attract customers by portraying the best of the characteristics possessed by a product produced by any company. Branding allures the consumers to mesmerize their emotions for positive connectivity with the branded product and seller of the product. The best practically adopted strategy is to advertise the products with consistent theme. Brands are perceived varyingly both by buyers and sellers with their respective perspectives. Buyers usually take brand as good or service, whereas merchants associate…
Insurance is defined as a promise of compensation for specific potential future costs in exchange for a periodic payment basically Insurance is to safeguard the financial well-being of an individual, company or other entity in case of an emergency or unforeseen accident/loss. Insurance policy is a contract between the Insurance Company and an individual, organization or other entity called Insured and Insurer. In exchange of payment /premium from the Insured, the Insurer pays certain amount / sum of money to the policy holder in case of occurrence of some event. Baffling a public that wants to trust their insurers is…
Healthcare investment ensures high returns like financial and social returns, empowerment and political participation. This investment is not for the individual benefit but its social benefits over weigh the private benefits and society as a whole gets benefited. It has been observed through economic analysis that during the period 1970-2000, rate of growth was 11% in low and middle-income countries. The reason for this was a reduction in adult mortality during this period. Table on Health and Expenditure shows that over the years total health expenditure has increased. Health expenditure as percentage of GDP is also increasing. Government is trying…
Aviation industry is one of the most distinctive industry which is termed as “Global”, connecting people, facilitating businesses and pursuing/encouraging cultural diversity. People linked with this industry are devoted employees who speak high of their departments and inform people about the economic and social benefits of this industry. All stakeholders can enjoy the maximum benefits of air transport by working together for the single cause of supporting the sustainable growth of the aviation industry by expanding its reach to more people, more routes and more number of flights. Aviation industry has become an indispensable means of transport after experiencing weathered…
In Pakistan hotel and tourism industries are gaining importance over the years in the economic development of the country. The value in US dollars of the Pakistani hotel and tourism industry had been valued at USD 20 billion in 2020 and it is forecasted that market will witness compound annual growth rate – CARG of 3% by 2026. During Covid-19 pandemic, the hotel and tourism industry was at great risk due to lockdowns, suspension of both domestic and international flights, closure of hotels, restrictions on social visits, gatherings, functions, meetups and dine-in facilities. Many people were unable to visit Pakistan…
Halal is an Arabic word for permissible and is often used to refer to food and drink which are acceptable for Muslims to consume under the Islamic Shariah law. It has taught us how to cook these products which are allowed by Islam. Halal animals include goats, sheep, cows and chicken. According to the Holy Quran, the correct method of slaughtering animals is killing animals through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. This process is called ‘zabihah’. The condition for the slaughtering animals are that they should be healthy and alive and then the blood is…
The Home Appliance Industry of Pakistan was set up in 1980’s on the basis of fiscal parameters, which were offered by the Government of Pakistan. There has been a significant upward rise in the production of domestic appliances such as refrigerators, smartphones, TVs, watches and other small electronic appliances over the past few years. Moreover, 95 per cent of domestic market is occupied by the home appliances sector. Middle East, South Asia and Africa are the regions for our potential exports. Haier being one of the leading brands of Pakistan is exporting air conditioners to 32 countries and regions, including…
It was in April 1965 when at the area of Rann Kutch in Pakistan, the Indian Army attacked Pakistan. The Pakistani Forces in a short battle forced Indian army to evacuate our territorial boundaries. Pakistan’s proposal of cease fire was accepted by India, and after an agreement between the two countries, both armies were disengaged. It was past midnight 5/6 September when Indian Army crossed the International borders without a formal declaration of war, and attacked on Lahore and Kasur. The Pakistan Army, Airforce and Navy halted the attack, resulting into heavy casualties on the aggressor. The Airforce (PAF) also…
Industrialization Revolutions resulting from technological innovations have transformed the world many folds. The first, second and third industrial revolutions focused only social living but fourth industrial revolution is there to revolutionize fundamentally our way to live, work and our relationships. This is going to intermingle our physical, geographical, digital and biological boundaries. The fourth revolution will evolve with exponential rather than linear path. There is going to be unending realm of opportunities with the use of mobile devices, unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, access to knowledge associated with technological breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of…
Transport & Logistics is not restricted to physical infrastructure usage of rails, roads and transport, sea trade and related freight, but it also includes packaging, delivery, storage facility and trade logistics. Moreover, insurance, renewal costs, high freight, longer delivery times also add up to costs. Opportunity cost, service standards and trade facilitation play pivotal, crucial and detrimental role in defining efficacy of transport and logistics. For sustainable development of Pakistan we need robust and cost effective Transport & Logistics Sector. Export also depends on this very important sector. Though we are undergoing economic slowdown but transport & logistics has shown…
Pakistan has a strategic stake in peaceful navigation and security of Indian Ocean region. Our interests emanate from our coastline that is over 1000 kilometers long, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of around 300,000 square kilometers, the Karachi port and the newly built deep sea port of Gwadar. And to add to this complex scenario, today, the Indian Ocean faces many non-traditional security challenges and threats including piracy, illegal fishing, human trafficking, drug smuggling, trafficking of weapons and above all maritime pollution. The militarization of the Indian Ocean region, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, increased missile capabilities and…